God catch

Chapter 960 Witch Beast

Chapter 960 Witch Beast
"Beast! Die!" As soon as Qianjian Liuyun returned to the sect, Xiao Qiyue slashed Qianjian repeatedly. The sword light danced like silver snow, and the sky was filled with sword light and sword shadows, interweaving into a net.

clap clap...

There were continuous ear-piercing sounds, and every sword fell on the sword giant dragon.

However, as if a blunt knife had been cut on the cowhide, it left many white marks.

Xiao Qiyue knew that it wasn't the sword dragon's skin at all, but a layer of python-like scales outside the skin.

"Aw!" The giant sword dragon burst into flames, and one of the tigers came across.

Xiao Qiyue dodges quickly, but the waist and hips seem to have suction when coming over.

Xiao Qiyue was a little slow, and was so swept that he turned somersault and hit a big mountain hard, his head was bleeding, and he felt like his whole body was about to fall apart.

"Kill!" Tuoba Shixian led the crowd to kill.

"Run! The farther the better." Xiao Qiyue roared, "You can't help much, pay attention to the eldest grandson family."

Tuoba Shixian was taken aback, it was true.

That is to turn around and run back with everyone, heading straight for the eldest grandson's family.

The general's cutting power is not enough, and the giant sword dragon has already entangled Xiao Qiyue.

One person and one dragon began to fight at close range. As soon as Xiao Qiyue moved, the blue enchanting emerged from the ground, and hundreds of hands of vines entangled with the giant sword dragon at once.

The giant sword dragon kicked its thighs, there were several crackling sounds, the vines broke, the juice splashed, and the blue enchanting screamed a few times in pain, its body was torn apart, and it took a breath, and it had lost its fighting power.

But the flying centipede was caught by the chaotic yin and yang ginseng king, and it started to make trouble again at this moment, Xiao Qiyue's heart was also in trouble.

blah blah...

bang bang bang...

Xiao Qiyue swelled, turned into a giant and started a hand-to-hand fight with the giant sword dragon.

He quickly punched Muay Thai, and the huge head of the giant sword swayed slightly.

And the sword giant dragon kicked and turned over, which would make Xiao Qiyue roar in pain.

Every foot has a force of millions of catties, and the whole secret realm is trembling.

Amidst the rumbling noise, dust enveloped the entire secret realm, and the members of the Changsun family had already rushed down the mountain.

A clansman screamed, and immediately fell into a trap in the space disorder, and disappeared instantly.

Because, it was directly torn into a cloud of blood mist by the space.

help me……

Another clansman's feet sank, and he waved his hands in a panic.

The eldest Sun Haitao was not far away, so he quickly stretched out his hand and sucked the guy out.

However, everyone screamed in fright.

Because, that clansman only had the upper half of his body left, and the lower part was gone within a few breaths.

porphyr porphyr...

At this time, a middle-aged clansman screamed, and his body was riddled with wounds, as if he had been shot by random arrows.

In fact, it was the result of shooting with an air arrow formed in the air, but the arrow could not be seen.

"Old Ancestor, what should we do?" Changsun Lingwu asked for instructions with a frightened expression on his face.

"Whoever dares to retreat will be killed immediately. Charge forward, and those who rush past will be promoted to three levels in a row. Those who are second-rank will be promoted to first-rank, generals will be named princes, and Hou will be promoted to king..." Huang Patriarch roared with a gloomy face.

A clansman who dawdled and didn't want to go forward was immediately cut in two by the elder Sun Haitao. With both kindness and power, the clansman had no choice but to risk his life and rush forward.

After devouring people, these spatial traps were twisted into chaos again, and disappeared.

As a result, hundreds of elite clansmen paid the price with their lives.

However, it cleared away the obstacles on the way forward for the eldest grandson family.

They will never understand until they die that they are death squads, paving the way for the real elites of the eldest grandson family.

"Changsun Wudi, you are so ruthless!" The great general Sun Qiuse realized that he gritted his teeth and roared angrily at Changsun Wudi.It's a pity that it was too late, and my feet had already sunk in.

"Don't worry, I will treat your family well. I will promote you to three levels in a row and posthumously make you King of Dongping." Changsun Wudi said coldly.

"Bullshit! I'm dead, what's the use of the king?" Changsun Qiuse struggled and screamed sadly.

"Who says it's useless? It's hereditary. Your son can be king." Eldest Sun Haitao said darkly, and the elder grandson Lingwu and the chief guard Sun Hong who were next to him were both verbose after hearing this.

Since even the great general Sun Qiuse is cannon fodder, will people like himself become the next cannon fodder?
"Changsun Wudi, you bastard, you have to die! I curse your whole family to the end and cut off your children and grandchildren!" This was the last anger of Changsun Qiuse.

"Elite members of the Changsun family, you are all good, you stand upright, you are warriors, you are heroes.

The family will always remember you, the general will immediately be promoted to Lord Marquis, and the Marquis will be crowned king directly.

This is a great era and a great opportunity.

As long as you open the King Wu's Secret Library, you can directly break through the third level, those in the Divine Aperture Realm can directly enter the Split Body Realm, and those in the Split Body Realm have the opportunity to become a strong person in the God Realm.

Heshen had the opportunity to see a trace of the Dao of the Great River.

At that time, it is time for our Fang Tian Kingdom to unify Fang Tian Island and further unify the entire Fang Tianyu. "Eldest Sun Haitao is full of pride.

"That's right! Opportunities and risks coexist. We are all warriors, we are strong, are we still afraid of death? If you rush over, you will be king!" Changsun Wudi took the lead and rushed towards the mountain.

"They went in, let's go in too." Di Yun said.

"Okay, just follow quietly." Hai Yun nodded, and Xiao Qiyue's twelve subordinates followed quietly into the mountain.

"What realm is this guy?" Xiao Qiyue asked herself after being beaten faintly.Because the causal eye can't see through the foundation of this behemoth.

It seems that people don't even have true energy, let alone dantian.

At this time, shortly after the causal eye scan, the outer chapter of "Shen Nong Pharmacopoeia" flashed and dragged out a paragraph of text:


Ancient witch clan!

In ancient times, they relied on their powerful physical bodies to run rampant across the world. A single punch could blow up a city, topple a mountain, and crush a river.

They have rough skin and thick flesh, and their bodies are as hard as treasures, indestructible.

They don't cultivate true qi, they don't have dantian, they rely on their bodies to absorb the brilliance of the sun and the moon, absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and forge their bodies. The strength is hidden in the flesh, and once waved, it bursts out, and their whole flesh is a dantian.

How do you fight this one?
Xiao Qiyue's head was cold to her feet, but she couldn't run away.

Because, with one punch and one kick, this guy can actually destroy the air disorder and form some mysterious spell locks, as if the plane is locked by a missile and cannot run away.

Xiao Qiyue's whole body was driven into the ground by the sword giant dragon like a pile driver, but the ground was full of fine iron rocks, and her feet sank more than a foot directly into her knees, and her body was bent.

The giant sword dragon became excited, and forced his whole body to step on his thighs, this is the rhythm of stomping Xiao Qiyue.

One and a half feet, two feet... three feet...

Xiao Qiyue's body was forcibly stepped into the fine iron rock, leaving only one head exposed.

The skin and flesh of the whole body were scratched and cracked by the refined iron rock, and in the end, they were peeled off by forceful friction. The pain was simply unbearable for human beings.

Ordinary warriors would have passed out long ago, but the three original ego Buddhas in Xiao Qiyue's karma hall sang softly, singing and roaring, supporting Xiao Qiyue not to faint with the greatest will.

Otherwise, once he fainted, once his strength was exhausted, he would be trampled into a mass of rotten meat by the giant sword dragon.

The sword giant dragon was a little annoying. This human race seemed to be extremely difficult to deal with. It was furious, and its muscles bulged like building blocks. It was like a giant steel beast that suddenly raised its legs and stomped down hard.

(End of this chapter)

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