God catch

Chapter 961 I'm waiting to die

Chapter 961 I'm waiting to die

Blood was all over the feet and hooves of the giant sword dragon, because the moment his feet stepped on the top of Xiao Qiyue's head, all the eighteen Qinglian swords given by the Qinglian Saintess emerged from the top of Xiao Qiyue's head, as if a long Prickly Prickly Pear.

Although the hoof of the giant sword dragon was rough, it was actually pierced directly by the sword of Qinglian.

An important point in the center of the hoof is the point of the sword dragon's life gate. Xiao Qiyue has been resisting, and the Karma Eye has gained something, and found his life gate.

Eighteen Qinglian swords were all pierced into the cave of Mingmen, and the giant sword dragon rushed towards Xiao Qiyue like a spring of blood.

However, this guy also fought desperately, and actually stepped on Xiao Qiyue firmly without moving his feet, and the eighteen Qinglian swords were still stuck in his vital points.

The blood poured directly from the top of Xiao Qiyue's head through the Qinglian sword, and rushed to Xiao Qiyue's whole body along the edge.

Spirit-absorbing Dafa!

This is the method brought by a real spirit stone rolled down from the stone man mountain in the star space.

Xiao Qiyue felt the powerful ancient spirit in the sword dragon's blood.

Well-developed, this giant sword dragon is probably a descendant of the ancient Wu clan, and it has been guarding in the secret realm of King Wu.

Therefore, the body swallowed too much old-fashioned energy, and now Xiao Qiyue is all at a disadvantage.

The ancient blood containing the ancient spirit nourished him, and he was full of vitality. Xiao Qiyue was reborn...

Every meridian, blood vessel, skin, and pore was impacted by the ancient blood, and the whole body underwent a major change of blood and transformation.

Coincidentally, Xiao Qiyue sucked the blood of the entire sword dragon, and he was surprised to find that he had passed on the blood of the sword dragon.

And at this moment, Xiao Qiyue's whole body crackled, and she jumped out of the Jingyan iron, kicking away the shriveled sword dragon, who was only breathing.

Amidst a series of crackling sounds, Xiao Qiyue turned into a giant sword dragon.

The blood all over his body flickered, like a branch of a tree extending outward.

Soon, the body transformed into Fang Tianjiang, and his blood had seven or eight branches.

Xiao Qiyue knew that he had really broken through the shackles of the Great River Realm, and with the inheritance of the sword dragon's bloodline as the cornerstone, he boldly formed the Great River Realm with Fang Tianjiang as the cornerstone. Moreover, with one step, there were as many as nine branches of the Great River.

Looking at the bloody river that was churning, the giant sword dragon sighed.

"Human Race, I am very happy."

"Are you happy?" Xiao Qiyue looked at the dying sword dragon with a stunned expression, only breathing out but not breathing in.This guy hadn't spoken before, and he thought he couldn't speak, but he didn't expect that he could speak human.

"This, isn't it? I killed you, and you're still happy. What's the point of that?" Xiao Qiyue thought for a while, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Hehe, if I don't die, the secret realm will not open. As soon as I die, the secret realm will open. My whole life is waiting to die." The giant sword dragon smacked its huge mouth, and actually smiled.

"Is this the arrangement of King Wu?" Xiao Qiyue was completely speechless.

"I don't know, but that's my belief.

It is like a seed that has taken root in my whole body.

So, I've been waiting my whole life for someone to come and kill me, and I just want to die.

Because, to me, death is liberation. "The giant sword dragon moved his head.

"Are you living in pain?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Well, every day is bad. Either it hurts here or itches there. The pain can penetrate your bones, and the itching can drive you crazy. You are crazy every day. Just now you sucked my blood dry, and I suddenly relaxed. I'm so comfortable and happy. I've never been so happy before." Jian Julong actually smiled and looked at Xiao Qiyue gratefully.

If it could stand up, it would immediately get up and kowtow to Xiao Qiyue three times, thanking him for killing it.

"Wu Wang, isn't it too cloudy?" Xiao Qiyue was secretly vigilant, Wu Wang Mi Qiuhe is not as tall and tall as in the legend, is this person a despicable villain?
"Who in the world knows the king's arrangements?" Jian Julong shook his head, his body was actually shrinking.

Cause and effect penetration, inference...

The sword giant dragon's jumping popularity flicked, and it quickly went backwards, and the time was pushed back by Xiao Qiyue.

500 years ago, the sword giant dragon was frantic every day, and the ancestors of the Changsun family came in with a group of people.

However, it was not long before thousands of clansmen were devoured by the giant sword dragon, scaring away the eldest grandson family.

700 years ago, Sun Tianyao, the eldest warrior of the Changsun family, entered with thousands of elites, and the results were similar.

More than 1000 years ago, the Changsun family entered the secret realm for the first time and ran around. As a result, most of the clan members were killed by the turbulence of space and retreated...

2000 years ago...

What the hell!

"You...you were just a puppy more than 2000 years ago? A husky-like puppy." Xiao Qiyue was speechless.

However, if you push it any further, you can't see anything.

There was a fog in front of his eyes, and the sword giant dragon didn't have any memories.

It stopped abruptly when it came to the 'husky' form, for example, who is the mother of the sword dragon?How did it enter the secret realm, how did the secret realm form, etc...

Wang Wang...

A few dog barks woke up Xiao Qiyue, and she was dumbfounded when she saw it.

How can there be a giant sword dragon, a happy puppy is running and jumping under his feet.

"You... are you a sword dragon?"

"Wang, yes, yes." Jian Julong nodded.

"You seem to have come back to life, and, reborn, back to the front?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"That's right, I'm back to the past.

I'm so happy, this is my true self.

And the later body is just a transformed body.

How painful is it for a person to live like himself instead of being able to live like himself?

Well, now, I can be myself again. "The giant sword dragon nodded.

"In this era of strong people like forests, it's hard for you to survive as a puppy." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Who said that?" Husky suddenly smiled mysteriously, wow, a dog barked, an air mass blew out, and with a bang, a mountain dozens of miles away was blown down.

"You...Your strength is still there?" Xiao Qiyue was taken aback. If this guy's strength is still there, wouldn't he be stronger than himself?
"Of course, and besides, every time I go back to the front, my strength soars. I have repeated this situation several times." Husky twitched his dog's ears with a frightened expression.

"What are your plans in the future?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"I'm your pet dog, of course you have to take care of food and drink for the rest of your life." Huskies looked as if it was a matter of course.

"Grass, are you relying on me?" Xiao Qiyue was a little speechless.

"That's for sure, because you are my relatives, my relatives in the bones. Because we have the same blood." Husky nodded, and Xiao Qiyue almost choked to death. What he said made sense, and I still got him Bloodline inheritance becomes stronger.

Damn, he's full of dog blood...

"Don't think that inheriting my dog's blood is lowly. In fact, I am a 'tengu' with noble blood." Husky raised his head.

"This is strange. The flying centipede is a celestial worm, and you are a celestial dog... Did I come from outside the sky?" Xiao Qiyue wondered.

However, picking up a master as a pet for nothing seems not bad.

"How powerful are you?" This is the question Xiao Qiyue has always wanted to ask.

"Hehe." A sly smile appeared on Husky's face.

"Let's hurry over and dig out King Wu's secret treasure." Xiao Qiyue didn't bother to ask any more, and ran forward.

The husky is not slow at all, jumping under your feet forever like a shadow.

No one would have guessed that such a cute puppy is a master of terror.

The mountain was in a mess, with potholes everywhere, and people appeared from time to time.

Some are dry bones, and they are not young.

It is estimated that it was left by the ancestors of the Changsun family, and the new ones also have skin and bones with blood and hair. Naturally, they are members of the Changsun family who died not long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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