God catch

Chapter 962 You kill yourself with this knife

Chapter 962 You kill yourself with this knife
Xiao Qiyue knew that these were all the result of the trap formed by the space disorder after being triggered by people.

After introducing karma, soon, it was discovered that there were light spots flickering deep in the ground.

Along the way, I discovered the continuity code left by Tuoba Shixian.

"No, save people quickly, Tuoba and the others have been arrested." Blue Enchanting shouted.

After walking more than ten miles into the cave, Tuoba Shixian, Hong Chenxiao, Xia Houying, and Chu Zijiang were locked on a cliff with a steep slope of nearly 90 degrees.

It was as if a mechanical arm had stretched out from the cliff, locking the four of them tightly on the rock wall.

The situation was quite bad. All four of them were disheveled and bloody. They must have been severely beaten.

"Run, Your Majesty." Tuoba Shixian shouted anxiously as soon as he looked up and saw Xiao Qiyue.

"Run, Xiao Huang, this is a trap. We were all tricked by the eldest grandson's family and lured in by them." Chu Zijiang also shouted.

"Xiao Qiyue, you are lucky. But, you shouldn't have come." The figure of Changsun Kongmen was projected on the rock wall.

"You can turn your face faster than you can turn a book. Is this the alliance you are talking about?" Xiao Qiyue asked back.

"Hehe, there is no alliance in front of interests. Isn't it the same for you? Don't think that we are all fools. The Six Kingdoms have no good intentions at all. Do they want to take the opportunity to annex our Heavenly Kingdom?" Changsun Kongmen sneered.

"You think I'm determined, don't you?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Do you still have a chance to make a comeback?" Changsun Kongmen laughed a few times and waved his hand. Immediately, dozens of arrows were aimed at Tuoba Shixian and the other four on the cliff. Shot into a cork."

"What do you want to let them go? Elixirs, treasures, or the land of the Six Fan Kingdom?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Hehe, these are all ours, we don't want them.

I know that Tuoba Shixian is your loyal dog, and Xia Houying is your brother, and the relationship between Chu Zijiang and you is as close as brothers.

I heard that he saved you when you were in Dachu, and you would have been gone without him.

Don't you have the heart to watch him get shot into a gag? "Changsun Kongmen said with a sinister smile, his bald head looked particularly annoying.

"What do you want?" Xiao Qiyue asked coldly.

"It's very simple. Aren't you their brother? Aren't you their savior? Very good." As soon as the grandson Kongmen finished speaking, he threw out a jade knife with a bang.

"Just take this knife and drive it hard into your own heart."

"Fart! Your Majesty, leave us alone, hurry up and go." Tuoba Shixian roared angrily.

"Brother, you must destroy Fang Tianguo for us from now on." As soon as Chu Zijiang finished speaking, his body was full of energy and blood.

"If you want to blow yourself up, you have a good idea." Changsun Kongmen sneered, and the thing like a mechanical arm tightened. Suddenly, Chu Zijiang was so strangled that he couldn't even breathe. power up.

"If you have the guts, just strangle me." Chu Zijiang cursed.

"That's right, Dare is the grandson, everyone in the eldest grandson's family is a bastard." Xia Houying continued to scold.

clap clap!

The eldest grandson Kongmen was so angry that when the projector moved, several slaps were slapped on the faces of the two of them. Suddenly, their heads swelled like pigs' heads.

"I'll give you a hundred breaths, if you don't stab them, I'll strangle them first." Changsun Kongmen smiled coldly, counting loudly in his mouth.


"Leave us alone, Your Majesty, run quickly." Hong Chen shook his head with a smile and screamed.

"Have you found the hiding place of the eldest grandson Kongmen?" Xiao Qiyue asked Husky quietly.

"Almost, I feel it.

However, there are mysterious organ settings here, which are too high-end.

Fortunately, it was me, otherwise, outsiders would not be aware of it.

Because, I seem to recall something in my mind.

I should have gone in here. Husky said, shaking his big ears.


"Wait a minute, let me think about it again?" Xiao Qiyue called out hastily.

"Okay, I'll give you another [-] breaths, and you won't be able to do anything." The eldest grandson Kongmen was very confident.

This is a trick that the ancestors of the eldest grandson's family have only figured out after paying a heavy price. Xiao Qiyue wants to unlock it in a few hundred breaths, which is tantamount to a dream.

Moreover, he is located in an important part of the organization.

Moreover, by using the national seal, one can use some of the magical power of the organ to make one's own strength comparable to that of the seven-in-one powerhouse.

Xiao Qiyue is a strong man in the Great River Realm, and she doesn't believe in the grandson Kongmen even if she thinks about it with her ass.

What's more, he couldn't find himself.

Otherwise, hundreds of years ago, the masters of the Great River Realm of the Changsun family would not have died so many.As a result, it is now green and yellow, and it is gradually declining.


The eldest grandson Kongmen is full of confidence, counting in a teasing tone, and counting much slower than before, one breath is equivalent to five or six breaths.

He was stimulating Xiao Qiyue's nerves, and he wanted Xiao Qiyue to have a good pain.Because, he dared to kill his clone, this is retribution.

Xiao Qiyue naturally saw through this guy's mind, aren't you slow at counting?
That's right, what I need now is time.

"Your Majesty, don't trust this bastard. Even if you kill yourself, he won't let us go." Tuoba Shixian cried anxiously.

This time, Changsun Kongmen directly punched Tuoba Shixian's mouth to pieces, his mouth was covered with blood, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"Dog thing, and me!" Xia Houying cursed, and there was another bang, Xia Houying also suffered the same bad luck.

"Come on, sir, I'm not afraid of you breaking your mouth." Chu Zijiang roared angrily.

Changsun Kongmen blocked Chu Zijiang's mouth directly. Chu Zijiang had saved Xiao Qiyue's life, so he didn't dare to provoke him too much.

If Xiao Qiyue jumps over the wall in a hurry, how can I torment him.


"I found it, in a mysterious black enclosure two miles away." Husky sniffed the dog's nose.

Xiao Qiyue turned into a powerful army spur and went straight two miles away. Although the causal eye could not detect anything, he sprinted fiercely in the direction Husky said.

Once, twice, three, four times...

76... 78... 81... 100 to!
Xiao Qiyue has not yet been able to break through the mysterious barrier.

"Get ready to shoot!" Changsun Kongmen waved his hand.

"Wait a minute, I agree with your terms." Xiao Qiyue shouted.

"Your Majesty, you can't, you can't..." Everyone screamed.

Xiao Qiyue walked towards the jade knife stuck in the ground with heavy steps.

"Hehe, I want to tell you that this knife is called Demon Swallowing Blade. Once inserted, it will turn into a devil and suck everything from you, and finally, it will become a dead corpse." The eldest grandson Kongmen smiled sarcastically.


At the second mile, Xiao Qiyue's gun of cause and effect was still pounding, which was a kind of soul fluctuation, which outsiders could not detect at all.

"Hurry up, otherwise, I can't wait." Changsun Kongmen urged.

Porf... Chi...

"Your Majesty..." Tuoba Shixian cried out in tears, the eyes of the four were wet, and they burst into tears.

Xiao Qiyue's body was rapidly drying up, her skin and muscles cracked and wrinkled...

The energy and spirit of the whole body were sucked by the Demon Swallowing Blade, and the jade knife became more and more crystal clear, like an emerald knife.

However, because of its strong absorption ability, Xiao Qiyue didn't let go of a drop of blood, not a single drop flowed out.

"I... I didn't cheat, did I?" Xiao Qiyue asked with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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