God catch

Chapter 973 Leng Qiuyue

Chapter 973 Leng Qiuyue

It seems that the settings of the great forces that can cross the sky are quite extraordinary.

You have to find a way to get a scroll and study it.

Shi Fang returned to the Valley of Stone Statues in Baishi City again. This time, he brought many drops of Thousand Moon Yin Dew, and in the end, he actually activated a stone statue with three heads and six arms.

Then, the stone statue waved its hands and feet, and the golden light settled in Shi Fang's body.

However, Xiao Qiyue didn't see what this guy was capable of.

At this moment, Xiao Qiyue saw a huge stone statue with multiple arms and feet suddenly turned and looked at her.

Xiao Qiyue made a decisive decision and immediately withdrew the cause and effect.

However, he was still hit by a black circle on the back, and he spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

It's so powerful that it can actually hurt itself across the region.

It seems that compared with the strong man in the stone statue, he is still far behind.

However, Xiao Qiyue caught a piece of information.

The powerful ones in the stone statues have greater resistance to fall from the sky, and more dew of the Thousand Moon Yin is needed to activate them.

This is estimated to be the impossibility of Baishi City to overwhelm Fang Tianyu all at once.

Finally came the day of the competition, and the stage of life and death was crowded with people.

Of course, the necessary rules are still needed.

People with status and status all sit in their positions according to the rules, and no one dares to mess around.

Because Zhuge Yong and Xiang Dong personally maintained the order of the duel field, and none of them took the opportunity to provoke and wanted to find shit to eat.

"Hehehe, how can you not come to such a grand event?" The hearty voice of Fuyun City Lord Huang Tianba came from the air far away.

"I said City Lord, why don't you ask me 'Ximen Buliu' to go with you, so I can have a companion." Another voice came from the air.

"You come and go without a trace, where do you tell me to find you?" Huang Tianba rolled his eyes, and the two talked as soon as they landed.

The Dongfang Qingxia was brilliant, dragging the Qingxia which was more than ten feet long, it came quickly, this spectacle immediately attracted everyone's attention, even Huang Batian and Ximen even looked at each other.

Soon, Qingxia approached, and faintly saw a flash of sword light.

"Hero Leng Qiuyue from the Hero League has arrived." Someone screamed loudly.

"Leng Juxia, isn't that the female giant who 'flies a thousand heads with one sword in the world of mortals'?"

"Nah, if it wasn't for her, who else would dare to call Hongchen a sword with a thousand heads flying?"

"It is said that the 'thousands of heads flying with one sword' was hundreds of years ago. By then, it would be cut off with one sword..."

"That's not bad. Hundreds of years ago, dozens of split-body realm powerhouses were beheaded... Isn't it a land god now?"


Xiao Qiyue didn't dare to be careless, because this woman's surname is 'Leng', she must be a direct lineage member of the Leng family in Baishi City, and her status must be much higher than that of Shi Fang, a foreign surname, and this woman has a stone statue level Definitely higher.

The causal line quietly probed over, and suddenly, a sense of blood came, and it was true, this person and Jiang Rourou's fiancé 'Ye Lingfeng' actually had a similar bloodline.

Moreover, the degree of blood fit is quite high.

However, Xiao Qiyue didn't understand.

Ye Lingfeng's surname is Ye, but the surname of Baishi City Lord is Leng.

Could it be that Ye Lingfeng's last name was Leng, so he should be called 'Leng Lingfeng'.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain their bloodlines.

Sure enough, Leng Qiuyue's stone statue was much taller than Shifang's, and its volume was more than five times that of it.

Moreover, it was still a female figure.

And Leng Qiufeng has more than 50 Dajiang branches in his body, a powerful existence not inferior to the Demon Emperor Xiaozheng.

Deriving from cause and effect, after reading the results, Xiao Qiyue couldn't help being a little stunned.

Because, Leng Qiuyue is actually a strange woman with quite rebellious thoughts.

After all, she is still Leng Lingfeng's aunt's generation, and in order to occupy the outside world, the family decided to join forces with a powerful family from an abyssal empire.

And Leng Qiuyue became a victim of the marriage, but this woman was unwilling, so she secretly stole a more advanced stone statue and sneaked into Fang Tianyu.

And, after speaking, if the family still forces her to go back, it will be solved by death.

And the Leng family didn't want to let such a super genius die, so they pinched their noses and recognized it.

Of course, the condition is to continue to assist the strong family in Fang Tianyu to carry out the great cause of unifying Fang Tianyu.

As for the Daxia League, there were many affairs at that time, so Leng Qiuyue was arranged to work in the league.

Of course, the Abyss Empire Family outside the Territory was not happy, and put forward a condition, that is, kill Jiang Ziqiu who destroyed the Abyss.

Diyuan is a secret realm similar to an extraterritorial environment developed by the Shenyuan family in Fang Tianyu. When Jiang Ziqiu entered Diyuan, Diyuan was destroyed.

The Diyuan family held a grudge, and sent masters to destroy the six doors.As a result, he actually encountered a mysterious master and lost many masters.

In order to appease the anger of the Abyss family, Baishicheng issued an order.

Moreover, many pits were dug for Jiang Ziqiu. At that time, even the arresting emperor Zhuge Yong and others were involved.

The superficial person who killed Jiang Ziqiu was Shi Fang. In fact, Jiang Ziqiu was killed by a golden hand.

It is very likely that it is the mysterious golden brother.

Of course, this matter was done without telling Leng Qiuyue, but in the end, it was still too late for Leng Qiuyue to find out.

Leng Qiuyue was a little angry, but it was impossible to avenge an irrelevant person.

During this causal deduction, Xiao Qiyue did not touch the stone statue in Leng Qiuyue's body.

The three-headed and six-armed stone statue that triggered Shi Fang before had already injured himself, and the female statue in Leng Qiuyue's body must be even more powerful.

Xiao Qiyue didn't want to get herself injured again before the duel, so how would she deal with an emergency?

However, Xiao Qiyue, the mysterious golden brother, was secretly on guard. This person belonged to that kind of absolutely powerful person.

And Jiang Ziqiu's strength also made Xiao Qiyue sigh. It is estimated that only the "Golden Brother" in the Hero League at that time could attack him secretly, and he is worthy of being the king of war.

Leng Qiuyue seemed indifferent to the enthusiasm of the audience, and just sat on the chair indifferently.

For the warriors who came forward and wanted to rub their faces, they were reluctant to nod their heads, which made some warriors who had some ideas quite embarrassing.

This woman is obviously a bit lonely.

"Hello, Leng Xia."

Xiao Qiyue is the host, and besides, Leng Qiufeng is also a person from hundreds of years ago. He is a senior, and he has to greet him when it comes to politeness.

However, he also behaved extremely indifferent, neither humble nor overbearing.

"En!" Leng Qiuyue, the iceberg, actually responded. She looked at Xiao Qiyue and shook her head, and said, "It's a pity."

"It's a pity!" Xiao Qiyue looked at her and nodded.

Of course others don't understand, but Xiao Qiyue understands what she means by pity, which means that she is going to die today.

And Xiao Qiyue said "it's a pity" that others don't understand, only Tuoba Shixian and a few people understand, it's a pity for Shi Fang, because he has to die today.

"Since you understand, why do you still agree?" Leng Qiuyue asked indifferently.

"Why didn't I agree?" Xiao Qiyue looked at her and replied.

"Ridiculous, sad!" Leng Qiufeng snorted.

"Well, it's ridiculous, and sad." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Find a good background in your next life, and don't just follow others around." Leng Qiuyue said.

"You should say this to Stone Juxia." Xiao Qiyue replied with a serious face.

"What did you say?" Leng Qiuyue couldn't believe her ears, she stared at Xiao Qiyue with a murderous look on her face.

"You heard it clearly a long time ago, I don't need to repeat it." Xiao Qiyue said.

"You are so pitiful, Shi Fang, you don't have to show mercy.

Before, I told you to leave him a whole body.Now it seems that there is no need for this.

Because, poor people must have something to hate.

This person is not generally hateful, but extremely hateful. "Leng Qiuyue was obviously a little angry.

(End of this chapter)

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