God catch

Chapter 974

Chapter 974
"This subordinate will follow the order and will not leave the whole body for him." Shi Fang clasped his fists together, and then he glanced at everyone arrogantly, and laughed wildly, "At that time, the Six Fan Kingdoms would like to give their emperor His Majesty No bones can be found even in a grave, hahaha..."

"Fart! You're the one with no bones left!"

"Kill this bastard."

"Crush him!"


Naturally, this is the territory of the Six Fan Kingdom, and there is a lot of shouting and beating.Shi Fang didn't respond either, just stood aside with a sneer.

"I invite the notary for this duel, Mr. Shangguan Qiuse, the president of Fangtian Royal Academy." Tuoba Shixian shouted.

"Ah, the dean is here..."

Suddenly, the scene almost got out of control.

After all, the Royal Double List is the dream of many warriors.

"Received the invitation of His Majesty Xiao Qiyue, Emperor of the Six Fan Kingdoms, and Shi Fang Juxia of the Daxia League, and specially came to preside over this duel. This is a duel of life and death, and life and death are fate. Afterwards, both parties are not allowed to look for each other at the scene Trouble..." Shangguan Qiuse landed on the ring and read out the death fight agreement.

"Don't worry, our Six Fan Kingdom will absolutely abide by the death fight agreement." Di Yun replied as a representative.

"Although Shi Fang is my subordinate, this is purely a personal appointment, and has nothing to do with our Hero League. Life and death depend on destiny, and I will never interfere. Of course, if the Six Fan Kingdom wants to provoke trouble, I will The great giant will never show mercy. In this matter, the dean is also invited to testify." Leng Qiuyue stood up and said.

"This court is a notary. Whoever violates the rules will not be relentless." Shangguan Qiuse looked upright.

Xiao Qiyue discovered that Shangguan Qiuse had also gained something recently, and the branches of the great river had expanded to fourteen or fifteen.

It seems that he didn't rest either.However, compared with Leng Qiuyue, it was too far behind.

"My lord, Leng Juxia from the Hero League is the most powerful. If Shi Fang is killed, I'm afraid she will stand up and provoke trouble. At that time, even the lord may not be able to suppress him, so what should I do? "Someone huddled in the crowd asked loudly.Naturally, this was Xiao Qiyue's prior arrangement.

"Yeah, when the time comes, who can resist?"


"The strength of our court is indeed not as good as Leng Nuxia, but we believe in Leng Nuxia's character." Shangguan Qiuse admitted.

"Character, huh, if the Hero League had good character, Shi Fang would not have intercepted him. He wanted to kill Xiao Huang halfway. For this matter, Elder Wu Yungaiyue from Tianqin Villa was present at the time, as well as The master of the ancient and modern castle..." Duanmuhai said proudly.

"Kill that dog Shi Fang."

"To actually assassinate Emperor Xiao, pretending to be a hero."

"Daxiameng is a bunch of hypocrites, and we don't trust any of them."


Immediately, all the trustees arranged by Xiao Qiyue booed.

"How can you believe it?" Leng Qiuyue stood up and looked coldly at the crowd below.

"Unless you discover the 'No Sky Demon Oath'."

"Yes, yes, we only believe in the oath of no sky."

"Why, don't you dare?"

"It must be a guilty conscience."

"The Hero League is really despicable and shameless, and it will be revealed once you try it."


"Okay, Lord Wutian Demon Ancestor, regarding Shi Fang and Xiao Qiyue's life-and-death duel, each of them lives and dies according to their fate. If the Six Fan Kingdom does not violate the rules, this giant will never care." Leng Qiuyue shocked everyone and swore .

"Did it fall into the trap?"

Xiao Qiyue was secretly proud. Sure enough, there was another stone prison in the stone man mountain in the star space, and the oath soul of Leng Qiuyue was imprisoned in it.

Xiao Qiyue smiled evilly in her heart, thinking of slapping her, the self-portrait of the Taoist in the Karma Palace immediately slapped her away.

However, Leng Qiuyue didn't move at all.Not to mention Wuzhishan was printed on his face, he didn't even frown.

Strange, why is there a live broadcast when Ouyang is smoked?

Is it because Ouyang is far behind Leng Qiuyue in strength?

After guessing, Xiao Qiyue understood a little.Because, Ouyang made a slave oath.

My slave can smoke as much as he wants, otherwise, how can he be called a slave?

What Leng Qiuyue made was just a vow against the competition rules, as long as she didn't violate the rules, he couldn't influence her.

However, it is also a good thing to be able to imprison Leng Qiuyue's 'belief'.

In the future, you can study it slowly to see if you can develop other secrets.

"Shi Fang, this man is too disgusting, don't beat him to death all at once. First slap him ten times, then cut off his hands and arms and spend 80 yuan. Moreover, he should be dissected slowly, not with one knife." After swearing , Leng Qiuyue seemed to be pissed off, and actually wanted to kill Xiao Qiyue.

"This bitch is too vicious!"

"The most poisonous woman's heart."

"Poisonous woman..."


All the people below raised their arms and shouted.

"Is it poisonous? It can only be blamed on Xiao Qiyue's incompetence. If Shi Fang is not as good as him, he can still do it like this, and I will never stop him!" Leng Qiuyue swept across the audience with a cold face, and immediately, everyone was shocked I felt suddenly scratched by the ice knife.

"Xiao Qiyue, do you dare to add another item to our engagement document?" Shi Fang shouted loudly when he heard this.

"How to add it?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"If one side loses the battle, it will be left to the victor to dispose of, and no one is allowed to interfere. Otherwise, it is a violation of the rules." Shi Fang was venting his anger for Leng Qiuyue.

After all, you can kill each other with one blow.

However, if the torture is carried out naked in the arena, it will definitely arouse public outrage.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be unmanageable consequences.

And Leng Qiuyue's intention was to deal ruthlessly against Xiao Qiyue, and Shi Fang certainly supported her.

If this clause is written into the agreement, then, if the six fan countries dare to fight together, it is no wonder that Leng Qiuyue made a move.

"Your Majesty, no!" Yuwen was in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, a deathmatch is enough, there is no need to make extra troubles." Di Yun was also a little worried, after all, Shi Fang had a stone statue, God knows how powerful this guy is.

At that time, Xiao Qiyue is really defeated, and he can admit defeat when he falls into the ring.

This face can be avoided, but life is saved.

If this clause is signed, it will definitely not be spared.

Moreover, the end was tragic.Even the Kingdom of Six Fans will suffer this great shame and humiliation.

"Shifang dog thief, you hate poison too much."

"He is like Leng Qiuyue, a nest of snakes and mice."

"Your Majesty, don't fall for it."


The people of the Six Fans Country were all red-eyed, and the opposition was overwhelming.

"His Majesty Xiao Huang, it's getting late, let's start quickly." Even Shangguan Qiuse, the dean of the Royal Academy, was a little uneasy.After all, Xiao Qiyue is too young.

And the people behind Shangguan Qiuse also kept an eye on the Daxiameng, knowing the strength of these guys.

"You are the grandson if you don't dare to add terms!" Shi Fang saw it, and immediately increased his size.

"Add it!" Xiao Qiyue nodded, Yuwen Dutian's face was very ugly, and he knelt down in the tunnel, "Think twice, Your Majesty!"

"I don't want to, let's add it." Xiao Qiyue waved his hand, looking helpless.

"His Majesty!"


Amid Shi Fang's series of sneers, the two parties re-signed the terms.

"Hehehe, Shi Fang, how do you want to die?" After signing the terms, Xiao Qiyue flicked the pen and stared at Shi Fang with a smile on his face.

"Fart, I'll slap your pig's head before I talk about it." When Shi Fang heard this, he was so angry that he turned into a three-headed six-armed body in an instant, dancing dozens of palms densely towards Xiao Qiyue.

Xiao Qiyue's move was too simple, he punched directly, and without any change, he swung straight at Shi Fang.

Shi Fang looked contemptuous...

The golden light and green light exploded, and Shi Fang groaned, spurting blood and hitting the ring.

The arena built of iron rocks and fine stones immediately cracked like a spider's silk, extending outwards, the foundation of the platform was broken, and quickly spread around the arena, extending several kilometers away.

The spectators in the audience jumped up in shock, and they were all thrown a meter high before falling down.

(End of this chapter)

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