Chapter 79
Rongzhou, Lianyuan County.

After several days of drifting at sea, they finally arrived in Rongzhou.

Rongzhou is surrounded by mountains and sea, and Lianyuan County is the nearest county seat to Rongzhou City.

On the bustling pier with pedestrians, three people stepped off.

Wearing a mask, Pan Ye looked at the pier intertwined with pedestrians, and felt the noisy fireworks blowing towards his face.

For him who has been drifting at sea for several days, this kind of noise is very beautiful.

At this time, he had turned into a middle-aged man in his 20s with an ordinary appearance and restrained energy and blood.

Even if the second master who is familiar with him stands in front of him, he might not recognize him.

"It's getting late, let's find a place to stay first."

Looking at the passing people wearing gray and white robes, Lao Zhang introduced Pan Ye in a low voice,
"This is the territory of the White Shark Gang."

Lianyuan County is quite large, and because it is an important commercial and trade town, Goulan Wasi has all kinds of restaurants and gambling shops.

"We must have a good meal today."

Eating seafood every day, no matter how delicious it is, I am tired of eating it, so I must have some mountain delicacies to supplement it.

The three found a slightly luxurious inn to stay.

The inn was called Huichun Inn, and the furnishings in the building were similar to other high-end inns elsewhere, except for one thing that caught Pan Ye's attention.

There is a huge stage in its backyard, and square tables cover the courtyard.

"It's rare to have a stage in an inn."

Xiaoer at the side introduced: "I don't know the objective, people in Lianyuan County like to watch Yue opera, as long as there are public places, they will set up a large or small stage."


Follow Xiaoer to a stairway in the lobby, go up the stairs to the third floor.

Looking down from the back window of the room, the backyard downstairs is covered with a stage with colorful cloth strips, and small lanterns with faint light are hung on the landscape plants, which looks extraordinarily unique.

The three of Pan Ye were not short of money, and they booked the most high-end Tianzi brand room. After putting down their salutes, they asked the waiter who was waiting at the side: "Xiaoer, do you have any special delicacies in Lianyuan County?"

"Oh, objectively, you are asking the right person. If you want to say that the most famous snack in Lianyuan County is fried noodles with seafood, although our Huichun Inn is not a restaurant, it is quite famous in Lianyuan County in terms of food. Especially the seafood fried noodles.”

The inns usually serve food, but Pan Ye had eaten a few inn meals, and the taste was not very good.

"Oh? Then we don't have to look for restaurants, just eat here."

"Okay, everyone, please be objective."

Xiao Er led the three of them to a prescription table near the stage and sat down. Pan Ye ordered more than a dozen local specialties and looked around curiously.

The stage is about to open, and the theater troupe is preparing for the previous matters in the background.

Candles were brightly lit in the backyard. Vendors from all over the world gathered together, sitting on the pony horses in the yard, whispering to each other, waiting for the opening of the play.

Watching a movie while having a meal is really special.

Soon, the drama begins.

"Drive, drive~"

Accompanied by a sound of hooves.

The covering red curtain slowly opened, and a face with a big flower who couldn't tell the gender walked out. He sang loudly with a high voice:

"Hahaha, what a green spring palace, there are many rocks, flying pavilions and flowing pills..."

It was impossible to tell whether this person was a man or a woman for a while.

Pan Ye listened to it for a while, and the drama was roughly about the completion of the Green Spring Palace in Kyoto.When the first emperor visited the palace with his ministers, he saw a few swans flying down the eaves of the palace, thinking it was auspicious, and the emperor was very happy.When the governor of Xuzhou came to report the insect disaster, the first emperor misunderstood "gathering moths" as "gathering swans", so he decided to hold a swan feast in Xuzhou.

A few people don't understand drama, and most of their attention is on eating and drinking.

The only thing that caught Pan Ye's attention a little bit was the big flower face that appeared first, with one person divided into several corners, shuttling between the stage and the audience.

When it comes to fighting scenes, you can see that the person has a light body, tossing and moving on the stage, and some difficult movements have attracted applause from the audience. At first glance, he is Lian Jiazi.

The play went on for more than an hour, and it was not until the night was dark that the scene gradually ended.

On the way back to the room, Zu Wei suddenly said: "The big flower face just now, there is something strange."


Tang Yuan, who was hiding in Pan Ye's arms, also nodded in agreement.

"Oh? Brother Zu, explain in detail."

Pan Ye became interested when he saw this man's swearing-in attitude.

"Since the patriarch possessed me that day, my spiritual sense has somehow become much sharper. I didn't feel anything at first. It wasn't until I looked at him while watching a play that I felt a strange feeling."

"Is that person a practitioner?"

"It's hard to say, it feels very strange to me."

"Be careful when you go out, and don't sleep too deep at night."

Lao Zhang instructed.

Just passing by here, everyone didn't think deeply about it, and each said goodbye and went back to the house to rest.


The night was dark.

"Knock knock knock."

In the quiet environment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Pan Ye, who was in a light sleep, suddenly opened his eyes and looked outside the door.

With the help of moonlight, he clearly saw a tall and thin black figure standing at the door.

The night owl Tangyuan opened her blue eyes and meowed softly.


"it's me."


Pan Ye breathed a sigh of relief, got up and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a sneaky young man in a green robe, who was not Zu Wei.

"Brother Zu, why are you standing at the door in such a mysterious manner without making a sound?"

With a mysterious face on his face, Zu Weiyi leaned into Pan Ye's ear and said, "Come with me, we have a play to watch."

Hearing the situation, Pan Ye lost his sleepiness, followed Zu Weiyi to wake up Lao Zhang, and quietly walked downstairs.

The three of them lived on the third floor of the inn. There was a large patio in the middle. Standing on the upper floor, you could see the lobby of the inn. There were red lanterns emitting dim yellow light in the aisle.

Walking down the long wooden aisle, there was only the slight breathing of the three people in the dim environment, and it seemed very quiet.

Although Pan Ye didn't have the mysterious sense of spirituality like a monk, he also found that the atmosphere in the inn was not right at this time.

"Too quiet..."

After roughly estimating the time, it was only one or two o'clock in the morning, and some drinking guests had just returned to the inn after the banquet, so it was inevitable that they would make various noises.

But at this moment, the surroundings were quiet, as if in a huge quiet room, so quiet that Pan Ye could clearly hear his own breathing.

"Brother Zu, you can say it."


Zu Wei tied her fingers around her lips, signaling him not to speak.

Pan Ye turned to look at Lao Zhang, hoping to see if he could see any clues based on his years of travel experience.

Unexpectedly, Lao Zhang also shook his head slightly, expressing that he did not know.

Looking at Zu Wei's appearance, there was a hint of excitement on his face, and he didn't look like he was facing a big enemy, as if something extremely interesting attracted him.

This made Pan Ye feel more and more anticipation, suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and followed Zu Wei slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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