Chapter 80
As if he was afraid of disturbing something, Zu Wei moved very slowly, like an old man with handicap, slowly moving down the stairs.

Pan Ye stopped talking and quietly felt everything around him.

On the left is the patio, and on the right are rooms where guests live.

After walking a distance of more than ten meters, I passed several rooms, but they were all pitch black, and there was no sound from inside.

He remembered that when he went upstairs, one or two of these rooms were inhabited, and there were men and women laughing in one of them.

But at this moment, the row of rooms on the right was so dark that even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

The three of them were not ordinary people, and they deliberately stepped down quietly, stepping on the wooden corridor, making only an extremely weak sound.

Hu Hu Hu.

The lanterns on both sides of the corridor swayed as the night wind blew, and the flames swayed.

No matter how slow the speed was, the height of the third floor was gradually completed, and he came to the hall.

Zu Wei listened attentively for a while, then winked to follow him.

He took a step and walked into the backyard.

When Fang stepped into the backyard, he could only hear the woman's sorrowful voice, vaguely, fluttering into his ears.

"This is?!"

Pan Ye's eyes widened.

Misty night.

On the stage not far ahead, a shirt made of silver neon red thin white Meixia shadow gauze, the translucent material fits like a second skin, and the costume is suspended with fine hibiscus-colored silk thread embroidered on the side. In mid-air, swaying left and right, there are continuous voices coming from the costume.

A total of six benches were placed on both sides of the stage, three on the left and three on the left. The six musical instruments above the benches were obviously unplayable, but they made their own sounds.

From front to back and from left to right are Clapper, Dagong, Suona, Erhu, Liuqin, and flute.

A talisman was pasted on Pan Ye's forehead, and the field of vision of his right eye suddenly changed.

Pan Ye covered his left eye and only looked with his right eye.

The bright moonlight turned pale green.

It's like applying a layer of "underworld" filter.

On the empty costume, there was a figure with pale skin, long hair covering her face, and a figure that could be seen as a woman from her figure, walking slowly back and forth across the stage.

On the stools on both sides sat five or six men with disheveled hair, young and old.

Some of them lost their heads, some had blood on their chests, some had broken arms, and some lost their lower limbs.

The "person" without a head hit the clapper with his existing hands.

Those with broken hands use their feet to pull the erhu.


With the tacit cooperation of these "people", a sad and moving soundtrack was born.

At the square table under the stage, there are men, women and children sitting, all of them pale and blue. They are very quiet and concentrate on watching the performance on the stage.

Some closed their eyes and shook their heads, leaning their arms on the wooden table, their fingers tapping on the table following the beat of the music drum.

Some were moved when they heard it, and they wiped their tears with one hand, and pieces of skin flakes rustled down.

A strange and harmonious scene.

The arrival of Pan Ye and the others did not attract their attention.

"Sighing at the moon, desolate tears and quit~"

A sad and melodious tune surrounds the sky.

"It's him?"

Pan Ye thought to himself.

However, the voice of the woman on the stage froze, and the masked head turned to one side.

A large flower mask with oil paint on its face walked slowly from the right side with small steps, head turned away, and orchid finger in hand.

Singing in the mouth: "Things are people, things are not things, and tears flow first if you want to speak."

The man's voice seemed male but not female. Seeing him walking slowly to the center, with his hands on the woman's shoulders, the two looked at each other affectionately, sang a few libretto to each other, and turned their heads to the audience.

Looking from the left eye, the big flower face and a gorgeous costume look at each other, which is indescribably strange.

Looking from the right eye, there is a gap in the long hair covering the face of the woman on the opposite side, revealing the livid side face behind the hair.

Dahua facial makeup glanced across the audience, and when his eyes met Pan Ye and the three standing in the corner, his voice paused slightly, and then he continued to sing without a trace: "Love has been blocked by the mountain, and it is not free to lean against the railing~"

"ping ping pong"

Various instruments play.

Pan Ye didn't listen to opera very much, so he couldn't tell which opera they were singing, but judging from the sad and gentle tone of the libretto, it should be a tragedy.

It is not difficult to see from their exquisite body language and libretto.

The big flower face is playing a scholar rushing for an exam.

The woman with a shrill voice plays the scholar's sweetheart.

The woman was originally a famous prostitute in Huaizhou. One day, she was invited to play the pipa at the dinner party of Huaizhou scholars. During the performance, she bumped into someone who was sitting in the crowd and looked at her like a goose. scholar.

What's interesting is that a "performer" next to him has a very good ventriloquist, vividly simulating various scenes.

Seeing her out of control, the scholar muttered to himself, this appearance made the scholars around him burst into laughter, their cheeks blushed unconsciously, and they lowered their heads.

The woman gently squeezed and twirled slowly, playing the pipa skillfully, and forced a smile on her stiff ashen face.

Act two.

The two met in the room, had a good chat, and got drunk in the book. The woman sat aside and listened quietly to his complaints. The poverty of the family, the expectations of the parents, the pain of failing the exam, all the sorrows turned into wine, and they drank middle.

Until one day, the woman contracted a cold and became ill, unable to receive guests, and was dying.

When the scholar heard about it, regardless of the cold weather, he went everywhere to seek medicine for her and find a doctor.

Gradually, the woman recovered from her illness, and she fell in love with the scholar, who should also go to Beijing to take the exam.

The inscription on the scholar's gold list was passed on to the woman's ears, and she felt happy, but then she thought about it, how could her own posture of a willow be worthy of him who is now the number one scholar?
Unexpectedly, the scholar's original intention for her remained the same, but the scholar's parents knew about it, strongly opposed it, and even forced them to die.

The scholar's official career is on the rise, the emperor sees his talent, and wants to betroth the princess to the scholar. He is unwilling and strongly opposes it, but the emperor's order is hard to break.

At the end of the song, the woman's eyes shed tears of blood, which fell drop by drop on the stage.

Dahua Facebook turned a deaf ear and still played its role seriously.

Until the end of the song.

There was a round of applause from the audience.

Pieces of yellow paper money were thrown onto the stage.

The two bowed face to face, and the woman turned into a blue light and slowly dissipated.

The audience in the audience also scattered and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Without the clothes and musical instruments supported by inexplicable strength, they fell to the ground with a bang, leaving only the big flower face standing in the middle of the stage, silent.

It was as if the veil covering the surroundings had been lifted, and the sounds of people walking upstairs, sleeping and snoring, and various small sounds came back to Pan Ye's ears.

Dahua Facebook didn't greet them, but bent down to pick up the sundries that fell on the ground.

After putting the musical instruments back in place neatly, the big flowered face holding a stack of yellow paper money nodded to them and walked slowly towards them.

"It's really rare, I actually encountered a trick here today"

 Thank you for a monthly ticket from book friends at the end of the end of the world, 18 recommendation tickets for the only person who loves you in my life, and two recommendation tickets for Romance, Snow and Moon丨Holy Spirit.

  In addition, Fenghua Xueyue丨Holy Spirit, this book friend is an old face. I remember that I have been sending recommendation tickets not long after I published the book. Thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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