Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 220 Violent Infuriating Qi

Chapter 220 Violent Infuriating Qi

It's just that if this is the case, this world is obviously different from the Tianlong Jianghu he was familiar with before, but at the same time, he also thought that this is not the original Tianlong Jianghu, and there is nothing strange about any strange things happening.

Before he could recover from his deep thinking, Li Feng realized that the sound of footsteps stopped behind him. Although it was slight, Li Feng still heard it.

Li Feng turned around, and it was Tianshan Child Elder who came here. Seeing Li Feng's current state, Child Elder also felt strange, and asked, "What are you doing? Why is the true energy in your body so strange?"

Li Feng didn't know how to explain it, but he used his internal strength lightly, and felt that the internal energy in his body was chaotic and chaotic. The breath lasted forever, and it seemed to be stronger than before, but he couldn't use it at all.

Li Feng felt strange, wanted to stand up, but felt that his steps were frivolous, as if he had suddenly lost all his inner energy.

Tianshan Child Elder said: "Come with me, why I kept you on the mountain for ten years, today you will know!" Turning around to rescue him, Li Feng wanted to get up and follow, but he had no strength at all.

Tianshan Child Elder also noticed the change of true energy in Li Feng's body, she couldn't help being shocked, and said: "Boy, what have you done?"

Li Feng didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say: "I wanted to combine what I had learned with the Changchun Kung Fu that my master taught me, but I didn't expect it to be like this!"

When the child elder heard it, she found it interesting, and stretched out her hand to check Li Feng's pulse, but when her fingers touched Li Feng's pulse, she felt an unimaginably strong counterattack. Just like a small river is to the sea, she couldn't help being shocked and said: "Boy, why is the true energy in your body so strange?" Child Elder thought that no matter how powerful the boy's true energy is, he is only 20 years old, and Wu Yazi The 70 years of internal energy transferred to him by Shengsheng is only the internal energy of more than [-] years. Besides, it was not cultivated by him himself, but Wu Yazi subdued him with the Beiming Divine Art passed down by Li Qiushui. It should not be used at all, but how could it be so at this time?

No matter what Child Elder Ren thought, she couldn't think how Li Feng's body could be like this at this moment.

She didn't think about it, so she didn't think about it, and just now she clearly felt four or five strands of true energy rushing around in Li Feng's body, one of which was extremely domineering and fierce, completely different from all the sects and sects she had encountered in her life. The internal strength of each family can't help being even more strange.

At this time, Li Feng felt that the extremely domineering and violent zhenqi seemed to faintly swallow the other four zhenqi, but although the other zhenqi were weak, they fought hard, so it disturbed him The meridians in the body are stagnant and blocked, and I can't use any strength, and my whole body is limp.

Li Feng wanted to stand up, but he was still like that, and he really couldn't use half of his strength.

Child Elder noticed Li Feng's strange movement, called four maids, and asked them to carry Li Feng on a stretcher towards yesterday's soup pool.

Child Elder said: "Boy, when I saw you for the first time, you only had two streams of true qi in your body, although you have learned a lot, it shouldn't be like this, but how can there be so many different sources of true qi at this time? Yes. Now, it must be you who acted recklessly and wanted to use the Beiming Divine Art as a guide to fuse these different true qis into one furnace."

Seeing Li Feng nodded, he said: "These zhenqi are originally divided into different divisions, but this is not the case, and your own inner strength is already very deep, if you are not so impatient, you can stay on my Tianshan Mountain for a few more years, grandma tiao Teaching the method should be able to integrate the learning of all your families into one furnace, alas, but you are too impatient, and you want to use your own true energy to subdue these violent true energy, that's why!"

After a pause, he was a little strange: "But if that's the case, where does the incomparably violent true energy in your body come from? Other true energy can be seen from the martial arts you performed before, but only that It's really strange that a violent and incomparable zhenqi seems to have no root and no reason, and it's completely out of thin air!"

Rao Tianshan Child Elder is well-informed, she has never seen such a strange thing, she thought a lot in her mind for a while, but she couldn't think of a reason.

However, Li Feng thought of the mysterious Qinglian Sword Code, the miraculous sword move he used in the dungeon against Emperor Ziwei, he touched the Qingping Sword by his hand, the sword was warm and smooth, and the tentacles felt a little warm, not at all like Before that cold book, Li Feng was very surprised, thinking, could it be that the strong and domineering zhenqi was related to the Qinglian Sword Code, but this matter was too unbelievable, he really didn't dare to confide in Tianshan Child Elder.

In fact, Child Elder felt strange looking at the newly equipped green steel long sword on his waist, but Xiaoyao School's martial arts has always been based on internal strength, as for the martial arts, it can't be said that it is not weak, but compared to other Those kinds of miraculous martial arts are somewhat dim in comparison, so Child Elder didn't pay much attention to them.

(End of this chapter)

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