Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 221 Tianshan Jade Bi

Chapter 221 Tianshan Jade Bi
In fact, with Tianshan Child Elder's knowledge, if she pays a little attention, she can find out the truth, or she has seen it, but she just doesn't want to tell it, it depends on when Li Feng confides the truth to herself.

Li Feng didn't know this, and was carried all the way to the soup spring that day.

Child Elder ordered people to put Li Feng into the soup spring, and then let everyone leave, and then instructed Li Feng to forcefully exercise his kung fu to get rid of distracting thoughts, and then used his own true energy as a guide, trying to draw out the incomparably strong true energy .

But no matter how the Tianshan Child Elder's strong zhenqi was drawn, the incomparably strong zhenqi in Li Feng's body seemed to be unaware, and it even seemed to disappear, empty, without a trace.

This time, not only Tianshan Child Elder was surprised, even Li Feng also found it strange.

Then Li Feng also noticed that the strong zhenqi in his body had suddenly changed from five strands to six strands because Tianshan Child Elder gave him a transition of zhenqi at this time, but the other five strands were not revealed for the time being.

This action is like drinking poison to quench thirst, although Li Feng finds it strange, he doesn't seem to let it go, but no matter how shallowly he uses his internal energy, the true energy will always be empty, so Child Elder's internal energy is like a river flowing into the sea, entering smoothly into Li Feng's body.

After a while, Child Elder also noticed Li Feng's state at this time, and she didn't dare to attack Li Feng again, she wanted to withdraw her internal energy, but she suddenly noticed that Li Feng's body suddenly produced an incomparably strong suction force, Inhale all his true energy into Li Feng's body.

Child Elder said inwardly that she was not good, and then said: "Have you learned Beiming Divine Art?"

As soon as he said the words, he knew it was impossible. Beiming Shengong was Li Qiushui's life-saving trick. Although it was passed on to Wu Yazi, Wu Yazi was already old when he passed it on, so it was impossible for him to have time to teach this kid again. The kid's aptitude is very good, Baobuqi Wuyazi really passed it on to him, but it's impossible, I have been facing this kid so day and night before, and I have tested it several times, but I didn't realize that there was Beiming Zhenqi in his body ah.

Child Elder didn't think too much about it, she just tried her best to use her inner strength to resist the suction force in Li Feng's body, and use this to withdraw her true energy.

But no matter how he strikes, the suction in Li Feng's body is getting stronger and stronger. Child Elder secretly thinks that it is not good. After thinking about it, she no longer fights, but transitions slowly. This time, the suction in Li Feng's body really slows down, and Child Elder is even less. After a while, he immediately withdrew his palm, keeping a distance from Li Feng, and then retracted it.

Li Feng felt slightly apologetic, but he couldn't say much, so he could only say: "Senior, me!"

Seeing this, Child Elder knew that this was not Li Feng's intention, so she waved her hand, and then Li Feng suddenly felt that although there were six strands of true energy in his body, but because of Child Elder's true energy, he was able to move. Thinking of Linghu Chong in the Swordsman, he was probably just like Linghu Chong at this moment, with several strands of zhenqi in his body playing tricks, it seemed that the solution was either to rest the star-absorbing method, or to take a break from the Yi Jin Jing.

Coincidentally, Li Feng has read both of these two internal exercises and knows the method.

He had seen the Yi Jin Jing in the Treasure Pavilion of the Imperial Palace last time, but it was too difficult. Given his situation at the time, no matter how much he stopped studying, he would never be able to learn it. , Wu Yazi once taught him when he passed on his inner strength, and he has also practiced it several times these days, which can be regarded as a glimpse of the door.

Thinking of this, Li Feng didn't panic too much, but Child Elder looked at Li Feng at this moment, and became more and more curious about this kid in front of her.

Child Elder said: "Grandma intends to integrate all martial arts from all over the world into one furnace, and create a martial art that is rare in the world, but this idea is too extraordinary, ordinary people can't understand. That little thief Wu Yazi is not too shy, and because he is young, he invites you to go up the mountain."

He added: "Actually, the Everlasting Changchun Kungfu that grandma passed on to you is just the beginning of my Vulture Palace's martial arts. There are still many brilliant martial arts on the stone walls of my Vulture Palace that have never been seen in the world. At this age, in fact, it can only be regarded as a glimpse of the hall, but you can't find the way to enter the door."

Li Feng was very surprised, his curiosity was suddenly aroused by the child elder, and then he thought of the chivalrous island in the chivalrous walk, the Taixuan scripture learned by the dog bastard, in fact, Xu Zhu also mentioned the vulture palace jade in the original Tianlongbabu The martial art on the biscuit is just that the original author has little ink, and Li Feng didn't pay attention to it before, now hearing what Child Elder said, he couldn't help being very curious.

At the same time, Li Feng also thought of the strange Wuya remnant on Tiezhang Peak, and wondered if it had something to do with it. Otherwise, why did Wu Yazi not know that he had been to Tiezhang Peak when he saw Wu Yazi? Have you ever left a legacy of martial arts on Iron Palm Peak?

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Feng couldn't figure out why, so Li Feng didn't think about it any more. At this time, she had obtained the child's elder skill, although it was not as good as her own, but she was able to move, so she got up and left the Tangchi, and wanted to go to Yubi to have a look. .

(End of this chapter)

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