Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 222 The Secret of the Mountain Belly

Chapter 222 The Secret of the Mountain Belly
Tianshan Child Elder didn't think too much anymore, and immediately led Li Feng to the Vulture Palace Yubi.

The jade wall of the Vulture Palace is hidden deep in the hinterland of the Vulture Palace, deep within the Tianshan Child Elder's residence.Li Feng had been here before, but when he came here this time, he discovered the profoundness and subtlety of the hinterland of Vulture Palace, and he couldn't help but be amazed.

The palace is deep, and the two turned left and right, Li Feng was secretly surprised, thinking that it is no wonder that Child Elder hid her old nest palace here, this place is deep inside the palace, just like the Taixuan Sutra hidden in the knight's walk On the island, outsiders who don't know the inside story will never find this place!

Li Feng walked with the child elder for a while, and saw that the dense stone cave was getting bigger and bigger, thinking that he was about to arrive, but after walking for a while, he still hadn't entered the secret tunnel, but saw that the secret tunnel was getting rougher, not as it was just now There are obvious traces of artificial polishing on the entry, and it looks clean and tidy. Li Feng can understand the reason after a little thought.

Thinking that the place I just entered is relatively close to Child Elder's residence, Tianshan Child Elder has always liked luxury, so even this small cave was carefully built by skilled craftsmen, as for the inside of this stone wall, because it is connected to the vulture Although ordinary people may not be able to understand the map of palace secrets even if they read it, even those with low martial arts forcibly practiced will hurt their bodies due to their weak internal strength foundation.

But Tianshan Child Elder is always suspicious by nature, so even the craftsmen who built the Vulture Palace never let her enter this place.

After those craftsmen built the Vulture Palace, Child Elder was afraid that they would leak the secret, so she even killed them all and threw their corpses into the world. They stole out of their home, carried them back to the mountain by themselves, brought them up, and passed on some martial arts to them.

The oldest person in the Vulture Palace is Child Elder and the daughter of a Xixia official who was brought back from the Xixia Palace more than 40 years ago after destroying Li Qiushui's face. She is the Granny She whom Xu Zhu met later. All the daughters naturally didn't know about it, they thought they were abandoned by their parents and adopted by Child Elder, so all the daughters respected Child Elder very much.

Of course, Li Feng will not tell the girls that Child Elder has stayed in Tianshan for more than 50 years. Far surpassed Li Qiushui and Wu Yazi, that's why Li Qiushui didn't dare to fight when he saw the child elder recovered.

In the early years, Li Qiushui and Wu Yazi had a relationship as husband and wife, both of them have their own martial arts, in fact each other is good at it, but even so, Li Qiushui is still not the match of Tianshan Child Elder, she sees Child Elder fighting with her occasionally Shi suddenly used the martial arts that he seemed to have seen before, but he didn't know why. He thought that when he was learning the art, the master was biased and didn't pass these martial arts to himself and Wu Yazi. Suspected that these martial arts were secretly taught by Wu Yazi, passed on to Tianshan Child Elder but not to herself, her temperament is extreme, so thinking like this, naturally she would not give Child Elder any good face, these years, the two lived together In the past few years, even if they fought against each other, Li Qiushui was often defeated, and then relying on his own little non-phase skills, he often escaped from impossible places, so this made Li Qiushui say nothing to Tianshan Child Elder Hate it so much.

Li Feng didn't know this, but based on what he saw and heard in the past few days, he could figure out Child Elder's temperament, and thought about it, but he didn't tell the truth, and still followed Child Elder, heading for the Jade Bi in the secret cave of Vulture Palace .

The stone cave is far away, and the two of them have been walking for a long time. At this time, Li Feng felt that every step he took was steeper than the last one. He thought that he should be walking towards the hinterland of Tianshan Mountain, and the people on both sides of the dense cave were also walking from the moment they entered. When the oily light became dim and dim, like soybeans, Li Feng thought it must be due to lack of oxygen, which also proved from the side that the two were heading into the mountainside at this time.

Suddenly Li Feng only heard the sound of rustling water, he was startled, but Child Elder said calmly: "We'll be there soon." Then he pulled Li Feng and walked into the secret cave.

Before Li Feng could react, his body was already moving forward with the dragging of Child Elder.

When they stopped, the two of them had come to a deep and wide cave, the cave was far and wide, surrounded by dots of shining gems and pearls, Child Elder took out a fire pocket from her bosom, and placed it on the The torches around the cave were lit, and the cave and the like suddenly became brighter.

Those gems and luminous pearls reflected the light from the torches, illuminating the entire cave as bright as day.

Following the light, Li Feng saw that the walls around the cave were engraved with all kinds of grotesque atlases. The atlases were full of the appearance of duels between two people, like martial arts atlases, but the human body was full of meridians and acupoints. The scratches on the wall appeared extremely weird.

Child Elder smiled and said: "This is the secret of my Tianshan martial arts, boy, you should take a look first!"

Li Feng looked at him before he finished speaking, and saw that the mountain wall was full of such pictures. Besides, there were several lines of small characters after each picture, but the handwriting was very small, and it was at the end of the picture. , Li Feng couldn't see clearly for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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