Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 223 The Vulture's Secret Map and the Cliffless Inscription

Chapter 223 The Vulture's Secret Map and the Cliffless Inscription

Li Feng stepped forward, looked at the words carefully, but found that the words were not known what kind of documents, they were crooked, and the handwriting was unrecognizable, so he turned his head to show doubts, and wanted to ask Child Elder, but Child Elder said: "Boy, hehe, I can't recognize these words either. Over the past 50 years, I have captured countless literati and scholars from all over Xixia, Daliao, Tubo and Tianzhu, but none of them can recognize them!"

Li Feng was even more surprised, and turned to look at those atlases.

The charts are complicated, and it seems that each picture represents a kind of martial arts. Li Feng understood one picture, and looked at the other picture in order, but he couldn't connect them anyway. For a while, he felt even more confused.

Child Elder didn't say much, seeing Li Feng's appearance, she knew that Li Feng had the same doubts as she had when she saw these atlases for the first time many years ago.

Li Feng saw that he couldn't make it coherent, so he thought that my internal energy is strange at the moment, so why not practice according to the movement of human internal energy in this picture, so he used his internal energy silently, wanting to practice according to the martial arts in the map, but No matter how he adjusts his inner breath, the true energy in his body runs half way every time, and it can no longer move according to the acupoints in the atlas, which is even more strange in his heart.

Child Elder said: "I've studied hard for 50 years, but I still don't quite understand it. Boy, it's not easy for the true qi in your body to follow this Turkic plan halfway. I think back then, I followed this plan, but no matter what It’s out of the question!”

Li Feng knew what Child Elder was referring to, meaning that he couldn't even move half of his true qi back then, so he couldn't help being a little proud, but before he could think about it, he felt the Qingping sword shaking in his hand, as if he wanted to break free, he couldn't help but It was even more shocking.

Li Feng no longer controlled it, and the Qingping sword suddenly flew towards the figure behind Li Feng.

With a sound of "shua", it just fell into the hands of one of the two sword-wielding confrontation behind Li Feng. The long sword in that person's hand was originally carved on the mountain wall with great internal strength, but the picture was very large. , This is just like a real picture scroll. Li Feng's Qingping sword sank into the man's hand at this time, and it immediately seemed to fit very well, as if it was specially prepared for this, and he couldn't help being even more surprised.

Could it be that Qingping sword has any relationship with the stone map in front of him?
Child Elder also felt very strange, asked what happened?

Naturally Li Feng couldn't answer, Child Elder had long wondered how the Qingping Sword in Li Feng's hand came about, seeing this kind of thing now, she stopped thinking about it, and asked Li Feng that the sword hadn't been seen when he went up the mountain, How did you come out of the soup spring to have this sword?

Li Feng didn't want to talk about his altar and the dungeon, but he suddenly remembered the strange words of the child grandma and the mysterious Tianshan Tangquan, so he asked: "Grandma, in fact, I have wanted to ask for a long time, what is the soup spring?" what's going on?"

But Child Elder said: "Yesterday I told you everything I should have told you! Could it be that Wu Yazi really didn't tell you about Yu Linglong when he taught you martial arts?"

Li Feng wondered, "Yu Linglong?"

Child Elder said: "Not bad!"

Li Feng wanted to ask more questions, but Child Elder said: "What's the matter with this sword? Where did you get it?"

Just as Li Feng was about to say something, the stone picture changed suddenly. The Qingping sword seemed to move when the human figure in the picture appeared. The two were startled, and looked together, only to see that the stone picture had changed back to its original appearance. , it seemed that the sudden movement of the stone map just now was just an illusion of the two, which surprised them.

Li Feng stepped forward to check, stretched out his hand to touch, wanted to pick up the Qingping sword, just grasped the Qingping sword, and wanted to pull it out vigorously, but the child elder stopped, but it was too late, Li Feng had done what he wanted, but No matter how hard Li Feng tried, the Qingping sword seemed to have grown on the stone picture, and merged with the characters in the picture, as if it was a picture, and could not be pulled out.

This was a surprise for the two of them, even Child Elder felt strange.

At this moment, the picture suddenly moved again, and the Qingping sword suddenly shone with a faint light, and the characters in the engraved picture on the mountain wall seemed to be urging the Qingping sword to use sword moves.

The meridian marks on the human body in the picture actually shone with a faint light, overflowing with true energy layer by layer, Child Elder happily said: "This seems to be the secret of this map, watch carefully."

The two of them carefully noted down the flow of the character's true energy in the picture. Li Feng looked at it carefully for a while, and suddenly his heart was shocked. The way to use the zhenqi in the left engraving is similar, so I can't help but want to tell Child Elder about this.

It's just that this matter is very strange, even when he told Wu Yazi that day, Wu Yazi herself didn't know about it, moreover Child Elder's attitude towards Wu Yazi was very strange, if she said it rashly, it would inevitably anger the old woman.

But Child Elder noticed Li Feng's strange expression, and hurriedly asked Li Feng what happened and if she knew something.

Li Feng had no choice but to say: "To tell you the truth, my disciple saw a strange atlas on Tiezhang Peak a month ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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