Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 224 The past is like smoke, the mysterious map

Chapter 224 The past is like smoke, the mysterious map

Child Elder hurriedly asked what was going on, Li Feng had no choice but to reply in a straightforward manner: "My disciple went to the two lakes with his companions a month ago, passing by Tiezhang Peak, and finally stayed at Zhongzhi Peak, and wanted to leave the next day, but I don't want to find a secret cave on the top of Zhongzhi Peak, the secret cave is deep and messy, obviously no one has entered it for a long time.

"This disciple wanted to leave right away, but it was strange to say that there was something in the secret cave of the middle finger that attracted this disciple. After thinking about it, this disciple thought that with my martial arts, I can't go anywhere in the world, so I took it with me right away. Companion, just entered that cave."

Just as she was about to continue, Child Elder hurriedly said: "Stop talking nonsense and focus on the important ones!"

Seeing Li Feng's displeasure, he said again: "That's right, you said companion, and I saw your appearance after leaving the soup pool yesterday, hehe, it's a female doll, you really are the same as Wu Yazi, no wonder that old man Seeing that Ding Chunqiu is dead, boy, he still passed on all 70 years of kung fu to you!"

Li Feng didn't answer her words, waited for a while, and saw that Child Elder obviously wanted to hear what he had to say, so he continued: "The cave is extremely deep, it's quite similar to our cave today, but it's not as deep and wide as today's cave, The disciple went in to investigate, and finally encountered an undercurrent in the mountain. The undercurrent was extremely wide. The disciple had no choice but to let his companions take risks, so he went alone immediately.

"One of the disciples relied on lightness kung fu to barely cross the undercurrent, and came to a stone room in the mountain. The stone room is extremely small. Compared with the jade wall of the Vulture Palace, it is not as good as it is. The equipment inside is also very simple, only a stone bed. , a stone table and a stone bench, the disciple saw how dilapidated the cave is, and there are no other important things, so he couldn't help feeling that he was making too much fuss and was about to leave, at this moment."

Speaking of this, Child Elder knew that Li Feng had mentioned something important, and couldn't help but want to ask, but Li Feng saw that the stone picture on the jade disc had changed again, the person holding the sword in the picture seemed to be faintly about to leave the mountain. Jumping down from the wall, and the stone picture has no human face, but the person in the stone picture has two more eyes at some point, and it looks like eyes are looking at the two of them.

Now Li Feng couldn't help being horrified, even Child Elder was also shocked, even though she lived such an old age, she has never seen such a strange scene, she couldn't help being shocked, thinking that this stone wall has become a spirit.

She is a martial arts practitioner, and the martial arts she learns are very heavy on internal energy, which is actually very close to Taoism. She has also read all over the world, Taoism, and even Taoism's theory of spirits and monsters, and the theory of cultivating inner alchemy. It's about these things, but under the influence of my ears and eyes, I still have Qi Qiyan in my heart, and I deeply think it is.

It's just that she has never encountered this kind of statement in her daily martial arts practice after all, so although she doubted it, she never thought it was true, but seeing this strange phenomenon at this time, she couldn't help but feel a little murmured in her heart.

Li Feng looked at it for a while, saw that the stone picture was still the same, he didn't pay attention to it immediately, and continued: "I wanted to leave, but suddenly I saw that there seemed to be some inscriptions on the stone bed, I looked carefully, The inscription reads, "Ten years, I don't know the time in the mountains, Wu Yazi of the Xiaoyao School escaped from the world because of his wife Qiushuimei and the villain Chunqiu. He originally wanted to live here forever and didn't care about Jianghu affairs, but why did he live in a happy life?" The head of the sect, Ding Chunqiu, used the Xiaoyao sect to end the method, causing disaster to the world, and the Cheng family is also unfortunate. This time he was born, consciously, the future is vast, Wu Yazi has been meditating for ten years, and has a glimpse of the world's martial arts. Martial arts are very different, and I am afraid that they will be lost, so the scriptures are engraved here, waiting for those who are predestined to learn them, otherwise they will be lost."

Li Feng silently praised Wu Yazi's suicide note, he thought Child Elder would be agitated when she heard it, but she didn't think that Child Elder would not react, but her expression suddenly became very strange, like sad, happy, and full of thoughts, and she couldn't help it right now. No more words.

After a while, Child Elder seemed to come back to her senses, seeing Li Feng's expression of concern, she hurriedly asked, "What happened next?"

Li Feng said: "I remember the martial arts in the last inscription, but after I came out, that companion disappeared. I searched for Tiezhang Peak, but I couldn't find it anymore. Later, I returned to Juxian Village, and it was with that Where my companions met, I didn't meet them. After some ordeals, I met Ding Chunqiu. After that, I fought with others, and suddenly there appeared a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain, who claimed to be Wu Yazi's apprentice, Ding Chunqiu's junior apprentice. , claiming to avenge his master, he had a great battle with Ding Chunqiu, but he was defeated and died in the end, later the disciple fought with Ding Chunqiu, got a bargain and narrowly defeated Ding Chunqiu."

Child Elder hurriedly asked what kind of martial art the martial art on the left-hand inscription was, but Li Feng said: "This is not the strangest thing, the strangest thing is that later, when the disciple went up to Qipan Mountain, he met the senior Wu Yazi, so he took the iron I told you about the matter on Palm Peak, but senior Wu Yazi can't remember that he has been to Iron Palm Peak at all, even the martial arts inscribed on it, senior Wu Yazi said that he has never seen it before."

(End of this chapter)

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