Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 25 Paoding Jieniu's Core

Chapter 25 Paoding Jieniu's Core

Li Feng watched with great interest the various states of the world in the inn, knights, beauties and martial arts, every man has this world in his heart.

From the corner of Li Feng's eyes, he glanced at the kitchen, just in time to see Diao Buyu sharpening his knives at the pigs and sheep in the kitchen, Li Feng's eyes lit up, now is a good opportunity to get closer to Diao Buyu and steal a teacher casually, so he walked in.

"Hey, guest officer, you can't enter the kitchen randomly." The waiter in the kitchen stopped Li Feng.

"I'm looking for Brother Diao!" Li Feng said loudly, beckoning to Diao Buyu.

Diao Buyu noticed Li Feng at once, recognized him, and nodded with some doubts to let Li Feng in.

"Brother Diao?" The kitchen clerk didn't quite understand Li Feng's attitude towards Diao Buyu. Diao Buyu couldn't understand the language, and there was not much in the inn to talk to him except the proprietress.

"Ji Li Gu Lu Ji Li Gu Lu." Diao Buyu was still speaking Tatar, which Li Feng could not understand at all.

"I'll come to see you." Li Feng guessed that Diao Buyu was asking him why he came.

Diao Buyu was stunned for a moment, but before he could respond, "Diao Buyu! Kill two sheep!" The man shouted.

"Lulu!" Diao Buyu replied, glanced at Li Feng, frowned slightly and went to slaughter the sheep.

Li Feng can tell at a glance that Diao Buyu thinks he is in the way, and he will only annoy Diao Buyu if he stays here.But he can't leave. If you want to learn the unique skill of not meeting Pao Ding and Jie Niu, you can't learn it without following him.

Li Feng rolled his eyes, rolled up his sleeves, and walked over to Diao Buyu to help him with the work, filling the sheep's blood, carrying the sheep's body and scrubbing the table.Diao Buyu was disgusted at first, but he had no choice but to stop Li Feng from listening, so he had to let it go.But gradually, Li Feng made his work a lot easier with his clever hands and feet and tacit cooperation with Diao Buyu, and Diao Buyu appreciated Li Feng's attitude more and more.

After noon was busy, the kitchen slowly became idle, Li Feng and Diao Buyu finally had time to take a breather.Working in the kitchen will inevitably be stained with grease and blood, and Li Feng's clothes are all stained.Diao Buyu felt sorry, and took a clean towel to wipe Li Feng's body.

Li Feng took the towel and said it was okay. During his stay in the kitchen, he saw Diao Buyu Pao Ding's unique skill of killing cattle several times, and gained a lot.Gradually, I have a considerable understanding of this stunt, and I have touched the core.

The reason why Diao Buyu's knife is fast is that he has practiced countless times over the years, and he is very familiar with the structure of the bone and flesh he cuts, the position of every bone, and the texture of every muscle.The saber movement has become the inertia of his body and has been integrated into his blood. Only in this way can he separate the flesh and blood with the least effort and the fastest method.

Just looking at Diao Buyu's movements, no matter how many times he does it, he can only understand the superficiality of Pao Ding's unique skill.If you want to learn it, you have to teach it yourself by Diao Buyu, and tell him his many years of practical experience, so that you can master it.Li Feng's approach to Diao Buyu is correct, but there is still a long way to go to learn the unique skills of Pao Ding Jie Niu.

The more Diao Buyu looked at Li Feng, the more pleasing he was, took a steamed bun and handed it to Li Feng, and said, "Are you hungry?" His words were very blunt, but he could still understand the meaning.

"Brother Diao, you can speak Chinese!" Li Feng was overjoyed, he was worried about the trouble of language barrier, even if Diao Buyu dictated it, he would be like a heavenly book.

Diao Buyu has lived in the Han area for so long, so of course he can speak Chinese.It's just that there are few Han people who usually talk to him, and he doesn't bother to speak in Chinese. Li Feng is the second person besides Jin Xiangyu who makes Diao Buyu willing to speak Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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