Chapter 26

"Don't call me big brother, Diao Buyu!" Diao Buyu patted Li Feng.

"Okay!" Li Feng chatted with Diao Buyu while nibbling on steamed buns. Although they didn't talk much, Diao Buyu's willingness to chat with Li Feng like this is a proof of their good relationship.

At this time, Heizi, the innkeeper, walked into the kitchen, saw Li Feng, and his expression changed. "Guest officer, you can't enter the kitchen, please go!"

"Grumble." Diao Buyu explained to Heizi.

"Even if you can help, what should you do if there is some goods in the kitchen?" Heizi said with a black face, and Li Feng naturally understood what goods meant, isn't it ten-flavored meat!
"Guest officer, please go!" Heizi didn't give Li Feng a good look because of his duty.

"No, you can stay here if you want!" Jin Xiangyu suddenly appeared, waved his hand, pulled Heizi out, and couldn't help but look at Li Feng from the corner of his eyes when he left.

Jin Xiangyu pulled Heizi aside and scolded sharply: "This is my lady's honored guest, order me down, give me a good hello, and don't touch him!"

"But the head of the house, that's the kitchen!"

"Did you hear that!" Jin Xiangyu blew his beard and stared.

"Yes" Heizi could only obey, he had never seen Jin Xiangyu treat a man like this, as if possessed by a demon.

Jin Xiangyu left Heizi and went to the kitchen, and walked to Li Feng and Diao Buyu, "Why did you play with Diao Buyu? They really share the same taste." She gave Diao Buyu a nudge from behind and let him go.

"Ah! I still have shit, let's go first!" Diao Buyu changed the "thing" into "shit", and left without knowing it.

"Haha." Li Feng and Jin Xiangyu, who were left behind, looked at each other and laughed, and the shyness and embarrassment of meeting was swept away.

"How did it get so dirty?" Jin Xiangyu frowned, and patted Li Feng's clothes like a little wife.Seeing the steamed bun in Li Feng's hand again, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah." Li Feng looked at Jin Xiangyu with a smile on his face.

"Go to my room and wait for me." Jin Xiangyu pushed Li Feng out.

Li Feng didn't know what Jin Xiangyu wanted to do, so he obediently walked to Jin Xiangyu's room.Just taking advantage of Jin Xiangyu's absence, check the secret passage in the room.Li Feng walked to the corner of the room, groped around the wall, and found a loose boulder. After he opened it, there was a hanging ring inside.Pull the edge of the bed and open it, it is exactly the same as in the movie.

Li Feng reset the secret way, sat down and thought to himself, it doesn't matter if this secret way is known by Zhou Huai'an, it's not a secret way to escape anyway.What is not sure now is how Li Feng's appearance will affect the relationship between Jin Xiangyu and Zhou Huaian. We must beware of Jin Xiangyu helping Zhou Huaian.

With a sound of "嘎", the door opened, and Jin Xiangyu came in with a bowl of noodles, "Eat it quickly! The beef noodles I made myself!"

Li Feng was a little flattered. In the movie, Jin Xiangyu, who had never cooked before, actually did it for him. Li Feng was stunned.

"What's the matter? The first time you ordered noodles, you should like it, right? Don't worry, this meat is real beef!" Jin Xiangyu said with a chuckle.

Li Feng was surprised by Jin Xiangyu's thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness, and at the same time felt a warm touch in his heart. He picked up chopsticks and ate noodles, full of praise for Jin Xiangyu's cooking skills.

While Li Feng was eating noodles, Jin Xiangyu smiled gratifiedly and said, "You said that you are very immature emotionally, but you are quite experienced in walking the rivers and lakes. Tell me, how do you know that there is something wrong with my meat here? Close to Diao What is the reason for not meeting?"

(End of this chapter)

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