Chapter 32
It takes at least a few years for ordinary people to completely rot and leave their bones. With the help of Diao Buyu, God has saved a lot of effort, which is a great merit.That's why he can be so calm and calm.

However, it was difficult for Li Feng to do it, but he did not learn Pao Ding's unique skills to kill sheep and cattle, his opponent was human.If you want to achieve great success, you must have a clear understanding of the structure of the human body, so Li Feng still forced himself to do it.Although he still couldn't fully adapt, his courage became stronger and stronger.

"Whoosh..." a bloody man's body slid down from the entrance of the secret passage, and Li Feng guessed that this person was blushing.

"Heh, Shixiang Roubao has stuffing." Diao Buyu cheered, and Li Feng rushed out from his side.

Li Feng walked from the lobby to the room inlaid with gold and jade. General Qianhu and his gang were already sitting in the lobby.Li Feng glanced at General Qianhu calmly.Walking to Jinxiangyu's room, Jinxiangyu was opening the door and coming out. When she saw Li Feng, she immediately smiled and looked back at Bai Meisheng, "I was thinking of you."

Li Feng forced a smile back, pretending to be anxious, and pushed her back into the room.

"What's wrong?" Jin Xiangyu noticed Li Feng's strangeness.

"The companion we left behind has arrived. We will leave in the afternoon and return to Beijing to report on our duties."

"Are you leaving?" Jin Xiangyu was taken aback.

"Hmm..." Li Feng was a little afraid to look into the eyes of gold inlaid jade.

"Will you come back?" Jin Xiangyu asked full of hope.

"There will be new errands not long after I return to Beijing to report on my work. I can't tell where I will go at that time. I'm afraid we will meet next time." Li Fengchang sighed, looked at the gold inlaid jade, and his face was full of sadness.

"Then I'll go with you!" Jin Xiangyu got up immediately.

"You can't come with me! Where can I bring relatives with me on business?" Li Feng shook his head.

"I don't care! I must be with you!" Jin Xiangyu bit her lips lightly, looked into Li Feng's eyes, and said firmly, the hotness and sincerity in her eyes made Li Feng's heart tremble, and he could hardly continue acting.

"At this point, if there is some place for me to hide, it would be great. If they can't find me, they will definitely think that I am a deserter and leave to chase me. Never expect that I will stay here, so that I can be with you We'll be together forever." Li Feng stamped his feet hesitantly.

"There is such a place!" After listening to Li Feng's intentional guidance, Jin Xiangyu said without thinking, "The secret passage of our inn!"

"Take me to have a look." Li Feng said happily.

"Okay!" Jin Xiangyu didn't hesitate, she had no scruples in order to be with Li Feng.

Jin Xiangyu led Li Feng out of the room and walked around to the wine cellar.

"Is the secret path here?" Li Feng was a little surprised. He obviously searched the place and found nothing unusual.

Jin Xiangyu walked to the back of the wine rack, and the other side was where the inn's counter was. It was the place where the most people passed by and stayed in the inn, and the noisy voices in the lobby outside could be heard through the drunk driving.

"Climb over." Jin Xiangyu turned her head and said to Li Feng, and then crawled through the gap under the wine rack that only accommodated one person.

"Climb over there? Isn't that the counter over there?" Li Feng was puzzled, but followed Jin Xiangyu's instructions and crawled over.

After climbing over, there was indeed a counter, because the counter was covered, and the two squatting were not noticed by people passing by or standing in front of the counter.

(End of this chapter)

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