Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 33 It's better for you to stay away from me

Chapter 33 It's better for you to stay away from me
Heizi, the shopkeeper at the counter, didn't show any abnormality when he saw Jin Xiangyu and Li Feng crawling over, and he was still talking and laughing happily with the customers.

Jin Xiangyu pushed the cabinet on the counter inward, and a secret passage appeared under the cabinet.Unexpectedly, Jin Xiangyu put the secret path in this position. The most dangerous place is the safest. Neither Li Feng nor Zhou Huai'an thought that the secret path would be here. They spent all their efforts on those hidden places during the search.

It's not that Li Feng didn't check here before, and he still didn't find it.The main reason is that the secret passage switch is also quite ingeniously designed, there is nothing unusual on the outside, it is just an ordinary cabinet when it is opened, and no one would think of pushing the cabinet in.

Jin Xiangyu turned her head to signal Li Feng, then walked into the secret passage with the oil lamp, and Li Feng followed closely.

After walking through a dark passage, he came to a relatively open space. Gold inlaid jade lit some oil lamps around, and Li Feng could see the surrounding environment clearly.There are some furniture made of stone such as stone tables and beds, and some are like Shanxi earthen kilns.

"This is the secret way out of our inn. Because sometimes the border inspection is strict, we will take a rest here, so some basic living equipment and necessities are available. If you hide here, you will never be discovered." Jin Xiangyu said.

Li Feng guessed that it must have taken a lot of effort to dig out the secret road leading to the outside of the pass. There should be only this one in the Longmen Inn. As long as he stays here, Zhou Huaian will never have a chance to escape.

"Jin Yiwei has many eyes and ears. Don't let anyone pass through here during this period of time. It will be bad if the news leaks out." Li Feng told Jin Xiangyu.

"I see. But if you disappear like this, don't you want to give up your future and be wanted by Jin Yiwei?" Li Feng was willing to stay, Jin Xiangyu was delighted, but couldn't help worrying about Li Feng.

"Without you, what's the point of future life?" Li Feng smiled slightly, and hugged the gold inlaid jade into his arms.

Jin Xiangyu was silent, and a line of tears fell on Li Feng's lapel.When a man is willing to give up his future life for you, any woman will do the same without hesitation, and even more.

"Let's go out first! There are still some things that have not been resolved." Li Feng patted the gold inlaid jade, and he was not at ease until he saw Qiu Moyan.

Jin Xiangyu and Li Feng returned the same way and walked into the lobby of the inn one after another.

As soon as Jin Xiangyu entered the hall, General Qianhu immediately squinted and shouted: "Baby!" He rushed over and wanted to hug Jin Xiangyu, but Jin Xiangyu turned around and threw him away.

"Haha, you are so naughty." General Qianhu thought that the gold inlaid jade was a joke, and hugged it again.

But Jin Xiangyu stepped lightly and jumped onto the wine table, General Qianhu fled to nothing again.General Qianhu's face was slightly annoyed, "What do you mean?"

Jin Xiangyu took out a handkerchief to cover her mouth, coughed a few times on purpose, pretended to be haggard and said: "General Qianhu, I have caught a cold recently, the doctor said that it is very severe and contagious, it is better for you to stay away from me. "

Ever since Jin Xiangyu and Li Feng fell in love with each other and had a lifelong relationship, Jin Xiangyu no longer had affairs with other men.Unreasonable move.The other men just refused directly, but this Qianhu General is a local tyrant, so he can only pretend to be sick.

"Okay, why are you sick! If you say you are sick, you will be sick, and next time you will tell me sooner!" General Qianhu looked displeased, and took out two drawings of wanted criminals, "Have you seen these two people recently?"

"Who is this?" Jin Xiangyu pointed to Zhou Huaian's drawing and asked.

"He is Zhou Huai'an, a wanted criminal. He used to be the instructor of the Forbidden Army. He offended Dongchang and lost his head."

"Dongchang? What's so great about Dongchang." Jin Xiangyu said,

"Don't talk nonsense!" General Qianhu glanced at Li Feng intentionally or unintentionally. He knew that Li Feng was hiding in the Longmen Inn, so he didn't have direct contact with Li Feng. He was the only one in the Longmen Inn who knew the identities of Li Feng and Yuhuatian. up.

General Qianhu turned over the second one and showed it to Jin Xiangyu. Jin Xiangyu looked at it and said in surprise, "So the head with a touch of red is worth 500 taels?"

(End of this chapter)

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