Chapter 563 Wild Beast
Hearing the voice became faster and faster, Li Feng became more worried. Ruan Xingzhu also knew that the situation was extremely urgent at this time, so he didn't say much, and followed Li Feng to the place where the spirit pig screamed "Ang Ang". go.The four of them walked forward for a while, although they moved very fast, they couldn't find it in the end. It seemed that the spirit pig was also moving and running, which made Li Feng very anxious.

Passing through a poplar grove, Li Feng suddenly saw a shrub in front of him, slightly parting and merging, it seemed that there had been people before the crowd came, Li Feng immediately stood in awe, thinking that this time is deep in the hinterland of Chaoge Mountain, and there are few people except himself. , how can there be others, thinking of this, I feel excited.

But Child Elder saw the strangeness of the situation, smiled slightly and said: "Boy, don't be too happy too soon."

Li Feng heard that Child Elder's words were strange, he felt a little strange in his heart, but now that he had found the clue, he felt relaxed, so he didn't think much about it.

So he stretched out his hand to pull apart the thorn forest. In the bushes in front of him, there was a strange flower bush. The flowers had seven flowers and seven leaves. The flowers were huge, bright red, like flames. Li Feng was very happy in his heart, and said: " Grandma said it was true."

Seeing that there seemed to be traces of being picked in the little red lotus bushes, it was immediately clear that it was the work of Jin Xiangyu and Liang Xiao, and thought to himself: "Since Liang Xiao really found the buddhist little red lotus Lian, that means Child Elder didn't deceive me, but why are they not here?"

Thinking of this, I was very surprised at once, seeing a slight smile on Child Elder's mouth, I was very surprised in my heart, and asked: "Grandma, what are you laughing at?" Child Elder still smiled strangely, without explaining, she asked Li Feng instead. : "Just now I told you about the current situation, boy, do you really not understand, or are you pretending to be stupid with grandma?"

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, thinking of all the situations that Child Elder had analyzed about Liang Xiao for him, he was extremely surprised, and thought to himself that when he arrived at the place where the little red lotus was, although he didn't see the root of this thing, but judging from this , it should be the little red lotus on the Buddha seat.Now that Liang Xiao has found the little red lotus on the Buddha seat, why didn't he wait for him here anymore, and why did he disappear with the gold inlaid jade?Could it be that, as Child Elder expected, Liang Xiao intends to threaten him, asking him to take him to find the three herbs?
She was at a loss for what to do, but Child Elder suddenly smiled and said: "Boy, you don't have to guess, what I said just now has no other meaning."

Li Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know what Child Elder meant by saying this suddenly at this time, he was about to inquire, when suddenly Ruan Xingzhu yelled, "Look at that." Falling into the ice cave, I saw a huge black wild boar in the forest, with bewitching red eyes, staring at the four of them.

The wild boar is covered with mane, and its long teeth are bent like a moon, almost forming a perfect arc. The color is white, like beautiful jade. From Li Feng's position, it looks like a dagger. It looks murderous, extremely vicious, and The most strange thing is that the wild boar's eyes were faintly glowing red, which looked extremely alluring and weird.

This situation is the same as when Li Feng found this spirit pig for the first time in the forest.

This shocked Li Feng greatly, and he couldn't figure out what was going on?

It's just that the current situation is such that Li Feng can't afford to think too much.

The wild boar let out a loud cry, as if it had gone mad, and rushed towards the four of them.

Li Feng was shocked, he was afraid that this animal would hurt Li Ziling, Ruan Xingzhu and the two of them, without thinking, he pulled the two of them, jumped towards the branch, turned his head to look at Child Elder, and saw the position Child Elder was standing just now Kongkong also jumped up lightly without knowing when, and came to the top of the tree behind him.

He brought the two daughters to a safe place, and then he calmed down and observed carefully. He saw that the wild boar was so fierce that he seemed to have spotted the four of him. He saw them leaping up the treetops, although he could not Go, but standing under the treetops, "Ang Ang" screamed strangely, and kept touching the big tree with its long teeth, the ostentatious big tree shook one after another, and the branches danced wildly.

On the wild boar, there were also some bloodstains and a few scars, which seemed to be wounded by darts, and also seemed to be wounded by sharp swords, which made Li Feng very frightened, thinking that this is the beast that had a gold inlaid jade beam on Xiao Xiao's body. Made by two people?
Because long before he met Child Elder, he had seen the appearance of this beast after it went berserk, but at that time the spirit pig was just a little bigger than usual, not as big as it is now, almost doubled in size.

Li Feng was very concerned about the gold inlaid jade, he was afraid that she would have been poisoned by this beast at this time, so he wanted to go down and deal with the wild boar, and then go to find the gold inlaid jade, but suddenly he heard the voice of the child elder: "Boy , don’t worry, just take a look first, your sister Jin may not be hurt by this beast, that Liang Xiao boy is very shrewd, and this time he got the little red lotus seated on the Buddha seat again, is it really going to be so unbearable?"

(End of this chapter)

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