Chapter 564
Li Feng thought it was right, but he was worried after all. He was condescending and fixedly stared at the crazy spirit pig that had grown bigger, trying to find any clues and flaws from it.

It's just that things are in a hurry at this time, and he is completely unprepared, so how can he find any clues to the flaw?
The spirit pig looked at the four people on the tree, seemed to be getting more and more angry, screaming "angang" frequently, then suddenly let out a strange howl, turned around and rushed towards the tree where Liang Xiao was standing.

Liang Xiao was shocked, but when he jumped up just now, he had already seen how huge the tree was. Judging from the current situation, even though the beast was huge, it might be difficult to do anything to get this giant tree right now. .

Even so, if this situation continues, the giant tree will definitely break and collapse, and Li Feng must guard against it.

The giant tree swayed, and the leaves flew wildly. The spirit pig seemed to go crazy, and seemed to ignore it, and bumped into the big tree where Li Feng was.

Li Feng thought in his heart that if he went on like this, he was afraid that he would be killed here by this beast. With this thought in his heart, he knew he couldn't wait any longer, so he jumped straight down the tree, pulled out the Qingping sword from his waist, With a clear whistle, he stabbed at the spirit pig.

The animal was very obedient and shrewd, felt Li Feng's lingering true energy, and knew how powerful Li Feng was, so he didn't dare to be careless, instead of hitting the tree, he rushed towards Li Feng instead.

What Li Feng was waiting for was at this moment, he let out a hey, his whole body was full of true energy, and unconsciously he more than doubled his true energy, his strength became even greater, and he stabbed straight at the spirit pig.


At this critical moment, the spirit pig seemed to have finally felt the power of Li Feng, and did not dare to fight recklessly, and suddenly turned slightly sideways, avoiding Li Feng's stabbing sword.

Li Feng who watched was amazed, and exclaimed repeatedly: "This bastard has good eyesight, he knows my strength." Saying this in his mouth, the strength in his hands increased a little, unconsciously, he used Mount Tai Pai's sword technique stabbed at the spirit pig.The spirit pig seemed to be psychic, like a martial arts master, knowing Li Feng's strength, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, turned slightly sideways, and avoided Li Feng's move of "green pine to welcome guests".

Although Li Feng was surprised, he had already expected this result from the first move, so he didn't appear to be flustered. Instead, he used another move in a leisurely manner, stabbing at the spirit pig.

It was Dai Zong's swordsmanship.

One man and one beast fought fiercely.After more than [-] rounds, Li Feng saw that he was unable to attack for a long time, and the red light in the pig's eyes became stronger and stronger, he was shocked, thinking that if the fight continues like this, although this animal may not be able to do anything I have killed myself, but I can't always end it.

If this is the case, how can we talk about finding gold inlaid jade?

Thinking this way in his heart, he hurriedly urged the sword, and stabbed at the spirit pig with all his strength.

Although the spirit pig has become bigger and more violent at this time, it is not too cumbersome at all. On the contrary, it is more flexible, avoiding Li Feng's trick after trick, forcing Li Feng to end the battle quickly, but But always can't, I can't help but have some other thoughts in my heart.

Child Elder said with a smile: "Boy, this spiritual creature has changed, it is rare for ordinary people to meet in three lifetimes, you boy met this time, so hurry up and use your housekeeping skills, if you are so half-hearted, maybe you will be hurt by this beast Come on, let alone saving your woman, even if you want to end the battle, you won't be able to."

When Li Feng heard this, he thought that although the words were crude, the truth was not bad, but his mood dropped sharply at this moment, even if he wanted to use his whole life's strength, he still couldn't, so he couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

Seeing this, Li Ziling and Ruan Xingzhu on the treetops also sweated secretly because of Li Feng. Li Ziling thought that based on the child grandmother's martial arts and the conversation with her brother just now, this old woman must have a way to deal with this spirit pig. So even though he didn't like Child Elder in his heart, he still said: "Grandma, please help brother."

Child Elder smiled and said, "Little girl, that's not the way you talked to Grandma before." After speaking, seeing Li Ziling showing a slight unwillingness on his face, she continued: "You want Grandma to save you It's not that elder brother can't, it's just that this shot will consume a lot of grandma's true energy, what do you think should be the compensation?"

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, you are not ignorant of this kid's temper. If I make a move, maybe he will make things difficult for grandma, but he may not be willing to be like this for grandma."

Although Li Ziling knew that Child Elder was trying to ridicule at this time, she felt impatient and a little angry, but at this moment, her brother's life was at stake, so she dared not be careless, and said immediately: "Don't worry, grandma, if you save me Brother, this junior will definitely thank grandma heavily."

Child Elder said "Oh", seemed to be very interested in the thanks in her words, and asked with a smile: "How do you want to thank Grandma, this is what makes Grandma very interested."

Li Ziling's words were just said in that way, thinking that Child Elder is a high-ranking person in the world, and she is just an unknown person, she never imagined that Child Elder would take her own words seriously, after hearing what Child Elder said, the expression on her face Immediately, he showed displeasure, thinking that you are a grandmaster after all, how can you be so like a junior like me, besides, my elder brother is your nephew, and you are the head of your sect, if something happens right now, if you don’t save me, why not save me? It's really shameless for a junior to bargain here.

It's just that he didn't dare to say these words in front of Child Elder, for fear of offending this weird old woman who is moody and extremely skilled in martial arts, she immediately said: "As long as grandma can save my brother and help him find sister Jin, grandma Whatever you want, just say it."

Child Elder laughed loudly and said: "Whatever Grandma wants, can you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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