Chapter 565 Taunt
Li Ziling was taken aback when she heard the words, the matter was urgent just now, and Child Elder was aggressive, she said that without thinking about it, and made a promise, but she never thought that Child Elder would really be serious, let alone Child Elder If she really saved her brother, she would ask her to do something, Li Ziling was secretly surprised when Child Elder said this, and wondered what kind of trouble this old woman was going to do, but this The matter was extremely urgent at the time, and her brother's life could be said to be hanging by a thread, so she didn't have time to think about it. Seeing this, Dang even said: "Yes, as long as grandma can save brother, it will be considered as taking mine." Ziling will not hesitate to sacrifice her life."

Child Elder laughed loudly and said: "Good girl, Grandma admires you..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Li Feng shouting from below: "Sister, don't be fooled. With this little beast, I can't help but beat your brother." Saying this, he hurriedly used his sword and gathered together. All the true energy in his body was concentrated on the sword, and he stabbed at the spirit pig.

Child Elder is a master of martial arts, so of course she knows the tricks, she knows how powerful Li Feng's move is, she said hello, and said: "Boy, you have integrated the palm technique of my Xiaoyao School into the sword technique, it seems that there are six suns in Tianshan Mountain. There are traces of palms inside, although it's a bit of a toddler in Handan, but at last it's not in vain that Wu Yazi accepted you as his apprentice when he was dying, and my grandma passed on your martial arts blessings back then."

Li Feng snorted coldly, continued to use his sword, and attacked the spirit pig directly.

But the child elder smiled and said: "Boy, you don't have to ignore grandma in such a hurry, hehe, I'm just complimenting you, although your skills are strong at this moment, you may not be able to deal with this beast."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, looked at Li Ziling, and continued: "My good girl, you haven't completed martial arts yet, so you can't see your brother's flaws at this time. Let me tell you, this beast is extremely powerful and fast. , although your brother's swordsmanship is exquisite, but after all, he has not reached a high level, so he may not be the opponent of this beast."

Before she finished speaking, Li Ziling interrupted her and said, "What exactly does grandma want me to do, just tell me."

Child Elder smiled and said: "Okay, it really is a quick talker, with a real temperament, not like your elder brother, mother-in-law, or a man."

Teasing Li Feng in his mouth, he continued: "As long as you promise grandma, grandma saves your brother, and after you find the girl surnamed Jin, you persuade your brother to follow me to find Yu Linglong, and I will save him."

Li Ziling never expected that at this critical moment, Child Elder's conditions to threaten her would be so simple, she said immediately: "Is it really that simple?"

Child Elder said: "Yes, it's that simple, hehe, don't underestimate this condition, your elder brother is very tactful, although he has already agreed to grandma before, he will run away if he fails to keep it..."

Li Ziling knew that things were in a hurry at this time, and she must not delay any longer, before Child Elder finished speaking, she hurriedly said: "Okay, I promise grandma on behalf of my brother, as long as grandma can help me save my brother, brother will help you How difficult is it to find Yu Linglong?"

Child Elder smiled and said: "Good!"

As soon as the word "good" came out of his mouth, he didn't say any more, he jumped straight down the treetop, landed in the middle of the field where Li Feng was fighting the spirit pig, looked at Li Feng with a smile, and said, "Boy, I'll help you. "

After finishing speaking, he struck out with a palm and hit the spirit pig.

The spirit pig seemed to know the strength of Child Elder's palm, it let out a strange "ang" sound, and dodged to the right, Child Elder sneered, and said, "Where are you going?" Hit away.

She spoke only for a split second, but her strikes were faster than her words. As soon as she finished speaking, the palms and punches were already sent out one after another. Although they were in order, Li Ziling and Ruan Xingzhu just couldn't see them. Find out whether she punches first or palms first.

Li Feng was also very surprised. Ever since Child Elder appeared this time, he had already guessed that Child Elder's martial arts had reached a realm beyond his imagination. He had also heard from Child Elder's words before that he had already cultivated to Beiming Seizing the body, taking away Li Qiushui's true energy, but he has never made a move against her, nor fought with her, so he has no idea in his heart, seeing Child Elder's martial arts at this moment, he was shocked and surprised .

Seeing that Child Elder is invincible in fists and palms, and her speed is so fast, even faster than that lightning-fast spirit pig, I can't help being jealous and remorseful, but Child Elder still has her leisure time, fighting with that spirit pig , while teasing in his mouth: "Little guy, you run so fast, but you can't escape your final fate..." All these made Li Feng very ashamed, I really don't know if the child elder is mocking him or the spirit pig.

(End of this chapter)

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