Chapter 72
Looking at the excited Zhou Huaian, Li Feng hesitated in his heart. Should he tell Zhou Huaian what these two sentences are?He finally knew that those words in the later life would not have any influence on him, but they would affect those who were deep in thought, especially those who were cultivating.It has a very significant impact, and maybe it will make him realize if he is not careful.

If I tell Zhou Huaian that Zhou Huaian will use these two sentences to break through the current state at that time, then how to do my own task well, that will be Zhou Huaian's head.If Zhou Huai'an is allowed to go further, wouldn't that be causing trouble for himself?It's just that if you don't say it now, it will be a big trouble. Don't look at the harmless people and animals now, Zhou Huaian needs to know that this guy in front of him is really a devil who kills without blinking an eye.

After thinking twice, Li Feng shook his head helplessly.I opened my mouth and said to Zhou Huai'an: "I didn't say anything about this young master, I just told Mr. Li a few words about my hometown."

"Oh? I didn't expect to be able to learn the bright words of the young master's hometown. I hope the young master will not hesitate to enlighten me."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help looking at Li Feng excitedly, and asked Li Feng.These two words can actually make Li Xun Huan break through the realm that has troubled him for ten years now, so it should be possible for him too.Zhou Huaian couldn't help looking at Li Feng excitedly, hoping to know what he said.

Looking at Zhou Hai'an who was uneasy, Li Feng couldn't help but admire, and said to Zhou Huai'an, "There is only one son, and I just said a word, that's "No break, no stand." Then he kept mumbling to himself. I kept repeating this sentence, and then woke up instantly.

"If you can't break it, you can't build it, if you can't break it, you can build it... What does this sentence mean? Why can't I understand it?" Zhou Huai'an couldn't help but be obsessed when he heard Li Feng's words. As if like a lunatic.

"What should I do? What should I do, neither break nor stand, neither break nor stand, what do you mean? What should I do? I want to break through, I want to break through the current surprise, I want to be stronger, I want revenge, I want revenge blood hatred."

Zhou Huai'an's voice sounded louder than a single sound.Li Feng, who was not far from Zhou Huai'an, seemed to be born in the entire killing sea.The surrounding area was filled with bright red blood.In this ocean, there are countless thousands of troops fighting each other.The ocean was filled with murderous aura, which gave Li Feng the feeling that he would be completely destroyed in the next second.

At this moment, Li Feng really realized the real face of Zhou Huai'an in front of him. How could the coach of the 10 forbidden army be an ordinary person?It must be the people under Zhou Huai'an, there are 800 if there is no one thousand, this kind of murderous spirit cannot be compared with killing one or two people, and only Zhou Huai'an can have it in this world.

"What the hell is going on, who is it? How could he have such a murderous aura? How many people did he kill?"

"That's right, with such a murderous intent, how many people should be killed? This man looks very kind, but I didn't expect him to be a murderer. It's really unexpected."

"Li Feng, what are you doing there? Come back quickly." A charming voice suddenly came from upstairs, Li Feng looked along the voice, and saw Jin Xiangyu standing on the top of the building and said to Li Feng nervously.

Seeing the gold inlaid jade, Li Feng couldn't help but nodded. He didn't have anything to do with himself, so he could leave. Zhou Huaian might as well spend more time with the gold inlaid jade to accompany this murderous demon king. .

Li Feng couldn't help but turned and left.

Just when Li Feng wanted it, he suddenly heard a roar. : "You can't go, you haven't told me what is the answer to this matter? Please tell me what this sentence means? Why can't I comprehend it, but he can? Hurry up Tell me, or I'll kill you."

Hearing such domineering words, Li Feng couldn't help frowning. He really didn't expect Zhou Huai'an to be such a character. It really made her feel unbearable. Poor thing.

(End of this chapter)

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