Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 73 Zhou Huai'an Bewitched

Chapter 73 Zhou Huai'an Bewitched
"You can't go, you haven't told me what this sentence means? Why can't I comprehend it and you can comprehend it? And he can too. Tell me why there is any mystery in this sentence. "Zhou Huaian said to Li Feng domineeringly.

Hearing such domineering words, Li Feng couldn't help frowning.This is also the first time to have close contact with Zhou Huai'an. He did not expect that he would be such a character. He always thought that a person who dared to oppose the court would be so great. What he really did not expect was that it would be Such a rascal.

Li Feng couldn't help but shook his head, and said to Zhou Huai'an: "Young master, I've already said what I should say, what else do you want me to say to get in, it's his own business, and I Why. Can you comprehend it? This is your own comprehension, and it has nothing to do with me. There is nothing about me here. If there is nothing, then I will leave, and I will not accompany you." , Li Feng couldn't help but turned and left.

"Hmph, you can't leave until I tell you to leave. In the rivers and lakes, there are still people who dare to refuse me. They really want to die by lighting a lantern in the toilet. Go to hell..."

Without waiting for Li Feng to say anything, a flying ghost appeared behind Li Feng, and took the lead in hitting Li Feng's back with a palm.The note in this chapter was slapped on Li Feng, and if he didn't die, he would be crippled.

Li Feng was shocked and hurriedly lifted Ling Bo and took small steps to hide behind.Although Zhou Huai'an's speed is astonishing, Li Feng is not a vegetarian either. You must know that this Lingbo Weibu is the most sensitive step among the Babu of Tianlong.Dali Duan Yu has been invincible with the help of Lingbo Weibu. Although Li Feng has not cultivated to the level of Saint Duan Yu, this Lingbo Weibu is by no means ordinary.

Compared with Zhou Huai'an's speed, Li Feng relied on Lingbo's micro-steps. Compared with Zhou Huai'an's speed, the two of them were not much different. In the eyes of the people around them, the two of them seemed like a group of ghosts.In this small lobby, running around.Those with advanced cultivation bases can barely keep up with the two of them, and there are many people with lower cultivation bases, who can only see a group of ghost shadows floating around.

Seeing this, everyone around couldn't help but feel hairy in their hearts. It's really surprising. I really didn't expect that the speed of these two people would be so fast, and they have already reached the limit of human beings. , If you don't see it with your own eyes, who dares to say that someone can cultivate to the point where it is now.

Everyone couldn't help muttering in their hearts, such a character would actually be a waiter in the Dragon Inn.How deep is the water in the Longmen Inn?Then let's try and come to the desert, wouldn't it all be someone else's fake?The people around saw the speed of Zhou Huaian and Li Feng, no one did not feel scared, after all, at such a speed, some people could survive.Before you can react, the other party has already taught you to cut your throat, so there is nothing like that.Just surrender.

After a while, Li Feng and Zhou Huai'an stopped chasing. The level of cultivation between the two was instantly revealed.

How unpredictable is Zhou Haian's cultivation of Wuying Pagoda. Although the speed is on par with Li Feng, the two can't help each other at all, but Li Feng's cultivation level is more than a star and a half behind Zhou Huai'an.

After ignoring such a chase, Li Feng was already out of breath from exhaustion, but Zhou Huaian remained the same.

"Hmph, you look like a good-looking guy, but I didn't expect it to be like this. In my shop, the people you bully me don't want to live anymore, they really don't care about my mother. "Jin Xiangyu was furious and couldn't help reprimanding loudly.

Zhou Huaian was not moved by it at all, and stared straight at Li Feng, muttering non-stop.He asked Li Feng: "Hurry up and tell me what the meaning of this sentence is? Why can't I comprehend the meaning of this sentence? Why can he do it? I don't think I can sing better than Li Xunhuan, why can't I understand , tell me why..." Zhou Huai'an kept repeating the words in front of him as if possessed.

Seeing this, Li Feng couldn't help being overjoyed. It seems that although the words he said can make Li Xunhuan break through his current state, but there are still a few traveling marriages in this world, such as Zhou Huai'an now, he can't understand The philosophy in it.Now I have fallen into a demonic barrier, which is the so-called obsession.

"Well, since I can't hurt you, then I'm going to abolish you. I want to see how much cultivation you will have left after you become mad. Then killing you will not be an easy task, I can What a genius, he managed to kill two birds with one stone." Li Feng couldn't help thinking in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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