i can eat tips

Chapter 105 Strengthening and Phantom Tiger

Chapter 105 Strengthening and Phantom Tiger

The next two days of qualifiers were basically the same as the first day except that the venues were changed to an abandoned old factory in the countryside and a gloomy dilapidated hospital. The ranking of the total number of life stars.

There is no reward for this ranking, but it will be announced on the Elite Tournament website at the end of each day's competition.For those young warriors who want to be famous, this is undoubtedly a great temptation.

Lu Shaoxi frowned when he heard this supplementary new rule. He could already predict what kind of negative impact the addition of this rule would have on teamwork. Betrayal and mutual plots would inevitably appear.

In these two competitions, the number of people only increased, but Lu Shaoxi did not meet any familiar and trustworthy people, and the venue was in a relatively narrow building. After thinking about it, he decided not to form a team anymore.

For Lu Shaoxi who has a monitoring radar, such a terrain environment with many hidden objects is simply the most suitable.For two days in a row, he easily sneaked up on the contestants who were ambushing in the dark, successfully obtained three different sets of life stars, left the field early to exchange points, and went back to practice the Lie Tian Yang Jue.

The six life stars are not conspicuous among the many contestants, and Lu Shaoxi's brilliance is quickly overshadowed by those strong players who have obtained twenty or thirty life stars.Lu Shaoxi didn't know, nor was he interested in knowing how these strong men obtained these life stars, how much deceit and betrayal occurred, but he clearly felt that the number of people forming a group plummeted on the third day, and more and more people joined the solo journey Among them, the weaker ones became Lu Shaoxi's best hunting targets.

It is worth mentioning that from the second day onwards, the chief referee of the qualifiers was replaced by Shang Ling, another member of the Jingwu League surnamed Mai. They are treated equally and are highly respected by other referees.


The time soon came to the night of the third day, and the sound of a series of metal and stone collisions still resounded in the dojo of Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall.

"Huh!" The Falcon hit Lu Shaoxi fiercely with the giant iron fist of the strong wind. Lu Shaoxi's hands were like a net, and he stuck to its fist lightly, and then took advantage of the momentum to leap up and fly into the air.

The Falcon jumped up and was about to pursue, when Lu Shaoxi in mid-air suddenly shouted "Strengthen!" The muscles and bones all over his body creaked, and the whole body seemed to expand in a circle, becoming a man taller and stronger than the Falcon little Giant!

Lu Shaoxi's eyes flashed sharply: "Falcon, take a full blow from me!"

The sound fell, and he exuded a fierce murderous aura, his fists, claws and legs attacked at the same time, from top to bottom, he slammed towards the falcon.

At this moment, Lu Shaoxi's energy and spirit were highly concentrated, as if he had transformed into a fierce tiger, swallowing mountains and rivers with an unstoppable power!

Falcon's sharp blue eyes flickered, and he immediately punched him.

The tiger-shaped lore in the strengthened state kills the twelve-fold "Phantom Tiger", recklessly fights against the triple-level Falcon!

The loud sound of metal and stone clanging reverberated in the martial arts gymnasium. The falcon was shocked to retreat seven or eight steps before he could barely stabilize his figure, but Lu Shaoxi landed lightly like a nimble tiger.

"Master, your strengthening and martial arts are very powerful!" Falcon shook his fist humanely and praised.

Lu Shaoxi was also stunned, and then he was overjoyed. With the 20% strength and defense bonus in the strengthened state, plus the tiger-shaped lore 230-level realm "Phantom Tiger" that he had just trained, the lethality was as high as [-] points, making him Finally, we can repel the energy-gathering trio head-on!If "Instant Critical Strike" is added at this time, it will not be difficult to instantly kill the triple energy gathering!
"Come on, Falcon, let's have a quick fight while I'm still strengthening!" Lu Shaoxi laughed loudly, and confronted Falcon head-on.

Thinking that it might not be possible to break through to the second level of energy gathering within two weeks, Lu Shaoxi has been practicing "strengthening" and tiger-shaped lore for the past two days, in order to improve his overall combat power as much as possible.In the first free battle before, he also wanted to use "enhancement" when he was attacked by the enemy with the triple energy gathering, but at that time he was not fully proficient in "enhancement", and he could not fight as freely as he is now In order to "enhance" in the middle, you can only rely on "instant crit" to narrowly defeat your opponent.

It's different now, after two days of hard training, he can finally "strengthen" as he likes, and he's also used to performing martial arts in a strengthened state. It can be said that his combat power has greatly increased, and he is quite sure of defeating Qi Gathering Triple Layer master.

Ten minutes later, the strengthened state was forced to exit, and Lu Shaoxi took a short rest. While eating books to restore his physical fitness, he opened the evolution interface of exercises. After thinking about it carefully, he spent 10 martial arts evolution points to transform the world into black and white. Contortion has evolved.

Name: Tiandi Xuanhuang soft body technique (evolved)

Grade: [-]nd Grade [-]th Grade

Acquisition: Ninefold/Thirteenfold

Power: Basic Agility +10%
Explanation: The basic martial arts evolved through the system can be used to enhance the effect of body training, improve the flexibility and flexibility of the body, and can increase the speed of shooting and dodging.When trained to the highest level, the base agility bonus can reach 30%.

Alright, let's work harder, as long as the new jujitsu is also practiced to the highest level, we will have greater confidence in dealing with the Qi Gathering Triple Layer!
Lu Shaoxi turned over and sat up immediately, and started the battle training with Falcon again.


On the fourth day of the qualifying competition, Lu Shaoxi finally met a strong enemy.

In order to avoid a strong man with four energy-gathering layers, he dodged into a narrow mountain road, but was surrounded by three energy-gathering double layers.

Through the monitoring radar, Lu Shaoxi discovered that the three Qi-gathering duo looked exactly the same, they were triplets!

He couldn't help but smile wryly.There is an old saying in martial arts: "It is better to beat four accomplices than to beat two twin brothers." It means that twin brothers grew up practicing martial arts together, and there is often a special tacit understanding between them. Difficult to deal with, much more powerful than a team of four casually combined.

And the three people in front of them were actually triplets!Significantly more difficult to deal with!

The chests of the three twin brothers were all filled with five life stars, and they continued to shoot without leaving the field at this time, obviously for the sake of ranking.

One of the twin brothers said coldly: "Throw down the life star, kneel down and kowtow to the grandpas, and save you from a beating!"

Lu Shaoxi has never looked at the website of the elite competition, so he doesn't know where the three brothers were ranked in the previous two days, but judging from their arrogance and arrogance, it is not difficult to guess that the previous rankings were quite high.

Lu Shaoxi shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that you have found the wrong opponent!" Lu Shaoxi's eyes flashed brightly, and he had entered the "enhanced" state in an instant. His figure flashed, and his huge tiger claws glowing red like flames rushed towards the speaker just now. !
The man didn't expect that Lu Shaoxi came at such a fast speed, and his claws were terrifying, and his strength seemed to be far superior to his own, so he couldn't help but retreat in shock, and the other two immediately attacked Lu Shaoxi's back from behind.

The three brothers once retreated and advanced twice, although the retreat was startled but not panic, the advance was hasty but not chaotic, they really cooperated with each other very tacitly, very powerful!

Changing to the ordinary Qi Gathering Level [-] or even Qi Gathering Level [-], being flanked by these three brothers can only be defeated with hatred. Even two days ago, Lu Shaoxi would have been beaten and fled, but now Lu Shaoxi's strength has improved greatly. Frightened, he made a backflip and leaped upside down with his claws retracted. At the same time, he whipped his tiger tail and kicked one of his opponents.

His move was fast, strange and accurate. The man was kicked in the chest by surprise, and was immediately thrown flying. The other two brothers were furious, and also strengthened. Their whole body creaked, and their muscles bulged instantly. The two shouted loudly and at the same time used their martial arts to flank Lu Shaoxi.

The mountain road was already narrow, and the shadows of the two brothers' fists moved like a mountain, one in front of the other and the other behind Lu Shaoxi's chest and back!
But their strength increased sharply, but their speed slowed down. Lu Shaoxi rose into the sky like a light swallow, and easily dodged their pincer attacks. In mid-air, he used the tiger shape to kill the most powerful "Phantom Tiger", blasting at the same time To the two brothers.

He already has a speed advantage, and the tiger-shaped lore can increase the speed of shots by 36%. The two brothers only felt that a mighty giant tiger rushed down like the wind. They were so shocked that they had no time to dodge, so they were caught by Lu Shaoxi. It flew out, hit the rock, and passed out immediately.

Lu Shaoxi unceremoniously searched away all the life stars on them, counting them, there were nearly thirty of them!Being able to collect twenty pieces in just a few minutes clearly defeated ten people. The strength of these three brothers is indeed extraordinary, and they are indeed a little greedy.

Lu Shaoxi shook his head, and quickly avoided the strong players and left the battle area.

This time, Lu Shaoxi's name appeared on the ranking list of the elite competition for the first time, ranking first.

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(End of this chapter)

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