i can eat tips

Chapter 106 The Change of the Fourth Day

Chapter 106 The Incident of the Sixth Day
Survival of the fittest is a natural law, and the qualifiers are the best witness.Although there are new contestants joining every day, the overall level is indeed improving.By the fifth day, all those below the first level of energy gathering had been eliminated, and the rest were all masters. The second level of energy gathering became the standard configuration, and the third level of energy gathering also accounted for a large proportion. Fortunately, Lu Shaoxi avoided it in advance by relying on the monitoring radar, and obtained three life stars without any risk.

"It's no wonder that some people say that the average strength of the contestants in this elite competition is far better than that of the previous one. It seems that they are right. I am afraid that there will be hard work in the next two days." Lu Shaoxi threw the fifth score card into his backpack, Stretched.

While rushing to the hillside where he practiced in Forest Park, Falcon asked, "Master, did you encounter any strong enemies in today's qualifiers?"

"It's okay, I haven't fought against the strong ones of the [-]th and [-]th level of Qi Gathering, but I just cleaned up one of the [-]rd Qi Gathering and two of the [-]nd Qi Gathering." Now relying on strengthening, tiger-shaped lore, and soft body skills, Lu Shaoxi can already If you don't lose the wind in the battle with the Qi-gathering triple, especially if you use "Instant Critical Strike", you can clean up the opponent before the Qi-gathering triple uses enhancements and martial arts.As long as he doesn't encounter the fourth or fifth stage of Qi Gathering, Lu Shaoxi can be said to be invincible.

There was a radio broadcast in the car as usual, and it happened to be the half-hour news bulletin time.

"It is reported that last night, the Jingwu Alliance cooperated with the patrol house and captured Hu Da, the leader of a foreign dark organization that had traveled across the border, in a secret den in the suburbs of Yuanzhou. There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides. This was captured in Yuanzhou in the past ten years. The most wanted criminal on the international wanted list. It is reported that Huda is suspected of eight charges..."

The leader of a foreign dark organization?Lu Shaoxi frowned.Yuanzhou City is only a few hundred kilometers away from the Vietnam border. It is indeed occasionally heard that a few foreign hired warriors or dangerous members of foreign dark organizations have wandered into the wilderness in the suburbs of the city, but it is rare to see such a number on the international wanted list. .There is a branch of the Jingwu Alliance in Yuanzhou, and the strength of the Hidden Martial Arts Management Association is not too weak, so ordinary dangerous people do not dare to haunt Yuanzhou.

The news quickly switched to the next one: "The following is an entertainment news. It is reported that Shen Mengyao, the most popular young female singer, intends to hold her third solo concert in Yuanzhou. This news makes Shen Mengyao's fans in Yuanzhou very excited. , but the entertainment reporter specifically contacted Shen Mengyao's agency, and the agency said that there is no such plan for the time being, and the fans in Yuanzhou are afraid that they will be disappointed..."

Hearing Shen Mengyao's name again by accident, Lu Shaoxi smiled wryly. Last time, Shen Mengyao didn't know what she was doing when she came back. I heard that she was attending a certain fan meeting in Yandu the next day. It can be said that she came and went in a hurry.

He didn't have the heart to listen to the rest of the news, so he closed his eyes and reflected on the strategy and response to the battle today...

On the sixth day, the location of the C division qualifiers was changed again, this time in an abandoned office building in the outer suburbs.It is said that it used to be an on-duty office of the Jingwu Alliance, but it was severely damaged because it was attacked by foreign hired warriors. Later, after the Jingwu Alliance came forward to clean up the foreign hired warriors, it did not repair this office building. It was abandoned and used as an unconventional training ground for some warriors.This time, it was borrowed by the Elite Tournament Organizing Committee to be used as the competition venue for the sixth day.

The office building has nine floors, and the water and electricity have been cut off. There are still many old desks and chairs inside, which can be used for concealment.

While listening to the referee Mai Shangling's brief introduction to the field, Lu Shaoxi used the monitoring radar to observe the surrounding contestants.

Today's contestants number about 50 people, apart from him, there is no Qi Gathering Level [-], and two of them are strong players in the Qi Gathering [-]th Level, and there are three people in the Qi Gathering [-]th Level.

It seems that today's competition will not be easy.Just as Lu Shaoxi was thinking, he accidentally discovered that the surrounding alliance warriors were slightly different from before.

In the previous free battles, fighters from the Jingwu Alliance were responsible for maintaining order. There were not many people, only about 20 people, but today there were obviously more than 30 people, and everyone was armed with live ammunition and looked a little serious.

Moreover, there are slightly more staff members than usual, among them there are a few whose strength is displayed as "???", obviously beyond the range that Lu Shaoxi can currently monitor.
Lu Shaoxi couldn't help being secretly surprised.He noticed that the eyes of the most powerful staff members fell on the strong man with five energy gatherings from time to time.The strong man with five levels of qi gathering is a young man about 23 or [-] years old. He is not handsome, with thick lips and small eyes, but there is a vague aura of wealth, as if he is someone from a prominent family background.

Who is this man?Why haven't you seen it before?And judging by the color of his eyes, it seems to be slightly different from the people of Long Xia Kingdom...

Lu Shaoxi was thinking, the young man noticed his gaze, walked over suddenly, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello. I'm Maggie."

"Hello, Lu Shaoxi." Lu Shaoxi shook hands with him, and said in a very soft voice: "You speak Long Xia language well, and you can hardly tell the difference."

The young man named Ma Ji was startled for a moment, and then he laughed: "You are the only one who found out, your vision is really good. Lu Shaoxi, I will remember you. See you on the battlefield later." , I hope you can bring me a surprise." After saying that, he waved and left.

Lu Shaoxi was even more puzzled. It seemed that no one had ever heard of a foreigner participating in this elite competition. What was the origin of this person?Moreover, it is rare to be able to reach the fifth level of energy gathering at a young age, which is rare in Yuanzhou or even the provincial capital.

Ten minutes later, all the contestants who had changed their armors entered the office building one after another, and began to look for places to ambush.

Lu Shaoxi purposely avoided those strong men with four or five levels of Qi gathering far away, and hid on a small balcony on the eighth floor.This building only has nine floors, but it is more than thirty tall and about 100 meters long, and nearly half of it is within the range of the monitoring radar, which greatly increases Lu Shaoxi's confidence.There are three qi-gathering doubles and two qi-gathering triples closest to him. As long as he uses reinforcements for a quick fight, he still has a chance to quickly get three life stars, then climb down the outside of the building, return to the preparation area, and finish the day The sixth point card goal!
Well, just wait for the bell to announce the beginning to ring!
But the strange thing is that after waiting for almost three or four minutes, the bell did not ring.

When everyone was surprised, a male voice suddenly came from the radio: "Please pay attention to all contestants, because we have received a special notice, this afternoon's free battle will be suspended, please gather all contestants in the hall on the first floor within 2 minutes , waiting to convey the latest battle rules, latecomers will be eliminated! Repeat, please pay attention to all contestants..."

As soon as the broadcast stopped, all the contestants came out of their hiding places one after another.

"What's going on? It's about to start, what new rules are you going to announce?"

"That's right, it's really strange that new rules are announced at such a time."

"Hey, the organizing committee is the largest and is the rule maker. What can we do? Let's go down first. It would be too unfair to be eliminated at this time."

The contestants hurried towards the hall on the first floor.

Lu Shaoxi frowned.

I've never heard this man's voice before, it's not Mai Shangling's voice!
Moreover, it seemed that I heard a very dull sound of gold and iron hitting just now, which seemed to be the sound of a large-caliber firearm with a silencer installed?

Unlike most of the hermit martial artists present, Lu Shaoxi has experienced several assassinations and is particularly sensitive to the sound of guns. He felt something wrong in his heart. After thinking about it, he decided to stay on the eighth floor On the small balcony of his house, he secretly looked out, and immediately gasped.

I saw seven or eight heavily armed alliance warriors quietly surrounding the office building here!And what everyone is holding is not an ordinary firearm, but a large-caliber firearm dedicated to Yinwu!
(End of this chapter)

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