i can eat tips

Chapter 114 Sniper

Chapter 114 Sniper
"Lu Shaoxi—!" Viper punched the monitoring platform fiercely, his eyes glaring fiercely.

His plan was extremely perfect and well thought out, taking the prince of the North as a hostage, and throwing out three impossible negotiating conditions, attracting and holding back the attention of the Jingwu Alliance, so that he would have enough time to recover from the injection of the confession agent. Ling asked about the whereabouts of the "key", and finally retreated calmly, making Mai Shangling and all the hostages disappear in the huge explosion.Oh, this naturally includes He Zhongling - so that no one will know the whereabouts of the "key" he has obtained, and it can also plunge Long Xia into a diplomatic crisis and a storm of public opinion.

The plan was originally going very smoothly, and it could even be said that it was more than half successful, but everything was ruined by this kid named Lu Shaoxi who got out of nowhere!Not only did two generals die, but even the elite mercenary warriors who had been following him across Southeast Asia were also casualties!
Looking at the battle helicopter of the Longxia Kingdom Jingwu Alliance that appeared in the air defense camera, Belly Snake spat bitterly, and turned on the wireless communicator: "Xiaoqi uses a heavy machine gun to kill them, and the rest will retreat with me!"

He Shaotong said nervously: "Hey, I should have finished my work, should I let my wife and daughter go?"

Viper smiled coldly: "Let it go, let it go now!" He suddenly raised the polymer laser gun in his hand, "Hey!" A deep blood hole appeared on He Shaotong's forehead immediately.

He Shaotong's eyes were wide open, as if he never expected that Viper would suddenly attack and kill him until his death.

"Idiot." The Viper didn't even look at him, turned around and picked up the semi-conscious Mai Shangling and left.He Shaotong's wife and daughter were played to death by Viper's hired warriors on the day they came back from the kidnapping. The so-called "video call" shown to He Shaotong before was just a video that had been recorded long ago.


"Master, the enemy has begun to retreat, and a combat helicopter appears in the distance. It should be the elites of the Jingwu Alliance." Falcon, who had been on guard outside, turned around and said.

Lu Shaoxi was using the key found from the black bear to uncuff the handcuffs and shackles of Ma Ji and other contestants, and his expression changed involuntarily.

He didn't forget that there were highly concentrated explosives buried under this office building!If these hired warriors escaped within a kilometer and detonated the explosives, wouldn't my work be in vain?

The explosive was probably detonated by the remote control, but he searched, and the remote control was not on Hei Xiong and the others, it could only be on the BOSS!

Seeing that more than half of the more than 40 contestants have regained their freedom, Lu Shaoxi threw the key to Ma Ji and was about to chase after him, when he suddenly heard Falcon warning: "Master, there is a strong man rushing here with a heavy machine gun. In more than ten seconds, we will enter the effective aiming range of the heavy machine gun!"

Heavy machine gun?
Lu Shaoxi looked outside, and saw a burly man who was not inferior to a black bear, holding a heavy machine gun estimated to weigh more than 50 kilograms, striding towards this side from a distance, only eight feet away from the office building. 900 meters away!
Lu Shaoxi's expression changed drastically, he turned around and said: "All those who are currently able to move, pick up the brothers who haven't been unshackled and hide behind the solid wood desks and chairs, the enemy is coming!"

Everyone hurriedly followed their words.

But Lu Shaoxi knew in his heart that the wall couldn't stop him from being shot by this heavy machine gun with terrifying firepower, and there might not be many people in the hall survived!

Be sure to take him out before the enemy fires!

But the distance is too far, even the Falcon with ten energy gathering can't hit the enemy with something!
Lu Shaoxi quickly looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and a sniper rifle fell from dozens of meters away, and it seemed that it was not damaged!It must have been when the sniper on the east tower was stabbed to death by a broken spear thrown by Falcon from a long distance, and he let go and fell down.

Without even thinking about it, he rushed over with all his strength, picked up the sniper rifle, and took a quick look. Thank God, this pair of sniper rifles dedicated to Yinwu is strong, and it didn't break even after falling from tens of meters!And the model of this sniper rifle is very similar to the sniper rifle he got from the Black Scorpion Killer before, and Lu Shaoxi is no stranger to it.

The strong man in front of him rushed another thirty or forty steps closer, and the heavy machine gun in his hand began to spew out tongues of flame!
A shuttle of bullets flew over quickly, and because Lu Shaoxi rushed forward, he was completely within the effective range!

Falcon cooperated with him extremely well, his blue eyes flickered, and he rushed towards him like a phantom, picked up Lu Shaoxi in one hand and retreated quickly, narrowly dodging the bullet.

Before Lu Shaoxi could let Falcon put himself down, he quickly raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the strong man in the distance.

Through the scope, he stared at the heavy machine gun spouting flames in the distance, and entered the world of deceleration in an instant.

He could clearly see dozens of bullets shooting towards this side like raindrops, but the Falcon was fast and far away from the bullets, so it should be able to avoid them all.

Lu Shaoxi exhaled slowly, put aside all distracting thoughts, and focused on aiming at the strong man's head.

Zheng Hai had taught him how to use a sniper rifle. At that time, he had tried several times under Zheng Hai's guidance, and he already had some experience, but at such an urgent moment, he was really not sure about hitting a target nearly 800 meters away. I can only try my best!

The flow of time in the decelerated world is extremely slow, so that Lu Shaoxi can fully recall every detail of Zheng Hai's guidance.

Air temperature, wind direction, wind speed, displacement, parabolic displacement caused by gravity...all of these may affect the shooting accuracy!

With the concentration of his energy, the residual scorching air in the dantian flowed into his brain, but this time it was different from usual, not only his thinking, memory, but also his five senses were also raised to a new level.

He could even feel the subtle movement of the wind around him, as well as the smell of dust in the air.

Just when the strong man was about to take a "slow" step forward, Lu Shaoxi's finger suddenly pulled the trigger.

"Swoosh!" A sniper bullet quickly penetrated a distance of 800 meters and hit the strong man on the left side of his face!
Although there was a slight deviation of more than ten centimeters from Lu Shaoxi's aiming, the bullets of Yinwu's special sniper rifle were so terrifying, "Crack!" Half of the strong man's head was shattered by the bullet.

Blood was splashed everywhere, the strong man screamed and fell to the ground, the heavy machine gun in his hand was still spitting flames into the sky, and he fell silent for a while.

Falcon hugged Lu Shaoxi and rushed back into the hall. The bullets fired from the heavy machine gun hit the wall almost at the same time. Fortunately, the distance was far and the bullets failed to penetrate the wall.

Lu Shaoxi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and heaved a sigh of relief.It actually hit the target. Although there was a slight deviation, it was almost a miracle for a novice!

Lu Shaoxi breathed a sigh of relief, immediately picked up the sniper rifle, and said to everyone lying behind the desk: "Brothers, after the locks are unlocked, everyone run as far away as possible! There should be a large jeep outside, you can Use it to leave! The Jingwu Alliance will be here soon, and you will be safe after meeting with the Jingwu Alliance! Brothers who know guns, pick up the guns on the ground and protect the rest of the brothers. Remember, now we are all brothers who have gone through hardships together, If anyone dares to leave his partner behind, don't blame me, Lu Shaoxi, for not treating him as a friend in the future!" He was afraid that everyone would panic, so he dared not tell about the explosives buried underground.

Everyone was rescued by him twice in a row, and they were very grateful to him. After some people recognized that he was Lu Shaoxi who had never left his comrades in the first day, their attitudes were even more respectful, and they immediately applauded.

Ma Ji heard that he seemed to want to leave, and hurriedly asked: "Lu Shaoxi, where are you going?"

"Chasing the enemy!" Lu Shaoxi said, turned around with Falcon and rushed out.I was blocked by that strong man for nearly a minute just now, and the rest of the enemies are estimated to be almost one kilometer away. In any case, we must catch up with them as soon as possible, snatch back or destroy the remote control!

 Sincerely thank you for your recommendation votes, especially the brothers who vote every day. Although some of you have never left a message, the writer assistants all have the IDs of the voters. Like seeing an old friend.Thank you for giving Lao Mo the motivation to persist in coding every day. May the road of writing dreams be accompanied by you all the time!


(End of this chapter)

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