i can eat tips

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Sitting on the Falcon that had changed back to the form of an electric suspension vehicle and was running at full speed, Lu Shaoxi quickly checked the bullets of the sniper rifle, okay, there are four more!
The Falcon has a powerful enemy-finding radar. After passing through the buildings in the battlefield and turning right, Lu Shaoxi soon saw four foreign mercenaries jumping on a jeep and speeding towards the gate of the battlefield. A middle-aged man with knife marks on his cheeks and a bushy beard was holding a man in uniform in his hands.

Hey, the man in the uniform who is being carried seems to be Mai Shangling!
"Master, the enemy will soon exceed the range of one kilometer!"

"Okay!" Lu Shaoxi didn't have time to think, and immediately raised the sniper rifle and aimed it in the direction of the jeep.


Viper sat behind the jeep, looking back from time to time to observe the situation behind him. The direction of the office building was blocked by buildings and he could not see the situation clearly, but when he heard the sound of the heavy machine gun, he stopped suddenly, and Viper had a vague premonition in his heart .

"Old Seven, call back."

There is no response from the wireless communicator.

Sure enough, Lao Qi also missed!Who the hell is this Lu Shaoxi? Could it be that he only has the first energy gathering?How could Qi Gathering kill the spider, and also kill the old seven with a heavy machine gun?

No matter what, after a while, if he is out of the explosion range, as long as he presses the button on the remote control, even if this kid has wings, he will be wiped out!
He was thinking bitterly, but he saw an electric suspension vehicle roaring out from behind the building, chasing after him, and it was close in the blink of an eye. The distance between the two vehicles was only 500 meters.

Viper was taken aback, but no matter who chased him out, it would definitely not be one of his own.He raised the polymer laser gun and was about to aim and shoot, when suddenly the electromagnetic shield of the electric hover vehicle disappeared, and a young man held a sniper rifle and raised it up.

Viper saw that the young man was a novice when he saw the action of holding a gun. He couldn't help being amused. This kid who is not familiar with guns actually wants to snipe against the wind in a high-speed car?It's just a dream!
He shook his head, and just as he was about to pull the trigger to punch the kid out, suddenly, with a "whoosh!", the sniper bullets almost brushed against his body, hitting the hired warrior driving in front of him. It's heart-warming.

So fast aiming and shooting speed!

Viper was taken aback. Even the most powerful sniper under him would have to aim for at least ten seconds to ensure that he hit the target. This kid seemed to shoot as soon as he lifted it up. He didn't have much time to aim, so he could hit hundreds of meters away. The goal?

He didn't know that Lu Shaoxi entered the deceleration world from raising the gun to shooting, and aimed carefully for a long time, and in the deceleration world, everything was almost stationary, so it was much easier to aim at a stationary target.

The mercenary warrior driving the car was killed, his drooping arm turned the steering wheel, and the jeep immediately lost control, making a sharp turn and slamming into the wall.

The other two hired warriors who had just stood up and were about to shoot in Lu Shaoxi's direction with submachine guns were thrown into the air with screams.

Viper reacted the fastest. He lifted Mai Shangling with one hand and jumped out of the car. The out-of-control large jeep crashed into the wall at full speed, and immediately hit a big hole in the wall.

There was dust and smoke, and the lights of the jeeps flickered.

Seeing that he successfully intercepted the enemy, Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed. Without any pause, he entered the deceleration world again and aimed at the two hired warriors holding submachine guns in midair.

The weapons of these two guys look the strongest, so they have to be cleaned up first!
At this time, the distance between the two sides was only 200 meters, and Lu Shaoxi didn't bother to aim at such a small target as the head, so he aimed directly at the body. Anyway, the sniper rifle was powerful, and if it hit any part, the opponent would be seriously injured without dying.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Two gunshots shook the air.

As soon as the Viper landed, two screams were heard. The two hired warriors in mid-air had been hit by Lu Shaoxi's sniper rifle, and their blood spattered on the spot.

Gritting his teeth in hatred, Viper rolled into the grass, protected himself with Mai Shangling, and at the same time raised his hand and shot in Lu Shaoxi's direction.

There was a soft "chi" sound, and the red ray shot towards Lu Shaoxi at nearly the speed of light, splitting the sniper rifle in Lu Shaoxi's hand into two pieces, and brushed against his shoulder, leaving a long bloodstain.

Almost at the same moment, Viper's right hand holding the gun was also grazed by Lu Shaoxi's last sniper bullet, the wound was almost bone-like, blood spurted, and the polymer laser gun flew out of his hand.

Both of them were startled.

In this short period of time, the Falcon rushed forward by more than 50 meters, only [-] meters away from the Viper.

Seeing the falcon rushing over, Viper didn't have time to pick up the polymer laser gun, so he threw Mai Shangling decisively, drew out the anti-yinwu pistol on his waist with his left hand, and shot Lu Shaoxi.

After all, the power of a pistol is inferior to that of a submachine gun, a sniper rifle, or even an automatic rifle. Moreover, Lu Shaoxi is considered a veteran at dodging bullets.

The distance is even closer, no more than 30 meters!

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi dodged his own bullet, Viper shot several times in a row in fright, but Lu Shaoxi managed to dodge all of them with soft body technique.

Viper's eyes were full of fierceness, he yelled and jumped up, throwing his fist at Lu Shaoxi recklessly.

Lu Shaoxi jumped up, and the five fingers of his right hand, which was wearing a spider glove, turned into tiger claws, facing Viper's fist, as if he wanted to fight him to the end regardless of his injuries.

Viper laughed wildly: "You brat, go to hell!" Although his right hand was injured and he could only use his left hand, when he performed martial arts, his fists were still full of shadows, his power was frightening, and he had the strength to gather four energy!
Lu Shaoxi has long known through the monitoring radar that Viper's strength is far superior to his own, so how could he really fight recklessly with Viper, he stretched out his left hand holding the black iron cylinder, pressed the red button, and the long whip popped out straight like a spear, " Blow!" With a sound, the long whip penetrated Viper's fist, passed through his shoulder, and penetrated his entire arm!Immediately, the high-voltage electric light wrapped itself around Viper's body like a snake, and Viper's skin was torn apart by the electricity, and his body smelled like burnt.

Lu Shaoxi withdrew his long whip and kicked Viper far away with a three-star kick.

Lu Shaoxi had exhausted all his strength with this kick, and Viper was kicked more than 20 meters before falling heavily to the ground. He vomited blood, but he was still alive.

While spitting blood, he struggled to put his bloody right hand into his pocket to get something out. Lu Shaoxi acted quickly, and the black iron cylinder in his hand shot out a long whip again, nailing his right hand to the ground.

The high-voltage current covered the Viper's whole body again, and the Viper trembled for a moment, before finally being powerless to resist.

Lu Shaoxi quickly snatched it over, searched his pocket, and immediately found the remote control of the bomb, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.If he was a little slow to react, and the switch was pressed by the Viper, it must be the result of the same death.

There was the sound of propellers of several helicopters cutting through the air, and the sound of roaring engines. More than a hundred heavily armed alliance fighters quickly slid down the ladder, and the Jingwu Alliance finally arrived.

Lu Shaoxi let out a long breath of relief, but felt exhausted all over, and sat down on the ground all at once.

Of course, he held the remote control tightly in his hand, for fear that he would accidentally drop it on the ground and touch the switch.

(End of this chapter)

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