i can eat tips

Chapter 25 Break the record

Chapter 25 Break the record
"I didn't expect to pass the training the second time. This kid really has two skills." The old man stared at Lu Shaoxi's nimble civet-like skills on the screen, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The middle-aged man Zheng Hai was stunned, his face was full of shock, and he couldn't even speak.

He simply wondered if he read it wrong, twice?This kid actually passed the trap passage training twice?
how can that be!

Even Yan Tianbei, the most gifted student who graduated from the academy and now one of the strongest martial arts cultivators in Longxia Kingdom, successfully passed the trap passage for the third time when he was studying in Thunder Academy!And that was 17 years ago, and there were not as many traps as there are now!
Could it be that this thin and weak boy is actually a more talented unicorn than Yan Tianbei?
After a while, he recovered from the shock: "Dean, this kid is really weird, judging by his movements and body skills, he doesn't look like someone who only has the strength of the sixth level of body training... In my opinion... , his speed is at least the eighth level of body training." He looked at the level displayed next to him in confusion: "What's going on, is the machine malfunctioning?"

Seeing that the old man didn't mean to answer, Zheng Hai had no choice but to turn his attention to the big screen again.

"Huh? Didn't this kid pass the training? Why did he run in again?"

The old man suddenly turned around and asked: "Zheng Hai, guess again, how many times can he break the current record of the sixth level of body training?"

Zheng Hai's eyes widened, breaking the record?This kid ran in to break the record?Just kidding, the current record has been broken for more than half a year. This kid has just passed training, so he wants to break the record?Isn't it too overwhelming?
Seeing that the old man was still looking at him, Zheng Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled reluctantly: "Haha, you really like to joke, Dean. Is this a question of how many times? Breaking this record within a hundred times is considered a new one. The record-breaking minimum number of times..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the monitoring background of the training machine 001 display: "Lu Shaoxi's third training result, 1 minute 07 seconds 09, 6 seconds 24 earlier than the last time."

Damn, did you make a mistake!The result of the third time was actually so much higher than the result of the second time?

In Zheng Hai's heart, a thousand horses rushed past. He glanced at Lu Shaoxi who turned back to the trap passage again, and then turned back to the old man with a wry smile and said, "Dean, can I take back what I said earlier? I think this kid might be in the second It broke the record within ten."

"Twenty times? I think the tenth time should break the record." The old man said, but his eyes showed eager expectation. Will this kid give himself another big surprise?

After more than two minutes, the kid on the screen had finished running for the fifth time, but stopped for some reason. He stood in a safe area with his arms folded, staring at the trap passage without saying a word, and he didn't know what he was thinking. .

The last two results are very close to the record time, but there is still about a second behind, and the room for improvement has obviously slowed down.

Zheng Hai gloated a little and said, "Dean, this kid stopped, is he planning to give up?"

The old man also frowned slightly. If this kid gave up so easily, it would be a waste of his rare talent.



When Lu Shaoxi cleared the customs for the fifth time, the news from the headset still made him extremely dissatisfied.

In fact, the difference between the two results was only half a second, but Lu Shaoxi vaguely felt that he had reached a bottleneck. Even if he tried a few more times, he could only rely on luck to barely break the record.

why?It stands to reason that my own speed far exceeds the speed of the trap, why can't the customs clearance time be compressed?
So Lu Shaoxi stopped the pace of passing through the barrier for the sixth time, thinking over and over the training process of the fourth and fifth times just now.

After thinking for a while, Lu Shaoxi's eyes suddenly lit up.He finally found the problem, because the Eagle Claw Hand can easily block the attack, so he relied more and more on the Eagle Claw Hand in the later stage, but when the Eagle Claw Hand made a shot, his speed was concentrated on his hand, and his feet naturally slowed down , resulting in less than 45% of his [-]-point speed advantage.

How about reducing the number of shots made by the Phantom Eagle Claw Hand as much as possible, and increasing the frequency of dodging on Tiandi Xuanhuangrou?Or even combine the two, and continue to charge forward with all your strength while shooting?

When Lu Shaoxi was in the martial arts school, he had practiced using both hands at the same time to use the phantom eagle claw hand, but he never thought of combining the two first-grade martial arts that had been practiced to the highest level.The momentary epiphany made it seem like a door opened before his eyes, and a brand new world of martial arts appeared. As long as he can step into this door, it will definitely be of great help to him to participate in the star assessment meeting the day after tomorrow.

Lu Shaoxi closed his eyes, and the two martial arts that had already been practiced to perfection flashed in his mind one by one. At the same time, he kept recalling the traps he encountered in the previous five trainings, thinking about how to deal with them with the highest efficiency.

The more he thought about it, the more he devoted himself, unaware that the scorching air in his dantian quietly wandered into his brain, making his thinking faster and clearer, while the two leaves surrounded by rainbows on the martial arts evolution tree It is also glowing slightly, integrating all the subtleties and mysteries of the two martial arts into his thinking.

Lu Shaoxi stood at this station for nearly an hour. Fortunately, no one came to this training machine for training during the period, which gave him enough quiet time to think.

In the monitoring room, Zheng Hai was pouring out a pot of Pu'er tea that had lost its taste, and while replacing it with new tea leaves, he asked the old man, "Dean, look at this kid standing there for an hour, what the hell is he doing? "


Zheng Hai complained in his heart, who doesn't know what this kid is thinking, it's just that he can't guess what he is thinking.

The old man took the freshly brewed Pu'er tea from him, but his eyes fell on the big screen. The brows of the young man on the screen became more and more relaxed, and the movement of the old man drinking tea also slowed down.

"He figured it out."

The old man suddenly put down his teacup, stood up and stared at the big screen with his hands behind his back.

I figured it out, it doesn't mean I've thought it through, and it doesn't mean I've thought it through. The word "tong" itself has the meaning of epiphany.

Zheng Hai looked at the big screen in bewilderment, his eyes suddenly widened.

On the screen, the kid started to move at some point. He slid into the trap channel like a fish, and ran forward rapidly. The distance between them has been more than ten steps.

Zheng Hai was pouring tea, and the teacup was already full of water, but he didn't seem to notice it, and just looked at Lu Shaoxi's natural offensive and defensive evasion movements in shock.

Clearly seeing that the steel knife cutting down the waist would definitely stop him, who would have thought that the kid's left eagle claw stuck out to stick to the blade, his body leaned back like a soft whip, and slid past the blade from below, and then he slapped the blade with his right hand. On a swept iron rod, the waist has been bounced up again, and the forward posture has been restored. The whole process was done in one go, without stopping at all!
The shock in Zheng Hai's heart can't be expressed in words. He watched Lu Shaoxi trot all the way and passed the whole trap passage training with ease.

Immediately, a line of information was displayed on the monitoring background of training machine 001: "The clearance record of the body training six-layer trap channel has been refreshed. The refresher is Lu Shaoxi, and the clearance time is 39 seconds 57!"

(End of this chapter)

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