i can eat tips

Chapter 26 Breaking Records

Chapter 26 Breaking Records
"Bang!" The teapot in Zheng Hai's hand fell to the ground, splashing a large amount of tea.

39 seconds 57!Not to mention the Thunder Academy, even the first-rate academy in the entire province, this record is probably the record for the shortest clearance time that has never been seen before!

The old man turned his head and saw the tea and the overturned iron pot, and said displeasedly, "What a fuss."

In fact, the old man was more shocked than Zheng Hai.His gaze was far better than that of Zheng Hai, so he could naturally see that Lu Shaoxi's actions just now were the result of combining and mastering the two martial arts.Could it be that this kid just stood there for an hour just thinking about this?In just one hour, he managed to fuse the two martial arts so freely and without any trace of refinement?

If Lu Shaoxi had the strength of Qi Gathering Realm, the old man would not be so surprised. After all, as long as he has extraordinary thinking ability and profound martial arts skills, it is not difficult to combine two first-grade martial arts. The problem is, this kid is only six Heavy, yet young, he actually managed to do what can only be done in the Qi Gathering Realm!
The old man shook his head and smiled wryly. It seemed that what this kid brought him was not only a surprise, but also a fright.

If the old man knew that Lu Shaoxi had practiced martial arts for less than a year, his jaw might drop.



Listening to the prompt of breaking the record came from the earphones, Lu Shaoxi clenched his fists excitedly. Not only did he break the original record, but he broke it easily!Of course, the biggest achievement is that he successfully integrated the two martial arts into one, giving him the ability to fight back while dodging and dodge while attacking. The decisive role is of great significance, especially since he secretly trained both hands to use the eagle claw martial art at the same time.

"Okay, tomorrow's free admission ticket is in hand! If you work harder, you can break a few records and win a few first-grade secret books. Whether you eat it or sell it, you can make a lot of money!" Lu Shaoxi said happily Thinking about it, reopened the level selection interface next to the entrance.

If the old man knew that his motivation for trying to break the record was actually to save money and make some money to subsidize his family, he would be dumbfounded.This kid doesn't even know what it means to break a record. He can even use this record to obtain the admission recommendation qualification of Thunder Academy and a free scholarship for the whole year!
At this time, Lu Shaoxi never thought of enrolling in Thunder Academy. In his heart, only children from rich families or hermit martial artists with a certain background and strength can enter Thunder Academy. A tuition fee of 20 yuan per semester?
He set the training difficulty level of the trap passage to "seventh level of body training" and started training again.Time is precious. This is a "trial place" that you can only get in after paying 5000 soft sister coins. Wouldn't it be a waste of money not to hurry up and train?
After the difficulty is increased, the speed of the mechanism in the trap channel is increased to about 32 points, and the attack method has also changed a lot. For example, the number of combined attacks with three or four weapons has increased, and even spiked short spears will suddenly appear underground. Occasionally, real firearms will pop up while prompting, and live ammunition will be fired!


He took a few deep breaths to calm down his rapid heartbeat, and then turned around and walked to the lounge outside the "Trial Ground", looking back at the deep trap passage with lingering fear as he walked.

The difficulty of the eighth level of body refining is really extremely high. The speed of the mechanism as high as 40 points has almost made Lu Shaoxi feel overwhelmed. , the pain made him almost pass out, so after failing the first challenge, he rested for another half an hour. On the one hand, he waited for the heat in his body to heal his injuries, and on the other hand, he continued to improve the two martial arts that were combined. Half an hour later, he Finally, it was shameful, and it successfully broke the original record in the No.39 customs clearance.

But Lu Shaoxi no longer intends to try the difficulty of the ninth level of body training, that would be a dead end.Of course, he didn't know that with his strength at the sixth level of body training, the safety mechanism of the training machine would also limit him to the difficulty of setting it to the eighth level of body training.

There is a restaurant and lounge outside the "Field of Trials". You can eat and drink for free with the watch you get when you enter the venue, and you can also take off your helmet, so Lu Shaoxi decided to take a break at halftime and eat and drink for free to reward yourself.


Just a few minutes after Lu Shaoxi left, many diligent students in the academy also took advantage of their lunch break to come to the "Trial Land" for self-training.

They walked in in twos and threes, and soon someone exclaimed: "Hey, are you watching the big screen? Someone actually broke the record of the 'Trap Passage'!"

The rest of the students looked at the big screen above their heads when they heard the sound.This big screen usually rarely displays information, and usually only when the training results are very outstanding, it will be displayed on it, so sharp-eyed students can easily find that the usually dark big screen is on.

"Training item 001 Trap Channel 'Body Refining Sixth Level' difficulty, clearance record refreshed, latest record 39 seconds 57, latest record holder: ???"

"Training item 001 Trap Channel 'Body Refining Seventh Level' difficulty, clearance record refreshed, latest record 51 seconds 55, latest record holder: ???"

"Training item 001 trap passage 'eight layers of body training' difficulty, clearance record refreshed, latest record 59 seconds 21, latest record holder: ???"

Everyone gasped.

The strength of most of them has already surpassed the eighth level of body training, but in the sixth level of body training, they also tried countless times to break the record of this trap passage, but almost all of them ended in failure. The latest series of records were recognized by the academy half a year ago It was left behind by Qin Ruxuan, a school belle and talented girl.

But now, Qin Ruxuan's record has been broken, especially the new record of the sixth level of body training, which is incredible!

What surprised everyone the most was the "???" behind the latest record holder, which indicated that this person was not registered as a student, but a casual martial artist outside the academy!
Dignified Thunder Academy, the only and most powerful martial arts academy in Yuanzhou City, the training record in it was actually broken by three people who came out of nowhere?Oh, that's right, it's three people, of course it's three people, how can one person break the record of the seventh and eighth level of body training with the strength of the sixth level of body training?

All the students suddenly felt that they were severely slapped in the face, and someone shouted: "Get all the juniors from the sixth to eighth levels of body training, grandma, we don't believe that we can't break the records of these three outsiders!" Everyone responded one after another, and those who were on the phone called, and those present immediately suffocated and began to devote themselves to training, and many people cleverly looked around at the people who were still training in the "Trial Field", wanting to see where they were. A new record set by three people.But all the people who entered the "Field of Trials" were wearing the same tight-fitting armor and the same sealed helmet, so how could they tell which ones were outsiders and which ones were college students?
(End of this chapter)

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