i can eat tips

Chapter 309 Dean Xia's Expectation

Chapter 309 Dean Xia's Expectation
After more than ten minutes, the result of the lottery came out. Some people were happy and some were worried. The students who were on the same team as Lu Shaoxi were the happiest.Lu Shaoxi deliberately drew the same team as Rin, and Rin showed a happy smile when his wish came true, and shook Lu Shaoxi's hand, his movements were extremely cute.

Even Du Junmao, who has always been prudent, was overjoyed. He stepped forward and said excitedly: "Brother Lu, I was actually lucky to be drawn into the team with you today!"

Lu Shaoxi, Lin, and Du Junmao are all in the seventh team. In addition, there are 23 people in the seventh team. There are 26 people in total. Most of them have met Lu Shaoxi and are loyal fans of his vitality class. However, there are also several fourth-year students who are against Lu Shaoxi There is a faint hostility, although it is deliberately hidden, but how can it be hidden from Lu Shaoxi's eyes?

Lu Shaoxi knew it well, it seemed that these people belonged to the "Falling Lu faction".Now most of the students in Thunder Academy are full of affection for Lu Shaoxi, but there are still about ten students who firmly draw a clear line with Lu Shaoxi.Most of these people came from forces that were opposed to Lu Shaoxi, such as the royal family in Yuanzhou, the Liu family in the provincial capital, etc., and some were jealous and did not want to be with Lu Shaoxi.

Zheng Hai saw that all ten teams had been divided, so he asked everyone to go to the warehouse to get the uniforms and change into them.The alliance uniform is one of the modern equipment of the Jingwu Alliance. Its defense is no less than the protective clothing of the Thunder Academy, and it can withstand ordinary anti-hidden weapon bullets.

When everyone changed their clothes and came back to gather, they were surprised to find that Dean Xia had come.

Dean Xia still looked serious, but when he made eye contact with Lu Shaoxi, he showed joy and warmth, and nodded slightly.

Lu Shaoxi knew that his adoptive father had been dealing with follow-up matters at the ruins, and had only rushed back to Yuanzhou three days ago. Now that he had added a lot of white hair to his temples, and his face was haggard, he couldn't help being surprised and worried.

You must know that with Dean Xia's powerful strength at the peak of the tenth stage of Tongmai Tongmai and the half-step transformation of the gods, although he cannot live forever, it is not difficult to survive all diseases and live to the age of 30, but now Dean Xia But around sixty, it is reasonable to say that no matter how tired you are, you will not show such fatigue and oldness.

Does foster father really have some hidden disease?Lu Shaoxi took a look through the clairvoyant eye, and vaguely felt that there seemed to be some problems with the meridians of the adoptive father, but there was no way to be sure without personally checking the pulse.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to feel the pulse of my adoptive father.

Just as Lu Shaoxi was thinking, Dean Xia said to everyone: "Students, do you feel a little puzzled or even complain about the strict rules of this year's actual combat exercise?"

All the students admired Dean Xia the most. Although they were really dissatisfied in their hearts, no one dared to speak up.

"Or you think that you are living in a peaceful age now, and you will be able to rise to the top after joining the Jingwu Alliance, that is, training and performing exercises, and enjoy high salaries. But I want to tell you that war is not far away! Recently in northern Xinjiang, Dongguo and Warriors from the three countries of Aji and Dongni conducted a large-scale joint martial artist confrontation exercise, which was obviously a demonstration against our Longxia Jingwu Alliance; The strong fought fiercely in succession, each with casualties; in the southern waters, the special sea warriors from the Philippines confronted the marine branch of our Jingwu Alliance several times! If you want to join the Jingwu Alliance, you will most likely be sent to such a battlefield! "

Everyone is living in a peaceful environment, who knows these things, they are a little dumbfounded.

Of course, they don't know that the strong guards guarding the frontier are the most secret fighter elite "flying dragons" of the Jingwu Alliance. In their eyes, the Silver Star elite military guards are only qualified to perform non-important routine tasks such as patrolling, defense, and logistics. The real and most important combat tasks are all completed by "flying dragons".

Dean Xia asked in a deep voice: "The real battlefield is much crueler than you imagined. War is not a child's play, nor can it be accomplished with enthusiasm. Do you know what is the loss rate of newcomers in actual combat? Five Success! In other words, if you are sent to perform missions in actual combat, even if you have received strict combat training, there is still a [-]% chance that you will stay forever!"

Dean Xia is someone who has been in the iron and blood war, and his tone reveals iron and blood.

Everyone was shocked by Dean Xia's words, everyone held their breath and their heart beat faster.

"Why do you have to create so many problems for you in this actual combat exercise? It's not to make you work harder and work harder, but to let you experience in advance the situation of being in trouble on the battlefield and having to work hard and desperately. Back off and dare not join the Jingwu Alliance again, I will not blame you, or be disappointed with you, but if you are determined to join the Jingwu Alliance after experiencing this actual combat exercise, then I ask you to bear this in mind Everything you experience in this actual combat exercise will make you live longer and even become combat heroes!"

Dean Xia looked around the students, and his eyes fell on Lu Shaoxi intentionally or unintentionally: "You students are the best students I have ever taught. I have high hopes for you this time, and I just hope that you can face the difficulties. , hand in an answer sheet that satisfies me and yourselves. I am old, but you are in full bloom, you are full of vigor, you are the future of Long Xia, and your growth is the most powerful Long Xia stands in the world I hope that one day, when I close my eyes and leave this world, and think of you, I will be proud of you!"

The audience was silent at first, and then thunderous applause broke out. The students, with tears in their eyes, applauded desperately, even Lu Shaoxi was no exception.

He suddenly understood why Dean Xia tried his best to let him participate in this actual combat exercise.Not only for him to establish contacts, but also for him to realize the responsibilities on the shoulders of an alliance warrior.

Dean Xia once told him that it is your choice to take the road ahead, but I hope that when you become stronger and stand taller, you will never forget that you are from Longxia, and your body flows It is the blood of Longxia people.

If Lu Shaoxi joined Qianlong and participated in this actual combat exercise before, he was more of a utilitarian mentality, but at this time he was somewhat infected by the atmosphere in front of him, and the sense of national honor and patriotism hidden in his blood began to boil .

He even has a faint urge to win glory for the country and serve the country.

Dean Xia left quickly, but his words still echoed in the hearts of the students.

The gravity device and weight-bearing backpacks were released, and the students no longer complained. They put on the backpacks silently, turned on the gravity device, and began to adapt to the strange pressure.

Zheng Hai also left after announcing that the actual combat exercise would start tomorrow morning with the sound of the bell, leaving each team to decide their own follow-up policy.

The students were full of enthusiasm, and their attitude towards this actual combat exercise was more positive. Ten teams gathered together and began to discuss combat strategies.

The first step is naturally to choose the captain.

On the seventh team side, Du Junmao said: "I suggest choosing Lu Dashen as the captain. Our team follows his command. I don't know if you have any different opinions?"

The members of the seventh team were basically Lu Shaoxi's fans, and the four pro-Lu factions did not dare to cause public outrage, so with unanimous votes, Lu Shaoxi was automatically elected as the captain of the seventh team.

Lu Shaoxi first asked everyone to introduce themselves. There are 26 people in this team. Besides Rin, there are seven female students, and the rest are male students.Among them, the third grade students accounted for one-third, and their strength was between the second and fifth levels of Qi Gathering, while the strength of the fourth graders was much stronger. Basically, they all reached the sixth level of Qi Gathering, and there were two or three outstanding students. It has also reached the [-]st and [-]nd level of Condensation Pill.

(End of this chapter)

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