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Chapter 310 Commander Candidates

Chapter 310 Commander Candidates

Among these student team members, Lu Shaoxi valued two people the most, and one was the familiar Du Junmao.

Du Junmao, 22 years old this year, is good at using Wu Gou, and his strength is the fourth level of energy gathering.Born in a wealthy merchant family in a county under Yuanzhou, the family has assets of 3000 to [-] million. He can be regarded as a second-generation rich man, but he is naturally fond of martial arts. After high school, through the relationship of my second uncle, I entered Leiting Academy as I wished to study, and belonged to the relationship household through the back door.But he was neither inferior nor arrogant in the college. He studied hard, practiced hard, and his temperament was relatively mature, which made him very popular and had many friends around him. A general who is good at communication, proficient in marketing and management - last time he took advantage of Lu Shaoxi's fame to develop the Yuanqi Research Club into the largest club with the largest number of people in the college in just a few months.This kind of talent is what Lu Shaoxi lacks the most at present, and it is what he must win over.Du Junmao is now his staunch supporter, but Lu Shaoxi has to observe whether he will abandon the Jingwu Alliance and join his forces.

The other is Zhang Chun.Zhang Chun, 20 years old this year, is the only son of a declining martial arts school in Yuanzhou. Because he entered school earlier, he is now a fourth grade student. The tofu is not rotten when you shoot it, but the stones under the tofu are completely cracked, and you are good at lightness kungfu. You can climb over the wall like walking on the ground, and the gecko swimming kungfu is even more unique.He is tall and good-looking, but it is a pity that he always has a stern face and a serious face, and there is an inch-long scar on his face, which makes him look more gloomy and indifferent, so although he is famous in the academy, he has no friends many.However, this person is meticulous, quick-thinking, and extremely strategic. He is a typical wise general. Even Dean Xia has a very high opinion of him, and he is the first of the ten people in the academy that Lu Shaoxi must win over.Now that Lu Shaoxi lacks talents who can temporarily lead the overall situation for him, this pure pairing with Du Junmao is the best combination.

The team was lucky this time, Du Junmao and Zhang Chun were both on his team, Lu Shaoxi happened to have the opportunity to fully investigate and get acquainted with these two people, and try to recruit them into his command.

Soon the self-introduction session was completed, Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly and said, "Now that everyone knows each other, I will also say a few words at the end. Thanks to everyone's trust, let me be the captain, then I have the obligation and responsibility to guarantee everyone They all successfully passed the assessment and actual combat exercise.”

Driven by Du Junmao, a die-hard fan, all the team members cheered.

"Of course, I still have a few requirements, but I will mention these later, so I don't need to repeat them again. Next, let's enter the strategy discussion session. I will raise the first question first, and everyone can speak up and express their opinions."

Save me saying it again?Zhang Chun noticed this sentence, and looked at Lu Shaoxi with meaningful eyes.

Lu Shaoxi was thinking about him, and he was also observing Lu Shaoxi.Revitalizing the family's book and martial arts school and making it a family in Yuanzhou is Zhang Chun's biggest goal when he joins Thunder Academy, and it doesn't matter whether he joins the Jingwu League or not.

Facing the eyes of the team members, Lu Shaoxi asked slowly: "In this battle, do you think it's better for us to act alone, or to join forces with the other nine teams?"

Everyone pondered. It would be best if my team could complete the two missions, but the problem is that everyone knows that the enemy's numbers and equipment are far superior to our own, and my team alone wants to win this actual combat exercise. , is simply a fantasy.

Lu Shaoxi first asked Du Junmao: "Junmao, what do you think?"

Du Junmao replied: "It is necessary to unite. Although our internal teams have competitions in this actual combat exercise, in the end, both sides will benefit from cooperation, and we will lose if we divide. I suggest joining forces with other teams."

Lu Shaoxi had already made up his mind, and this time the questioning session was purely to study everyone.At this time, several students spoke, some supported Du Junmao, and some suggested to fight guerrilla warfare first to reap the benefits of the fisherman; some even thought of sneaking into the enemy's camp alone to assassinate the leader of the enemy... These students have basically never experienced war , What I learned most in the academy was martial arts and firearms. Although I also took combat lessons, they were all on paper, and Lu Shaoxi expected all kinds of unrealistic strategies.

Lu Shaoxi listened carefully to everyone's speeches, and then asked Zhang Chun: "Brother Zhang Chun, what do you think?"

Zhang Chun had been observing Lu Shaoxi silently, and when he saw him asking himself, he thought for a while before answering: "Wait for them to come and take the initiative and the right to speak of the alliance."

His words were short and somewhat inexplicable, most of the team members couldn't understand them, but Lu Shaoxi's eyes lit up.

This Zhang Chun did not disappoint him!

Lu Shaoxi laughed, and said in a low voice, "It's time for them to come." He has clairvoyant eyes, and he is in control of the situation of the other nine teams in the audience.

Sure enough, in less than 2 minutes, the captains selected by the nine teams came towards them.

Zhang Chun looked at Lu Shaoxi with a playful look, as if he wanted to see how he would negotiate with the nine captains.

The nine captains had indeed come to discuss the matter of joining forces, and after some polite greetings, they quickly got to the point.

"God Lu, the nine of us mean that our ten teams will unite to deal with the enemy, but how to unite and which team will be the core, I haven't figured it out yet, and I want to hear your opinion."

Although Lu Shaoxi is very famous and his strength crushes all the students, but after all, he is only a part-time teacher of the vitality class. In this actual combat exercise, his strength is suppressed to the tenth level of energy gathering, and he does not have an advantage.And which of these captains is not a leader in martial arts, firearms, and combat strategies?They respect Lu Shaoxi, a great god who is only famous in martial arts, but they don't have any expectations for Lu Shaoxi to play a big role in this actual combat exercise. After all, the battlefield is too far away from martial arts fighting. Have you ever touched a gun?

Lu Shaoxi looked around the crowd, and suddenly smiled and said: "The enemy is far superior to us in terms of numbers, equipment, and training. The combination of our ten teams must be the general trend, and the combination must be tight. The ten teams are tightly twisted into one big team. Obey the unified command, so the probability of winning will be greater."

Ma Wendao, the captain of the third team, clapped his hands and laughed, "This proposal is very good, Master Lu. This actual combat exercise is related to the interests of all of us. I suggest that Song Yuhong, the current chairman of the student union and the captain of the first team, be the commander of this joint team. I don't know what you guys think?"

Song Yuhong, who had been standing next to him, pretended to be humble: "Wen Dao, there are still Lu Dashen and many classmates here, how can I take on this great responsibility with my talents?"

Xu Tianhua, the captain of the sixth team, also followed with a full face and resolutely echoed: "Chairman Song, your strength is ranked first in the fourth grade, and your grades in combat class and firearms class are also among the best. During your tenure as the chairman of the student union, you have also fully demonstrated your strength. On behalf of everyone, let me say something from the bottom of my heart, apart from you, I would not accept anyone as the commander of this joint team!"

Song Yuhong's eyes kept sweeping over Lu Shaoxi and the other seven captains, and he still rejected them with hypocritical politeness, but everyone could see that these three people were just acting.

The other captains originally wanted to compete for the position of commander, but seeing Song Yuhong's determined look, and the third and sixth teams being his lackeys, and thinking that there were still many of his cronies in his team, they had no choice but to take the position. The words were swallowed back.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Song Yuhong pretended to mutter and said, "Since everyone thinks highly of Song so much, then God Lu, I wonder if you agree with it?"

 Thanks for the monthly tickets of "Sandfish", "Xiaoguan" and "Yi Youran"!

(End of this chapter)

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