i can eat tips

Chapter 312 Covenant Chapter 3

Chapter 312
Everyone saw that Lu Shaoxi had always been gentle, and they were a little laughing, but now they saw his serious expression, and they all felt awe-inspiring.

Lu Shaoxi looked around at the students, and said solemnly: "Maybe you may think that I am domineering, but in the Jingwu Alliance, orders and prohibitions are the most basic principles, and unconditional obedience to orders is the bounden duty of alliance warriors. Most of you plan to volunteer to join For the Ching Wu Alliance, you must understand and do this even more. In the academy, you can have a distinctive personality and you can act alone, but in the Ching Wu Alliance, you have to become a machine that strictly executes orders. I don’t want Delaying the fighter plane or even bringing catastrophic consequences because of any team member's non-compliance with the order will lead to the defeat of the entire team's battle!"

The students have heard these clichéd words countless times from their teachers, but now seeing Lu Shaoxi's solemn expression, iron blood and majesty exuding from his whole body, they all became nervous, and saluted seriously: "Yes!"

"The second rule, once you enter the state of combat readiness, you must fight this war as if it were a real war. If you get shot, you will die. If the enemy does not die, you will die! Remember this!"

Some students said weakly: "God Lu, will this be a foul..."

"Our enemies are not ordinary warriors, but the Silver Star elite military guards who have received strict training. The strength of any enemy will only be above you, and will not be below you. If you have the ability to kill them, you are considered amazing , I will be responsible for all the consequences! If you are worried and dare not do your best, then there is no need to fight this battle, just go home and sleep!"

Lu Shaoxi has trained in the Yuanzhou Jingwu League for three days, and he is well aware of the combat effectiveness of the professional alliance fighters. The Yuanzhou Silver Star Elite Martial Guards Group dispatched this time is a battle-hardened iron-blooded army. The flowers cultivated in the college's greenhouse want to Winning in a head-on confrontation is simply a dream, and he smelled blood from Dean Xia's words just now. This actual combat exercise may be infinitely close to a real war. There is a way.

Everyone felt awe-inspiring, and the original relaxed attitude towards this exercise finally disappeared without a trace.

"Article [-], from now until the victory of this war is achieved, everyone must not take off their alliance uniforms while sleeping, and keep firearms and weapons at hand, so as to ensure that they can quickly prepare for battle in case of emergencies!"

A girl raised her hand and asked, "God Lu, what about taking a shower?"

Lu Shaoxi smiled lightly, but what he said made people tremble: "Those who need to take a bath, go and take a bath. I don't think there will be time to take a bath from tomorrow. There is only victory and survival on the battlefield, and there is no cleanliness. Living is more important than anything else, everyone remember Focus on this. In the next time, everyone should adapt to the gravity device and the weight-bearing state as soon as possible, supplement nutrition as much as possible, adjust the physical state, and ensure that you can fight at any time!"

All the students fell into deep thought after exchanging their lives and blood for lessons from the Vietnam War.Of course, there were still a small number of students who sneered in their hearts, thinking that Lu Shaoxi was sensationalizing, but the cruel reality soon slapped them hard and loudly.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, just as the students were sleeping soundly, the bell of "Dangdangdang——" suddenly rang through the night sky.

Damn, did I make a mistake?What time is it, the actual combat exercise started so early?
"Everyone, assemble!" The captains of each team hurriedly ordered the team members to assemble.

The students had just rushed out of the tent in a panic, only to see Lu Shaoxi and Rin already fully dressed and standing on the playground. Compared with the panic-stricken students, they looked extraordinarily calm and majestic.

Seeing this, all the students quickly quieted down and assembled according to the training formation.

The night sky is covered with dark clouds, the cold wind is howling, and it will soon snow, and the temperature drops rapidly. Although everyone is not weak, and the hats in the alliance uniforms have the function of keeping out the cold, the faces exposed in the air are starting to feel a little cold whitish.

Du Junmao said in a low voice: "Brother Lu, everyone has just slept for less than two hours. I'm afraid you won't have enough rest, and it's going to snow soon. Do you want to rest more before setting off?"

Lu Shaoxi shook his head, looked around the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you realize that there is no one else here besides us?"

Everyone originally only cared about slandering that the exercise time arranged by Zheng Hai was too perverted, and Lu Dashen was a little too pretentious. At this time, after listening and looking around, they found dozens of alliance fighters and teachers who had been set up in the distance. Their tents had been taken down at some point, and only their tents remained on the wilderness of Nuo Da, feeling extremely lonely in the cold and windy night.

Everyone was like cubs thrown into the primeval forest all of a sudden. They felt apprehensive and approached their companions involuntarily.

Lu Shaoxi's voice came into the ears of all the students clearly in the night: "Everyone should understand that from this moment on, this is a battle area, and the enemy may appear at any time. This camping location is open, easy to attack and difficult to defend. If a big snowstorm comes, our tent will not last long, and everyone will be buried alive by the snowstorm!"

When everyone thought about it carefully, their faces changed.

"Listen to my order. The second team is in charge of guarding the spot. The seventh team, led by Du Junmao, searches southeast! Be aware that the enemy may appear at any time. Once you find the enemy, immediately release the signal flare. Don't fight hard! The rest of the team, with Pack your luggage and equipment as quickly as possible, and leave in 5 minutes!"

Hearing that Lu Shaoxi arranged everything in an orderly manner, the students seemed to have found a backbone, and the anxiety and resentment in their hearts had long been thrown out of the sky, and they all took orders to act.

According to the brochure on the actual combat exercise, as soon as the bell rings, the enemy will enter the large combat area from random positions in batches, and the enemy has motorized vehicles, so it is possible to appear in any position.The students didn’t have any radar equipment, not even a compass. The only things they were allowed to carry were portable tents, a pistol with fifteen rounds of ammunition, and three cans of nutritious food for a day. The difference in equipment and combat effectiveness between the two sides was too great. It is extremely difficult to win this actual combat exercise.

Fortunately, Lu Shaoxi has clairvoyant eyes, and all enemy deployments within a radius of [-] kilometers cannot escape his surveillance.It's just that it's impossible for Lu Shaoxi to tell others that he has this ability, so there is no shortage of arrangements that should be made.

Under Lu Shaoxi's command, nearly [-] students rushed to the scheduled southeast hillside without any risk.The terrain here is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it happens to be sheltered from the wind. It is indeed the best place to camp. It was discovered by Lu Shaoxi in advance through clairvoyance.

"The eighth team is responsible for reconnaissance of the enemy's situation, the ninth team is responsible for setting up open posts and secret posts on duty, the tenth team is on standby, and the rest of the teams rest!"

Seeing that the snowstorm was approaching, the students didn't have a good rest and worked hard all day, and they all wanted to camp early to rest. Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoxi wanted three teams to continue the task.

 Thanks for the monthly pass of "Little Don't Understand"!

(End of this chapter)

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