i can eat tips

Chapter 313 The first battle

Chapter 313 The First Battle

The other four teams all looked sympathetically at the unlucky three teams. The three teams dared not refuse to carry out, but they all wondered in their hearts whether God Lu was too nervous to do anything unnecessary?After all, from the beginning to the present, not to mention the enemy, I have never seen even ferocious beasts such as wild wolves.

Lu Shaoxi seemed to turn a blind eye to the students' complaints and slander, and said indifferently: "The fourth team and the fifth team have not performed the mission, take the time to rest for two hours, and then replace the eighth and ninth teams."

The students from the fourth and fifth teams wailed in their hearts again. This Great God Lu is making a big deal out of a molehill, right?The enemy didn't even see it, and my own people were afraid that they would be tossed and destroyed first.

Only Zhang Chun observed Lu Shaoxi's battle deployment thoughtfully, without saying a word.

The wind and snow arrived as expected, and the ice and snow outside was even colder. The ninth and tenth teams who were in charge of standing guard and on standby complained secretly, but seeing that Lu Shaoxi had not rested and was patrolling the camp with Lin, the students had no choice but to swallow their complaints.

Just when several teams were about to fall asleep, and the ninth and tenth teams were starting to relax, suddenly the sound of "Peng!"
Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of intense firefights in the distance, the dense sound of machine gun fire like fried beans, the sharp sound of bullets from sniper rifles, and the sound of intermittent pistol fire.

The enemy actually appeared!

The students who had just fallen asleep rushed out nervously with their weapons in their hands. Everyone looked pale at the sound of firefights that were hidden in the distance in the wind and snow.

They have never experienced the flames of war. For a moment, you look at each other, and your palms sweat from nervousness. The knowledge you originally learned in the combat class has long been thrown into the sky.

"Don't panic, except for the ninth team and the tenth team, everyone goes back to rest! All the bright posts of the ninth team turn into secret posts, and open fire when they encounter the approaching enemy. Rin, you stay and defend with the ninth team. Everyone in the tenth team, follow me Go to meet the eighth team!"

The enemies are coming, and you want us to rest?The other four teams that were not named were a little puzzled, but seeing that Lu Shaoxi remained calm and calm from the beginning to the end, he finally obeyed the order and entered the tent to rest.

Yan Jin, the captain of the tenth team, said nervously: "God Lu, we don't know how many troops the enemy has. Are we enough?"

Lu Shaoxi had seen clearly with his clairvoyant eyes, but his face was pretending: "It's okay, the enemy should be only a small scouting team, with less than ten people. Listen, there are only three submachine guns and a sniper rifle in the gunshots. The rest have five automatic rifles, which are the typical firepower equipment of the Longxia Jingwu Alliance reconnaissance squad, we have ten teams plus eight teams, there are nearly 50 people, and it should be no problem to deal with these nine enemies."

Can the type of gun and the number of people be distinguished from such a mess of gunshots?Isn't God Lu amazing?Where did he get such a wealth of practical experience?

The members of the tenth team all secretly smacked their tongues in admiration, and at the same time felt that the knowledge they learned in the combat class was wasted.

A confident smile appeared on Lu Shaoxi's face: "Let's go, follow me to make the first contribution. Those who perform well will wait until the battle is over, and I will teach him their martial arts alone!"

The theory of Master Lu's vitality class is simple and easy to understand, and he will also answer everyone's doubts about the Qi-gathering technique, which has benefited many students. At this time, they heard that Master Lu would personally teach martial arts, and everyone immediately screamed, and their morale was high. increase!

"Let's go!" Lu Shaoxi drew his gun with his right hand, put on a spider glove with his left hand, and rushed into the wind and snow like a night bird, and the members of the tenth team hurriedly followed behind him.

At this time, Dianqin, the captain of the eighth team who was performing reconnaissance missions in the distant woods, had begun to lead his people back. He hadn't forgotten Lu Dashen's instruction that he should not fight recklessly when encountering an enemy.

However, they participated in the battle for the first time, and the enemy's firepower was fierce. Unexpectedly, five of their companions were hit by paintballs, and the smart armbands fell off automatically, and they were eliminated.

Just when Dianqin and other members of the seventh team were panicked, anxious and angry, Lu Shaoxi arrived with the tenth team.

Lu Shaoxi rushed to the front, his whole body was surrounded by a faint breeze, circulating the true energy of the wind attribute, like a monkey, he rushed into the enemy's formation in an instant, several bullets almost brushed past his alliance uniform, startled Everyone shouted loudly, but Lu Shaoxi didn't seem to realize it. The moment he raised his left gun, he fired, "blowing up" the head of the enemy sniper with incredible marksmanship. Enemies with submachine guns.

His true qi circulation is suppressed at the tenth level of gathering qi, and he cannot perform martial arts, and his original basic strength, defense and agility are greatly reduced, but he has extra points, and he has practiced the "Eight Emperors Heaven and Earth God of War Art" ", the strength is still no less than the ordinary condensed core triple, not to mention the martial arts that have been practiced to perfection such as split palm, capture dragon fist, and tiger-shaped lore.

The strength of these enemies is only around the first level of Ningdan, no matter what his opponent is, two of them were "killed" in one face-to-face.

Lu Shaoxi shouted: "Spread out the outflank, don't let any one go!" In fact, there are only nine enemies in this area, and he can kill them all by himself, but the students must increase their actual combat experience, so they let them take action.

"Yes!" The tenth team and the defeated eighth team saw their morale boosted, and rushed towards the enemy one after another.

As the so-called killing a sharpshooter with random guns, under the shooting of dozens of pistols, one enemy with a submachine gun was "killed" immediately, and the other was "killed" by Lu Shaoxi with a tiger-shaped lore, but the remaining five enemies with rifles were extremely skilled. Excellent, a few people here were knocked down in the chaos. Fortunately, the students who were shot were not hit critically and were not eliminated.

Dian Qin, the captain of the eighth team, and Yan Jin, the captain of the tenth team, were furious, and they both shot to besiege one of the strongest enemies. Unexpectedly, the enemy turned around and ran away. Dian Qin rushed over and shouted: "Where..."

Before he could utter the word "escape", suddenly a cold light flashed, and an inch-long flying needle flew towards his heart with a strong wind!

There is a sensing device at the heart position, if you hit it, you will be eliminated, but Dianqin rushed so fast that he had no time to dodge, and was just screaming "It's over", suddenly a figure flashed by, and two fingers were in the middle of a thousand shots. Just as he caught the flying needle, he heard the enemy snort in pain, and squatted down covering his crotch, but was kicked straight by Lu Shaoxi's provocative kick.

Seeing the enemy's painful expression, this kick was so frightening that he was injured for half a year, and I don't know if there is any sequelae of cutting off children and grandchildren.

Everyone clicked their tongues secretly, thinking that Lu Shaoxi's attack was too harsh, but unexpectedly, the enemy gritted his teeth and took out a grenade from his waist, and threw it towards everyone!

The appearance of this grenade is exactly the same as that of ordinary grenades. I don’t know whether it is a bomb or paint inside. However, fortunately, Lu Shaoxi was well prepared. With his left hand, he used the sticky, soft and force-relieving method of the Dragon Fist, sticking and sending lightly, and threw the grenade towards another enemy in the distance.

In the sound of the explosion, the bright red dye dyed the two enemies red, and they were eliminated.

Lu Shaoxi shouted to the panicked crowd: "This is the enemy, don't underestimate the enemy, don't show mercy!"

The crowd came to their senses at this moment, and they shot with all their strength, and quickly knocked down an enemy, but the last enemy was extremely experienced, and when he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately disappeared into the wind and snow bushes.

Oops, if this person escapes, his team's position will be exposed!

Just when everyone was anxious, Lu Shaoxi kicked up the sniper rifle on the ground, raised the gun and dropped it with incredible speed, "Bang!"

The last enemy fell to the ground in the snow.

Everyone was stunned for a long time before they burst into thunderous cheers!

(End of this chapter)

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