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Chapter 351 Black Panther Team

Chapter 351 Black Panther Team
Feng Qing sighed softly, and withdrew his laughing expression: "It just so happens that I should tell you about the 'Bloody Skull' in detail, some of which you should already know, but most of which you may not know."

He picked the most comfortable sofa and lay down recliningly, then said slowly: "'Scarlet Skull' is a very mysterious organization, no one knows where its headquarters is, how many people are in the organization, what is its purpose, even Our Qianlong intelligence network can't find much useful information. The only thing that is certain is that it divides the world into six regions, and each region has several groups. Each group consists of three cadres and several generals ' and peripheral personnel. And we, Long Xia, were separately divided into the 'Long Xia Area' by them. This time, the one who wanted to kidnap Miss Shen should be the 'Black Panther Team' in the 'Long Xia Area'."

"Just a group?" Lu Shaoxi frowned.

Feng Qing said: "Don't think that a team is weak. Longxia Kingdom is vast and rich in resources. Normally, the 'Scarlet Skull' is only a general and a few peripheral personnel. 'Black Panther Team'!"

The Black Panther Team... Lu Shaoxi pondered over this name in his heart.Through his own intelligence network and Thunder Academy's information network, he can only collect simple information about "generals" such as "Spiritual Apothecary", and even less information when he reaches the level of team cadres, and he has never heard of such a thing" Black Panther Team".

"Is this group great?"

"If we are the ace team in Qianlong, then the 'Black Panther team' is the ace team of Scarlet Skull in the 'Long Xia area'."

Guo Yi, who had never had a chance to speak out, couldn't help but said, "It was precisely because we found out that the 'Black Panther Team' was going to attack, the superior specially transferred our 'Red Flag' team to protect Miss Shen."

Lu Shaoxi nodded, and once again raised his vigilance against this "Black Panther Group".

"Who are in this 'Black Panther Team'?"

Feng Qing said: "Have you ever heard of the International Most Wanted List? The current international most wanted list is divided into several levels. Generally, it is the 'International Most Wanted List' that many people have heard of. Like the Hornets and Vipers you have fought against before, they are all on the list. This list; and the 'International AA Most Wanted List', much less is known. Those who can be on the list are all superpowers of Tongmai Realm, everyone has blood on their hands, killing people like grass, black panthers The team has three cadres, Black Panther, Gray Wolf and Yaodao, which are ranked seventh, eighth and ninth on the AA most wanted list."

"Black Panther, Gray Wolf and Demon Sword?" Lu Shaoxi remembered these three names in his heart.

"Black Panther is a disciple of the world-renowned great devil of the God Realm, the "God of Purgatory". His strength is around the sixth level of Tongmai, and his one-handed bone-transforming palm is superb. People who are hit by his poisonous palm will not be relieved by him within 10 minutes. The medicine will turn into a puddle of blood. I heard that he will also be specially strengthened, which can forcibly increase his strength by two levels. I haven't seen him, so I can't say."

"You didn't fight him this morning?"

A wry smile appeared on Feng Qing's always confident and arrogant face: "He didn't show up this morning, otherwise you might not see the four of us now."

Lu Shaoxi frowned upon hearing this.

"Grey Wolf's strength is around the fifth level of Tongmai Tongmai. He is best at the original wolf fangs and claws. Regardless of the attack speed, he is extremely terrifying. Moreover, he is also a supernatural being. His whole body's flesh and skin can become as hard as fine steel, making him invulnerable."

stranger!Lu Shaoxi gasped.People with supernatural powers are not urban legends. In the modern era of advanced technology, not only martial arts shine brilliantly, but also "spells" and "superpowers" that were considered non-existent in the past have also developed rapidly. The formations that Lu Shaoxi has learned , In fact, it is a kind of magic.And "superpowers" are called supernatural powers, but there are not many natural supernatural beings, even much less than the "bloodline talent" in martial arts. The current supernatural powers are more people who have never been exposed to the outside world. The open mysterious research institute uses special means such as radiation, electric shock and other inhumane methods plus genetic modification to forcibly create "mutant superhumans".These mutants are not scary in a normal state, but they are very powerful when combined with martial arts, but this kind of martial arts is extremely rare, and I didn't expect Gray Wolf to be one of them!

"The demon knife must be good at knife skills?"

Li Fan, with two swords, said solemnly: "Lu Zhongdian, you guessed right, the Yaodao is indeed a strong swordsman. You should still remember the Tiger He Zhengxiong you defeated more than ten days ago, right?"


"I heard that Yaodao is the senior brother of Toga Masao, the first disciple of Toni Wusheng, but because he was too fierce, in order to hone the murderous spirit in the knife, he killed hundreds of babies in a row, so he was expelled from the school by Toni Wusheng , and finally joined the Scarlet Skull. His strength is around the fifth level of Tongmai, but his sword technique has reached the realm of simplicity. Three enemies, two, and formations to complement each other, I'm afraid I'll be killed by the demon sword long ago." At the end of the speech, Li Fan's resolute face showed a shudder.

Feng Qing sighed: "These three people are not only strong in martial arts, but I heard that they also have a formation. When they are deployed, they will be trapped in it even if they connect to the tenfold veins. So the 'Black Panther Team' has never been able to get out. Never missed a shot."

Lu Shaoxi was really shocked this time.

He had scanned the enemies within [-] kilometers of Huxin Island, and only found a few superpowers with two or three meridians. He thought that the Scarlet Skull was not as scary as the rumors said, and even wanted to secretly deal with these enemies. But now that the Black Panther team is so powerful, he has to adjust his strategy.

However, he wasn't too worried. With the ninth-rank formation of Huxin Island, unless the people who came were from the God Transformation Realm, as many people as the Black Panther team came, they would have to fall down!

After listening to Feng Qing and others explain the information about the Black Panther team in detail, Lu Shaoxi thought about it, and asked again: "Can you find out where they are hiding? Probably the location is fine."

Feng Qing shook his head: "They are the best at hiding, I am afraid that only by capturing the generals in their group can we find out their whereabouts."

"This is easy." Lu Shaoxi smiled lightly, stood up and said, "I just caught two generals, Brother Feng, let's go and ask them together."


It wasn't until they saw the two men who were tightly bound by furballs with green hairs that they couldn't move, that Feng Qing and others were convinced that Lu Shaoxi had indeed captured an important member of the "Bloody Skull".

General level, and there are still two!This is considered a rare record in Qianlong!

Maoqiu had already captured the two intruders with the help of the large formation and locked them in the basement. Lu Shaoxi threw a pill to Maoqiu as a reward, and then stared at the two intruders coldly.

The two intruders were both at the third level of Tongmai, not tall, black and thin, and very similar in appearance. They were all dressed in black and wore a large black cloak.

Feng Qing looked at the two of them for a while, then suddenly lost his voice: "Are you 'bats'?"

(End of this chapter)

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