i can eat tips

Chapter 352 Yan Shuai and Yan Tianbei

Chapter 352 Yan Shuai and Yan Tianbei
The strength of these two intruders is around the third level of Tongmai. As soon as they entered the island, they were trapped by the formation. Later, they were injured by Maoqiu using the formation, and they were directly tied up and taken to the basement.

As the master of the formation, Lu Shaoxi can understand all the movements in the formation without clairvoyance.The fact that the intruder was captured alive has long been known.

Now that he entered the basement, he activated the "Eye of Wish" to look at the two intruders, and a line of words immediately appeared above their heads: "Make these people mistake us for the people sent by Yan Shuai!"

Huh?what happened?Aren't they sent by Yan Shuai?Why make us "mistaken"?
Just when Lu Shaoxi was secretly wondering, he heard Feng Qing's exclamation, and Lu Shaoxi was even more surprised: "Brother Feng, do you know them?"

A strange look appeared on Feng Qing's face, he stared at the two for a long time before confirming: "That's right, it's them, they are twins, the one with the mole on the left chin is the elder brother Zhang Pian, and the one on the right should be the younger brother Zhang He , these two brothers have served in Qianlong, the code name is 'Bat'! Am I right, Bat Brothers!"

The two intruders who were captured alive looked indifferent and turned a deaf ear to Feng Qing's question, as if they had put life and death aside.

"They used to be Qianlong's people?" Lu Shaoxi was very surprised.These two are obviously generals of the "Scarlet Skull", how could they have served in Qianlong?
Hearing Feng Qing next to him, he said affirmatively: "Yes, I will not admit my mistake. They used to be the subordinates of the governor of Yan Tianbei and made many contributions. Later, they suddenly disappeared during the mission for unknown reasons. The country sacrificed their lives, and now their photos are still posted on the wall of meritorious service in the alliance headquarters, I didn't expect them to be alive, and it seems that they have joined the 'Blood Skull'!" At the end, he was also full of confusion and shock.

Brother Bat still didn't say a word, but his eyebrows twitched obviously when he heard the words "Yan Tianbei Shangdu", and even Lu Shaoxi was moved.

Yan Tianbei is a glorious name for all alliance warriors, even ordinary casual warriors who have not joined the Jingwu Alliance must know this "Invincible Superintendent".He has been regarded as a legend all his life. He has never been defeated since his debut. At the age of 33, he stepped into the state of becoming a god. He even shocked all directions in Yandu, defeating Dong Qianhe, a famous martial arts legend and known as the world's number one palm, causing a sensation in the entire martial arts world. Become the most dazzling new star in the martial arts that no one dares to ignore.

For ordinary fighters, the most impressive thing is the battle between the top five powers in the world, the Shade Martial Arts League and the Longxia Jingwu League. There are more than 1000 warriors in the military alliance, but they dare not fight. They huddled in the branch and waited for help. They let the Shad warriors show off their power on the southwestern border of Longxia. Yan Tianbei was just the young governor who had just arrived in the southwest branch. With only a thousand fighters under his command, he couldn't just sit back and watch the arrogance of the Shade Military League. After angrily scolding the governor, he angrily led his [-] people to fight. Yan Tianbei himself even entered and exited three times among nearly ten thousand enemies, beheading dozens of high-level enemy commanders in a row, including Adam Goethe, who was the leader of the Shadwu League at the time. The Wumeng was defeated and fled, and never dared to step into Longxia again.Because of this unrivaled feat, Yan Tianbei was promoted to the middle governor, and later he was promoted to the upper governor through hard work, becoming the youngest top-ranking envoy in the Jingwu Alliance.

Nearly ten years later, the strength of the warriors of the Shadwu League was several times stronger than before, but Yan Tianbei took [-] alliance warriors to sit in the southwestern branch, and the Sitting Shadwumeng couldn't move.In addition, there are many rumors about Yan Tianbei's deeds in the martial arts world, such as who traveled thousands of miles to kill traitors, and ordinary warriors who were wronged and wronged and rioted at the alliance headquarters, etc. The warriors discussed it with gusto.Yan Tianbei not only has a very high prestige in Longxia Martial Arts, but also has a very high prestige abroad. He even called him "the pillar of the Jingwu Alliance" and "one Yan Tianbei can keep the Longxia Jingwu Alliance alive for a hundred years!"

Lu Shaoxi grew up listening to the stories of Yan Tianbei when he was a child. He had an inexplicable admiration for this legendary governor and peerless powerhouse. Even when he embarked on the road of martial arts, apart from his father's influence, he also had some other hidden secrets. The meaning of Yan Tianbei's role model and goal.

At this time, when he heard that these two people were Yan Tianbei's former subordinates, Lu Shaoxi was surprised and even more suspicious.

Feng Qing obviously respected Yan Tianbei very much. He approached the two of them, his always smiling face was full of anger: "Since you have followed Lord Yan, why are you betraying the alliance and joining the 'Scarlet Skull' now? Don't be afraid to give Yan Tian Is the governor ashamed?"

Facing Feng Qing with an angry face, Brother Bat suddenly grinned, and Zhang Pian sneered, "Ignorant boy! We are loyal to Governor Yan, how could we betray him?"

Feng Qing didn't believe it at all: "Could it be that Governor Yan asked you to join the Scarlet Skull and kidnap Shen Mengyao? Governor Yan is a great hero, why is it necessary to kidnap Miss Shen?"

Zhang Wei said disdainfully: "Little brat, what do you know? When we followed Shangdu Yan to kill the enemy on the battlefield, you didn't know where to play in the sand!"

Feng Qing's face changed several times, but he still didn't believe it: "Then tell me, why did Governor Yan kidnap Miss Shen?"

Bat Brothers sneered, apparently refusing to answer.

Lu Shaoxi looked at the words "Let these people mistakenly think that we are people sent by Yan Shuai!" floating above their heads, and his heart was shocked. Just now, these two people only mentioned "Yan Shangdu" but did not mention "Yan Shuai!" Handsome", could Yan Tianbei be that "Shuai Yan"?
how can that be!

Leaving aside the fact that Yan Tianbei is just a superintendent, he is not a marshal at all. The three words "Yan Tianbei" alone represent the image of loyalty, bravery, and love for the people of the Longxia Alliance. How could he be the one who meddled with Yue The "Shuai Yan" who controls the power of the North, controls the Demon Sect and the Wudou Sect to fight for power!
But Lu Shaoxi also thought about Zhang Zuoling and the elite masters who were equipped with the weapons and equipment of the Longxia Jingwu Alliance that he met in Yuebei, and the fact that his adoptive father, Dean Xia, had been refusing to reveal the true identity of Yan Shuai—could it be true? ?Yan Tianbei, the number one hero of the Jingwu League and admired by all people, is actually a hidden careerist?
The more Lu Shaoxi thought about it, the more creepy she became, and even the tips of her fingers began to feel cold.

Feng Qing beside him has calmed down, and he stared at Brother Bat coldly: "You have betrayed Governor Yan, you have betrayed the Jingwu Alliance, and you still have to pour dirty water on Governor Yan, how dare you! Let’s tell the truth, don’t think we won’t use torture!”

Zhang Pian chuckled: "Do you think the hair of this mere spirit beast can keep us trapped?"

Feng Qing seemed to think of something, and his face changed: "Be careful, they are also supernatural beings, they can move instantly!" Before he finished speaking, the snake-shaped sword on his waist turned into countless cold lights, stabbing at the meridians on Brother Bat's leg , trying to prevent them from casting their teleportation ability.

Feng Qing's reaction was fast enough, but the Bat Brothers' ability was activated even faster. Just as the sword light flashed, they had disappeared like shadows, and the hair ball binding them loosened immediately.Fuqiu tilted his head and didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Seeing that Bat Brothers didn't appear nearby, Feng Qing immediately understood: "Oops! Their target is Miss Shen! Let's chase after him!" Feng Qing just turned around to call Lu Shaoxi, but suddenly found that Lu Shaoxi had also disappeared without a trace no trace.

Waiting for the wind to clear and looking at the fur ball again, I found that even the fur ball had disappeared.

what happened?Why did this person and spirit beast suddenly disappear?Feng Qing was a little dumbfounded.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 1764550216" for the monthly pass!There is one more chapter at noon tomorrow.In the future, try to have a chapter at noon and a chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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