i can eat tips

Chapter 436 Two Strange Old Men

Chapter 436 Two Strange Old Men
Lu Shaoxi didn't know that his behavior of breaking through the level had attracted the close attention of all aspects of the college. He used his special teacher certificate to open the gate on the sixth floor. To his surprise, behind the gate was a courtyard of more than [-] square meters with lush trees. , exposing a corner of the thatched cottage, under the dual effects of formations and high technology, the clouds and mist linger, and there is a sense of "being in the world".

Two old men in long gowns who are nearly seventy years old are sitting by the stone bench in the courtyard, one of them is holding a scroll in his hand and muttering to himself, while the other is holding a fishing rod and fishing at a clear spring, leisurely.

The golden glow in Lu Shaoxi's pupils flickered, and with his clairvoyant eyes, he could see clearly that the old man on the left was holding a wordless book, while the old man on the right was fishing in the Phantom Spring.

However, these two old men are still entertaining themselves with relish.

Anyone else would have thought the two old men were lunatics, but Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly and sat opposite the two old men.

He just sat on the ground and looked at the two old men quietly.The two old men turned a blind eye to him, completely intoxicated in their own world.

Lu Shaoxi looked at it for a while, and suddenly his left hand bent out, as if he was also holding a book. At the same time, he leaned back slightly, and held his right hand upwards, like holding a fishing rod.

Through the camera hidden in the illusion, dozens of pairs of eyes were stunned.

These two strange old people would sit in this courtyard every day, doing different movements, and many people were used to it, and they couldn't guess the mysterious meaning of their actions. This Lu Shaoxi just came In less than 2 minutes in the courtyard, he actually imitated the strange movements of the two strange old men. Did he think that he could fool these two strange old men and point him to the location of the library on the sixth floor?

"Pretending to be smart." Mr. Wu shook his head and commented.

"It's ridiculous, extremely ridiculous." Mr. Chen echoed with a sneer.

The staff couldn't understand it either, and they began to speculate whether Lu Shaoxi was trying to trick her. Only a few vice presidents' faces changed slightly.

Is this kid a coincidence, or did he really see the mystery?You must know that they were stuck in this "literature test" for a long time back then. Even Dean Xie, who is known as the most talented, barely passed the test of two strange old people after more than ten days.

Could it be that this young super teacher figured out the mystery of the movements of the two strange old men in less than 2 minutes?
how can that be!

In the courtyard, when Lu Shaoxi made these two actions, the eyes of the strange old man on the left finally fell on him.

The strange old man with thick eyebrows on the left spoke: "What are you looking at?"


The strange old man with thick eyebrows found it even more interesting, and a smile appeared on his face: "Where is the book?"

"In the hands of the seniors."

"You can understand?"

"Seniors are unpredictable, but juniors only understand superficially." The five fingers of Lu Shaoxi's left hand holding the "book" trembled slightly invisibly, as if pinching the "pages" blown by the wind.

The people in front of the screen were inexplicable, why couldn't they understand this conversation at all?
The faces of several vice presidents became more and more ugly, and one of them even crushed the purple sand cup in his hand without realizing it.

In the dean's office, Dean Xie Wuji heaved a sigh of relief and began to make tea leisurely.He naturally knew the mystery, and he also knew that this kid Lu understood it too.

The old man with the thick eyebrows was holding the book in his hand before and was muttering to himself, but when Lu Shaoxi sat down, the old man with the thick eyebrows moved his fingers a few times.

These small movements are inconspicuous, but if the energy is released, it is an extremely clever "Yinyu Finger Sword" invisible air sword martial arts. Corpse, terrible and terrible.

But when Lu Shaoxi was answering just now, the five fingers of his left hand changed a few wonderful tricks in a subtle way, blocking all the "Yinyu Finger Blade Sword", and he didn't let out any energy, which was subtle.

The old man with thick eyebrows saw it, and nodded immediately, his eyes flashed with approval: "Okay, you really understand. Boy, you are not bad."

The old goat bearded man on the right glanced at Lu Shaoxi, and suddenly said, "What are you fishing for?"

This time, Lu Shaoxi thought for a while before answering: "Heart."


"Only those who catch the heart can let go of fame and fortune and gain a pure heart. Those who have a pure heart can be calm."

The goat bearded old man looked back at Lu Shaoxi seriously: "Okay, at your age, it's really not easy to see through this."

Just now, the Shanguan Huguai old man was holding the fishing rod in a strange way. He seemed to be lifting the rod, and he seemed to be shaking the rod.If Lu Shaoxi still guessed the offensive and defensive meaning of his moves according to the old man's method of thick eyebrows, he would fall into a cliché, and the old man with goat beard would not even look at him again.

But Lu Shaoxi got up and saluted: "Thank you senior, the junior has benefited a lot."

The real meaning of the old goat bearded man's action just now is "meditation". He remained as still as a mountain between sending and receiving, attacking and defending. His whole body was like a standing rock or an iron statue. "Quietness" and "steadiness" are few people can match.

Silent dogs and calm pools are the worst.

In this unencumbered "quietness" there is even more profound martial arts philosophy.It is better to be still than to move, and the first mover is controlled by others. These are not mentioned in the secrets or books.Lu Shaoxi felt more grateful just because he understood.

The old man with a goat beard shook his head and said, "It's your luck that you can learn it. Old Hei, it's time for us to move."

The thick-browed old man chuckled, still holding the scroll in his hand, but in the next second he had moved to the side. The old man with the goatee also followed him like a shadow, panning with him, and the distance between the two did not change at all.

This tacit understanding and skill alone are enough to make people amazing.

Lu Shaoxi once again lamented that there are heaven and man outside the sky and there are people outside the sky.These two old men are both of the seventh-level strength of Tongmai, and neither of them may be his opponent, but if the two join forces, Lu Shaoxi can only run away quickly, unless Rin is called, and the two sides will use a joint attack formation to fight a joint attack formation. Lu Shaoxi There is still a [-]% chance of winning.

With the movement of the two strange old men, the stone bench they were sitting on rose slightly, the mechanism rang, and the stone wall not far away rose up, revealing a hole.

"Thank you again for the guidance of the two old seniors." After saying that, Lu Shaoxi bowed deeply.

The thick-browed old man had a good impression of this polite young man, so he reminded: "Young man, it's not easy to break into the inside, if you lose the enemy, just withdraw, don't lose your life in vain."

"Yes." Lu Shaoxi thanked him again, then turned and walked into the cave.

In the central control room, everyone stared at Lu Shaoxi's back on the screen in amazement, and someone couldn't help asking: "He just answered a few words in such a godly way, even if he has passed the sixth level? The two old seniors can't be..." He didn't say the last sentence "old ignorant", but everyone felt the same.

The conversation between the three of them just now was more like some kind of dumbfounding, not to mention the young staff, even Teacher Wu and Teacher Chen could not hear it, only Dean Xie and a few deputy deans understood the deep meaning.

Someone broke the cup, someone pushed the door out, and naturally someone drank tea leisurely.

In the central control room, Mr. Chen said in a deep voice: "It should not be counted. He only passed the 'Wen' level, and there is also a 'Wu' level."

"Wuguan? What is this?" Teacher Wu had never heard of it before, so he couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. Only the dean and a few deputy deans have entered the sixth floor, and there are no cameras inside. However, Dean Xie also failed when he broke through the barrier for the first time. When he came out, he was also covered with blood. Banban, suffered a serious injury."

Even Dean Xie failed?Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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