i can eat tips

Chapter 437

Chapter 437

Lu Shaoxi walked into the entrance of the cave, and saw a stele standing three steps from the entrance of the cave, on which it was written: "This is an important place of the Jingwu Alliance, an unconventional teaching place, and there are fierce beasts guarding treasures inside. Anyone who trespasses will be responsible for death or injury."

beast?Lu Shaoxi looked in with his clairvoyant eyes, and unexpectedly found that there were seven large and small formations all over the inside, which even his clairvoyant eyes could not see through.

Lu Shaoxi took out his mobile phone to check the time. It was nearly four or ten minutes before his class started, so he quietly put on the silkworm Xuanjia vest that Professor Shen gave him, and continued to walk inside.

The stone gate lowered again silently, leaving only a few feet of gap, just enough for a person to crawl out—either pass through the stone cave smoothly, or stay inside forever, or crawl out with serious injuries.

Over the past few decades, two strange old men have been guarding the entrance of the cave. The latter two are the most seen. In the first case, there are no more than 30 people, and the youngest of these people is close to 40 years old.

But the young man was only in his early twenties just now... Once the customs clearance is successful, it will be a new record, a new record that is expected to cause a sensation in Yandu Wulin!
The thick-browed old man put down the scroll, and the goat-goat old man also put away his fishing rod, and his eyes fell on the stone gate in unison.

The cave is very dark, and ordinary people can only judge the surrounding situation by hearing, but Lu Shaoxi has see-through eyes, and can still see things clearly in the dark. This is an unusually winding stone road, which is more than 300 meters long. The stone walls are all piled up with the hardest diamond rock.

Lu Shaoxi walked a few meters, and the surrounding scenery didn't seem to change at all, and there was still no light, but Lu Shaoxi was keenly aware that he had stepped into a formation space, and then he saw a few pairs of green eyes, and his nose smelled it Bursts of foul smell.

Before Lu Shaoxi could use his clairvoyant eyes to see the scene in front of him clearly, the wind rose suddenly, as if something was approaching Lu Shaoxi rapidly, Lu Shaoxi's heart trembled, and he immediately entered the deceleration world.

Taking advantage of the time in the decelerating world, which slowed down a hundred times, Lu Shaoxi finally saw what was coming, and even with his courage, he couldn't help gasping.

Hydra!In front of him was a giant nine-headed snake!It has a body shape like a hill, with nine bucket-sized snake heads in front, and a lizard-like back half, with two hind legs and claws, but a much longer tail.At this time, five of the snake heads were opening their bloody mouths to bite Lu Shaoxi. Their sharp teeth and red tongues made people's hair stand on end.

There are such beasts in the world?Lu Shaoxi only felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and jumped up without even thinking about it. Almost at the same time, his hands were brushed to the ground and equipped with spider gloves.

His speed is extremely fast, but the speed of the nine-headed giant snake is not slow. He just jumped into the air, and the remaining four snake heads have already rushed towards him. The fist glowing with red flames collided fiercely with one of the snake heads.

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who's whoops to reverberate in the cave.Judging from this defensive power alone, each snake head of this nine-headed giant snake is at least equivalent to the strength of the sixth level of Tongmai Tongmai!
Damn, isn't this the equivalent of being besieged by nine superpowers with six levels of meridians?I'm afraid that even the ordinary Tongmai Yachong will have to hate on the spot!

The energy collided, and Lu Shaoxi had to stay in the air for a tenth of a second. In the blink of an eye, the sharp teeth of the three snake heads rushed in front of Lu Shaoxi. Not bad at all.

If it was the previous Lu Shaoxi, in the face of such a crisis, he would immediately resort to the bottom of the box "Shanglong Double Kill - Change" to forcefully break through, but in this way, he would inevitably fall into the siege of the other smugglers.

Fortunately, before entering the cave just now, he had comprehended the two characters of "calmness" and "quietness" from the old man with a goatee. At this time, the more critical he was, the calmer he was. Facing a few giant snake heads that were biting him, Lu Shaoxi gathered his energy. Between the chest, shouted: "Back!"

The lion's roar martial arts multiplied in power in this narrow space, and even formed a tyrannical shock wave like a shock wave. The nine snake heads were dizzy from the shock. Ice attribute, the cold wind howled in an instant, and the cold air spread rapidly towards the surroundings, and the movements of the Hydra were immediately affected and became sluggish.

Lu Shaoxi seized the opportunity and displayed the wonderful body technique in "Shenlong's Hundred Transformations". With a somersault, he landed on one of the snake's heads, and slapped it lightly with his right palm, only to hear a muffled sound. , as if patting on a ripe watermelon, the extremely soft palm strength mixed with ice-type true energy produced a terrifying power. The bones in the snake's head were first smashed into pieces, and then frozen into ice cubes.

Lu Shaoxi switched the attribute of true energy again, the whole body was full of thunder and lightning, and countless blue electric sparks entangled him, illuminating the dark space. Slashed down fiercely, "Ka!" The scale armor, which was successively destroyed by soft energy and ice-type true energy, was immediately shattered under this powerful split palm with a powerful critical strike bonus, the broken armor splashed everywhere, and the bucket-sized The snake head crashed down.

The entire Hydra immediately turned into a phantom and disappeared into the air.

It's done!Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed, as expected, she guessed right, this dragon-headed giant snake was transformed by the formation, and the severed head of the snake was the formation's eye!

Seeing that the surrounding formations showed signs of changing again, Lu Shaoxi immediately unfolded his movements, passed through the broken formation eyes, and swept across several formation spaces.

If you are not proficient in the formations, you will have to face the other beasts transformed by the formations again after these formations are re-transformed.

In fact, if you want to pass through this passage normally, you have to defeat at least seven beasts of similar strength. However, for Lu Shaoxi, the eighth-rank formation master, you only need to grasp the key timing of the first formation change, and step on the next few formations. It is easy to pass through these seven formations without changing the gap in the method.

When he stood still again, he saw a large modern iron gate in front of him.It finally came out, Lu Shaoxi heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at the phone again, it only took nearly 3 minutes, well, there is plenty of time, and I can't let go of all the secrets of the sixth floor!He excitedly pushed open the iron door and stepped into the library on the sixth floor.

Just when Lu Shaoxi pushed open the iron gate, the two strange old men guarding the entrance of the sixth floor had already noticed that Lu Shaoxi had passed the "martial arts test".

Passed the military test on the sixth floor in 3 minutes, and it was still unscathed!

With the dispositions of the two strange old men, they couldn't help shaking their hearts.

The thick-browed old man praised: "Amazing!"

The old man with the goatee suddenly asked, "Oh, by the way, what's the name of this kid?"

"No idea. But I think someone will tell us soon."

That's right, as long as this news gets out, this kid's name may spread throughout Yandu Wulin. It's hard not to know!
(End of this chapter)

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