i can eat tips

Chapter 438

Chapter 438 Four Lines of Nonsense
There are three major forces in Yandu Wulin. The Jingwu Alliance and its affiliated Wuxiu Academy and Management Association are the most powerful. Then there are the forces of the eight major martial arts families and the forces of the six sects.

And Tianxia College has a unique position in Yandu Wulin. It is not as famous as Yandu University, but it is definitely an existence that no one can ignore in the martial arts world.In martial arts, the "teacher-student" relationship itself is a very strong constraint. It is normal for the disciples to obey their work when the teacher has something to do. As the No. [-] martial arts academy in Longxia Wulin, Tianxia College gathers the younger generation The leader of the industry and the future star of tomorrow are themselves the most important resources and strengths.Therefore, Tianxia College belongs to the Jingwu Alliance and is relatively independent. The dean's rank is equivalent to that of the middle governor, and he has great authority. Even the vice-president, director level, and even ordinary teachers have a detached status in Yandu Wulin.All of the above made Tianxia Academy the place where the major families and sects in Yanduli competed most intensely. Any changes in it would attract the attention of all circles outside.

Among them, the positions of the library and special-grade teachers are even more sensitive, so the news that the newly-appointed special-grade teacher by Dean Xie Wuji passed the sixth-level civil and military examination in just a few minutes just came out from the academy, and the third-level teacher in Yandu The important people in the big forces will know it immediately.

All of a sudden, Yandu Martial Arts became lively, causing countless discussions and exclamations. Some people were skeptical, some were shocked, some didn't believe it, and some people had all kinds of small thoughts, but most of these people started to collect this "Lu Shaoxi" Intelligence for young people.

Not to mention anything else, just being able to pass the test of the sixth level is enough to make people take this young man seriously.

"How long did it take me to break through to the sixth floor?"

In the special living area of ​​Yandu, in an elegant and quiet villa, the leader of Qianlong, the governor Shen Jianfei, held the microphone and recalled the past decades. For a day, he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "It's true that heroes come out of youth, the new generation is better than the old ones."

Xu Yuanbing, the chief instructor of Qianlong on the other end of the phone, was also shocked, and sighed: "Old leader, this kid's clearance speed is unbelievable, even with his record of defeating the anaconda, such a clearance speed is still unimaginable .” After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: “Sure enough, the old leader has the discerning eye.”

Shen Jianfei was delighted by this unobtrusive flattery, he stroked the beard on his chin and said with a smile: "Cultivate well, I will entrust this good seedling to your hands, you are not allowed to let me train it to useless."

"Yes. Old leader, do you think he... can reach the seventh floor?" Xu Yuanbing hesitated for a moment, and asked again.

On the sixth floor of the library, only special-grade teachers of the college, leaders above the level of the vice president of the college, and envoys above the level of the alliance's central governor are eligible to challenge. Xu Yuanbing is also not eligible, but this does not prevent him from obtaining information about the sixth floor. .However, there is no information on the seventh floor, and the few people who have been there never mention what they saw on the seventh floor, which makes the library on the seventh floor even more mysterious, and people are more and more curious about the library on the seventh floor. What is in it, and how to pass the test to reach the seventh floor.After a long time, some people even think that the seventh floor is a scam, because those who have been to the seventh floor have not seen a leap in strength, even Yan Tianbei, who was the most popular back then, is no exception.

Xu Yuanbing was also curious. He knew that Shen Jianfei had gone in, so he tentatively asked this sentence.

"The seventh floor?" Shen Jianfei showed a strange smile: "Of course, you can go to the seventh floor after passing the sixth floor."

Xu Yuanbing was obviously taken aback. He wanted to ask again, but he held back his words. The probing sentence just now was considered a taboo, and it would be inappropriate to continue asking.

"The seventh floor..." Shen Jianfei smiled even more strangely: "That's it, contact me if you have any new news."

Xu Yuanbing saw that his old boss didn't mention the seventh floor, so he could only agree in disappointment.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Jianfei's smile disappeared immediately. He got up and walked into the garden, looking at the wind and clouds in the distance, he muttered to himself: "This pool of stagnant water in Yandu should be stirred up."

When the outside world started to talk about it, Lu Shaoxi had already started to copy the secret books of the library on the sixth floor.

The secret books in the library on the sixth floor all start at the sixth rank, and the highest rank is eighth. , Lu Shaoxi only took about 5 minutes to copy it.

He continued walking towards the seventh floor without hesitation.

There were still long stairs connecting the sixth and seventh floors, brightly lit, but he was surprised to find that there were no surveillance cameras in the stairs.

Strange, isn't the academy afraid of someone stealing secret books from the library on the seventh floor?Judging from the level of secret books on the sixth floor, there might be ultra-rare secret books of the ninth rank on the seventh floor, right?
Soon he discovered that there was a thick layer of dust on the stairs, no one had stepped in for a few years, right?
Lu Shaoxi walked down the long stairs while thinking and observing, and was stunned again when he pushed open the door on the seventh floor.

There are no guards on the seventh floor, not even a mechanism. Once the door is opened, the library is inside.But the library is empty, there are no surveillance cameras, no secret books, not even one.

Lu Shaoxi was dumbfounded. There was also a thick layer of dust on the floor of the library on the last floor. The dust rose up when he stepped on it, and the dilapidated wooden floor made creaking noises.

Only four lines of cursive characters are written on the front wall of the entire library: "Under the heavens, in martial arts, everything is invincible, everything is invincible, and everything is invincible."

The font is flying and dancing, very imposing, but the content on it is too... nonsense, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but be stunned.

Isn't the last sentence of this normal sentence "only fast and not broken"?Why does it say "no speed, no break" on it?
Nothing is indestructible, everything is invincible, and everything is invincible, so what is the most powerful?If you only write these three sentences and don't come up with a conclusion, wouldn't that be nonsense?It's useless at all!

Could it be that the secret book of the seventh floor is these four lines of nonsense?

Looking at the empty library, Lu Shaoxi suddenly felt cheated.

Damn, did I make a mistake?No wonder there are no guards at all. After passing the sixth level, you can directly enter the seventh floor. Who cares about such a few lines of nonsense, isn't it a lie?
Lu Shaoxi shook his head, his eyes fell on the inscription below the four lines.

"Xia Ke Gu Lu Tian Yang Shu".

Lu Shaoxi was stunned again, Lu Tianyang?Isn't this the ancestor of a generation of Qi Xia and Xia Ke Valley hundreds of years ago?Lu Shaoxi secretly learned from Qin Bo's strongest ninth-rank martial art "Shenyi Flying Knife", which was created by Lu Tianyang!
And this Lu Tianyang is also known as the extraordinary powerhouse who is closest to the Shattering Void Realm besides Emperor Qin Yang!
How could such an extraordinary powerhouse leave four lines of nonsense here?
 Thanks to the "Genius Zhang Chun" brother for the monthly pass and 100 starting point rewards!Thanks to "Book Friends 20170612192019753" and "Forest" for their monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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