i can eat tips

Chapter 439

Chapter 439
"In martial arts in the world, there is nothing strong that can't be broken, nothing that can't be overcome by softness, and everything that can't be broken by speed." Lu Shaoxi repeated these words over and over again, always feeling that there was still more to come, but he used his clairvoyant eyes to see The library on the seventh floor was scanned inside and out, but nothing new was found.

The only words in the library on the entire floor are these four sentences and the inscription on the wall, but these few sentences don't seem to be some secret words of an authority.

The only special thing is that the walls where the words are written are somewhat uneven. They are pure natural primitive rocks, and they are extremely hard, which may contain a relatively high proportion of diamonds.

The remaining three walls were artificially built later, and the entire seventh floor is more like the bottom of a natural oversized cave.

Is it an unintentional coincidence that the library is located here, or is it to protect the four lines left by Lu Tianyang?Even the first floor is on the ground, and the rest of the floors are underground. Is it also because these four lines of characters are at the bottom?

However, it is located at the claws of the dragon veins in Yandu, and there is such a large natural cave, which is indeed extremely conducive to the construction of large underground buildings. This hard geological layer is a natural protective wall.

Presumably it is due to the above reasons that there is such a large underground library.

As for why Lu Tianyang wanted the deepest part of this underground cave, and wrote down such four lines of "nonsense", Lu Shaoxi really couldn't figure it out, and I'm afraid no one in the world would know the answer.

Lu Shaoxi stretched out his hand and lightly stroked a few lines of cursive writing on the wall, and found that the writing was extremely deep into the stone, and the size of the trace was similar to that of a finger. It was actually written with fingers!Lu Shaoxi clicked his tongue secretly. He tried to insert his fingers into the stone wall, but with his current skill, he could barely leave tiny invisible marks on the stone wall!

Lu Tianyang used to use his finger as a pen, and wrote these lines in cursive freely, without any sense of stagnation, just like writing on the beach. One can imagine how terrifying his skill is!

Lu Shaoxi looked at these lines carefully again. He was forced by his mother to practice calligraphy when he was a child. Naturally, he is no stranger to cursive script. These lines are written in a chic and grand manner.Seeing words is like seeing people, which shows how free and easy, heroic and heroic Lu Tianyang is.

Thinking of the demeanor of this ancient hero, Lu Shaoxi felt fascinated, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand to follow the strokes, wanting to feel Lu Tianyang's state of mind when he wrote these four lines.He soon found to his surprise that every line of writing was actually connected, and there was a faint feeling of carefree writing.

Lu Shaoxi's heart moved, and he vaguely grasped something, so he tried to speed up, and continued to move his fingers along the handwriting, but just now he only traced the first four characters, and then felt dizzy and chest tight, and his whole body was extremely uncomfortable, just like motion sickness and seasickness.

He didn't dare to try to write any more, so he quickly stopped to rest, but it was strange to say that as soon as he stopped writing, the abnormal state of surging energy and blood disappeared without a trace.

It's so strange, are these few lines really so magical?It can be seen that there is nothing special about its strokes.

Lu Shaoxi tried to slow down, and slowly moved his fingertips along the handwriting, but this time there was nothing unusual, but when he tried to speed up, the feeling of motion sickness reappeared.

Lu Shaoxi switched to the second line of "Invincible" to try, and the same situation happened.

Could it be that the hero of the ages left behind some spiritual power when he wrote these few lines?Lu Shaoxi took a few steps back and faced the rubbing from the air. His condition was a little better, but he would still get "motion sickness" if he wrote too fast, and these words seemed to have magical power. Out of shape, there is no discomfort.Only when the handwriting is exactly the same, this weird phenomenon will appear.

It seems to be a problem with the handwriting of this word, and it has nothing to do with whether or not the handwriting is attached to Laimao!
Lu Shaoxi silently recited the words "Quiet" and "Ding" to maintain a peaceful state of mind, and then entered the world of deceleration, slowly touching Lu Tianyang's words stroke by stroke, and paying attention to the subtle changes in his body.

In this extremely calm state of mind, Lu Shaoxi finally discovered something unusual.When he wrote down a word perfectly, the zhenqi in his body changed quietly, just like under the surface of a calm lake, the deep lake water has slowly rolled up a vortex. This vortex is hard to detect, but it is true. Existence affects the movement of his blood vessels. When Linmo reached the fourth character, the true energy and blood vessels resonated, and a huge wave suddenly rose on the lake, causing him to experience "motion sickness".When he stopped, those deep vortices fell silent again.

Lu Shaoxi sat down cross-legged, thinking about the cause and effect. There is no doubt that the four lines left by Lu Tianyang are a very unique martial art, but how to truly comprehend it and how to apply it is the key.

Lu Shaoxi instantly learned all the thousands of secret books copied today, including the hundreds of extremely high-level ones, through the "learning" function. There is a faint sense of mystery that can be created as martial arts.

He stabilized his mind, and then thought about the first line of Lu Tianyang's handwriting "World Martial Arts", and his thoughts suddenly became clear.

That's right, this should be a set of super martial arts that includes moves, mental methods, and energy-training methods, and it has even surpassed the ordinary. It's just that Lu Shaoxi's current skills are far from meeting the conditions for using this set of super martial arts freely. , it cannot be used, resulting in the feeling of motion sickness.

Lu Shaoxi decided to only learn the first word "Heaven".He slowly touched the word "Heaven", writing faster and faster, the true energy in his body changed accordingly, motion sickness reappeared, countless knowledge of martial arts swirled in his mind along the word "Heaven", like a scroll There was a huge storm.

Following the simple handwriting of the word "Heaven", those martial arts techniques he had learned, the fragments of knowledge that he ate and turned into energy began to merge, and began to discard the chaff and save the chaff...

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Shaoxi finally opened his eyes.

His eyes are very bright, like the two most dazzling stars in the night.

Lu Shaoxi punched out slowly, using the most familiar move of "Shanglong Double Kill". His punching speed was extremely slow and his movements were careless, but the two golden dragons roared out immediately. It was very different from the past. The two golden dragon scales are clear, as if alive, extremely majestic and domineering!

With a wave of Lu Shaoxi's hand, two golden dragons circled and danced in mid-air, and actually wrote the word "Heaven"!

If there is a peerless powerhouse who has transformed into a god, he will be speechless when he sees this scene. This is a mind-driven form!This is actually the mind-driven shape that can only be used at the first stage of the transformation of the gods!But Lu Shaoxi's realm is obviously still at the fourth level of Tongmai!

This... is simply a mess!

(End of this chapter)

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