i can eat tips

Chapter 463 Into the Tiger's Den

Chapter 463 Into the Tiger's Den
Mr. Qu shook his hands, and suddenly long metal claws protruded from the fist bones of his ten fingers, just like Wolverine in the movie.He and Lu Shaoxi were fighting close to each other. Both sides were fighting fiercely with each other's fierce moves. When masters competed, even the slightest mistake would lead to defeat. Mr. Qu's change was extremely sudden and even inconceivable, and Lu Shaoxi was immediately caught off guard.

"Hiss—" Lu Shaoxi's chest was scratched with five bloodstains. If he hadn't entered the deceleration world in time and saw Mr. Qu's attack trajectory quickly dodged, he might even be cut open.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help feeling awed, the sharpness of this guy's metal claws might not be inferior to that of a seventh-rank magic weapon, otherwise, how could he easily break through his protective zhenqi and the fourth-rank and seventh-level Celestial Silkworm Xuanjia vest inside?

Mr. Qu seized the opportunity with one blow, and immediately attacked with a ferocious face.

How could Lu Shaoxi be caught by Mr. Qu again after suffering a loss once? He dodged with all his strength, and only then did he really show his power by stealing the magic dragon's acrobatics from the anaconda. Fierce, Lu Shaoxi always avoids them by the slightest margin.

The most hateful thing is that this kid did not forget to calmly taunt while dodging. Mr. Qu knew that he was trying to distract himself, but how could he swallow his breath after being humiliated by this kid, and the attack became more urgent and fierce.

When the offensive is in a hurry, there will inevitably be slight errors. Mr. Qu moved forward a little half an inch in the impatience. How could Lu Shaoxi miss this rare opportunity, leaning towards Mr. Qu with his body method, and his right hand that was flaming Cut off the palm like a knife.

"Crack!" There was a soft sound, and a palm flew out in response!
Mr. Qu screamed in disbelief, and subconsciously covered his bleeding wrist.

His right hand was cut off at the wrist by Lu Shaoxi who was equipped with spider gloves!
The sharp pain in his wrist finally made Mr. Qu realize that the kid in front of him is indeed stronger than him!He was quite powerful, and he immediately woke up from his anger, retreated decisively, and blew his whistle while retreating, signaling the monsters to besiege Lu Shaoxi.

At this juncture of life and death, he no longer cared whether Lu Shaoxi was some precious experimental subject.The strength of these hundreds of monsters is close to or even at the Tongmai state, and their hair and flesh are highly poisonous. If they swarm up, even if they are at the state of transformation, they will have to flee.

But just halfway through his whistle, a special sniper rifle bullet flew in the darkness without sound, pierced his back, pierced through his heart, and came out from his chest!

Normally, he would be at least [-]% sure of avoiding it, but at this time he had just been seriously injured by Lu Shaoxi, and he was in a hurry to command a group of monsters to attack Lu Shaoxi, who would have thought that someone would sneak attack with a sniper rifle from hundreds of meters away?
And this sniper rifle is obviously specially made, the speed and penetration of the bullets are not inferior to Tongmai Jiuzhong, even close to Tongmai Tenchong!

Amidst the blood splashing everywhere, Mr. Qu groaned miserably and was knocked forward by the powerful impact.

Lu Shaoxi didn't need to look to guess that it must be Mu Mu who made the shot. He still has such amazing marksmanship in the dark, and he is also carrying the strongest sniper rifle "Black Thorn" of "Qianlong". Who else but Mu Mu?

Mu Mu didn't care whether the gun could kill Mr. Qu, and immediately fired seven or eight more shots, knocking down all the monsters blocking the retreat, and shouted anxiously: "Yanhu, get out!"

Now is indeed the best time to run away, but Lu Shaoxi has no intention of running away at all.In fact, if he wanted to leave, there were at least seven or eight ways to leave safely before he fought with Mr. Qu just now.

Originally, I followed the black clothes just to get in touch with the mastermind behind the scenes, but I was accidentally brought here halfway.

No one would have imagined that tens of meters below the dead swamp, where no one gets close to anyone, there is a large-scale underground research institute that has never been made public. The most frightening thing about the situation inside is that there are not only superpowers like Mr. Qu, but also biochemical warriors who can mass-produce meridians!
He is not afraid of the vicious thief, but afraid of the thief's concern. This underground research institute has been watching him for so long. Even if he can leave, there will be endless troubles in the future.Since Lu Shaoxi took action against Mr. Qu, he never thought of letting go of this underground research institute easily. He is not a person who is afraid of things, let alone a soft-hearted person. Although the background of this underground research institute is complicated, it does not prevent Lu Shaoxi from destroying it. determination.

In the time-delaying conversation with Mr. Qu just now, Lu Shaoxi had already used clairvoyance to get a clear picture of the situation of the entire underground research institute.At this time, seeing Mr. Qu shot forward, how could Lu Shaoxi let this formidable opponent go, the left hand wearing the spider glove waved from bottom to top, the crimson flames swept past, and immediately blood sprayed the head and flew up.

"You go first!" Throwing these words to Mu Mu from a distance, Lu Shaoxi, like a phantom, rushed towards the entrance of the underground research institute.Professor Fei, who had been watching the battle, stepped forward to stop him, but Lu Shaoxi passed through him without even looking at him!
That's right, it was worn through!This Professor Fei is actually just a 3D stereoscopic projection with fake effects!How did Lu Shaoxi find out?
Mu Mu looked surprised and surprised from a distance, but soon this mood was replaced by anger.Is this guy dying?It was with great difficulty that she created chaos and made a retreat, but Lu Shaoxi did not retreat but advanced!

There are too many and fierce monsters here, without her long-range fire support, Lu Shaoxi is afraid that it will be extremely difficult to escape, but if she waits here, not only is it easy to fall into the siege of monsters, but also it is impossible to know Lu Shaoxi's follow-up safety.

"Hmph, it's just a return of your favor!" Mu Mu gritted his teeth, and cast his acceleration ability, passing like lightning from the herd of beasts that were about to regroup, and chasing behind Lu Shaoxi.

As soon as Lu Shaoxi put on spider gloves and destroyed the stainless steel alloy door switch of the underground research institute, Mu Mu had already chased him, and said with an angry face, "Hey, are you dying?" She was wearing a gas mask, and her voice sounded a bit strange .

Lu Shaoxi didn't expect this girl to dare to catch up, but seeing Professor Fei's 3D projection blew the whistle, the monsters rushed in, and there was no time to say anything under the critical situation, kicked open the alloy gate, and pulled Mu Mu Then rush inside.

Countless monsters with red eyes chased after him.

"Hey—" Just after running a few steps, Mu Mu was about to ask Lu Shaoxi what he wanted to do when he suddenly felt his feet go weak, and half of what he shouted turned into screams.

It turned out that the floor of the passage was opened, and the two of them fell down naturally!

But Lu Shaoxi had "seen" that all the traps in this passage leading to the basement had been activated from just now, how could he be unprepared?He hugged Mu Mu's slender waist with his left hand, and slapped down with his right hand. The tyrannical palm wind immediately pushed the two of them upwards.

Lu Shaoxi landed like a dragon on the floor more than ten feet away, and the monsters chasing after him were not so lucky. A dozen of them fell in a row, only to hear the angry and sharp roar of monsters coming from the pit, Soon it turned into countless blood mud.

Lu Shaoxi had no time to turn around, because there were dozens of laser beams shooting towards him and Mu Mu.Lu Shaoxi kept walking, and the invisible earth-yellow true energy shield protected himself and Mu Mu in his heart, and rushed forward at full speed.

His speed was too fast, the laser light just brushed against his qi shield, and couldn't hurt the two of them at all.

Within a few breaths, the two rushed to an elevator. Lu Shaoxi punched him from a distance, and the huge shadow of the fist distorted the entire elevator door, revealing the dark elevator room.

Just as Mu Mu was about to take a breath, Lu Shaoxi hugged her and jumped off the elevator without hesitation.

Mu Mu exclaimed again, and disappeared in the elevator with Lu Shaoxi in the blink of an eye.

In the next second, the place where they were standing was scorched by the laser, and then dozens of flying monsters chased after them, and then got into the elevator room.

(End of this chapter)

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