i can eat tips

Chapter 464 Biochemical Research Institute

Chapter 464 Biochemical Research Institute
I don't know how deep the elevator room is. Mu Mu heard the wind whizzing by, and heard the sharp and terrifying screams of many bird-shaped monsters above her head. With her courage, she couldn't help but feel her scalp go numb. Fearing that it might be more ominous, he couldn't help but tense up, and subconsciously clenched the sniper rifle tightly.

"Don't worry, there are still about 100 meters away from the ground, can you take down those bird-shaped monsters chasing from above?"

Until Lu Shaoxi's voice rang in his ears, Mu Mu suddenly woke up.She is slender and petite, half a head shorter than Lu Shaoxi, but now that Lu Shaoxi is hugging her, her ears are right next to Lu Shaoxi's mouth.

Only then did Mu Mu realize that she was being hugged by this guy, and she couldn't help but her pretty face became hot, but Lu Shaoxi's words just now were very skillful, she didn't say "don't be afraid" but said "don't worry", which not only took care of the proud Mu Mu Her face made her calm down even more.

"Yes." Mu Mu heard the sound of flapping wings from above his head. A huge three-headed eagle was only three or four feet away from them, and it was getting closer and closer.At a critical moment, Mu Mu didn't talk nonsense, and suppressed the girl's natural shyness. She let Lu Shaoxi hug her, raised her head and raised her gun, aiming at the target above her head.

Her movements were extremely fast, but her hands were steady.

Lu Shaoxi said again: "Don't hit the biggest ones in the lead, hit the three-headed eagle that is fifth from the left."

"Okay." Mu Mu didn't bother to think about how Lu Shaoxi could see the "chasing soldiers" above his head so clearly, so he aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, the three-headed eagle monster that was targeted screamed in response, blood splashed like ink, and its body was even more beaten upwards and flew upside down, colliding with the other bird-like monsters that swooped in from behind. Together, make a mess.

Lu Shaoxi could see clearly with his clairvoyant eyes, and couldn't help but secretly nodded. When it comes to the speed and accuracy from aiming to shooting, Mu Mu is really not inferior to him, and there are not many people in the world who can match him.

Seeing that the giant monsters leading the chase became even more angry, approaching faster and hissing angrily, Lu Shaoxi shouted: "Continue! You can fight anyone except the leader!"

Mu Mu already understood Lu Shaoxi's intention to lure monsters, she held a gun in both hands, and fired several sub-shots in the blink of an eye, knocking out the little monsters behind the giant monster one after another.

"The sniper rifle is out of bullets, so it's inconvenient to change the gun now."

Mu Mu shouted anxiously, her magazine was wrapped around her waist and abdomen, but now her slender waist was being hugged by Lu Shaoxi.

"It's okay, we're going to the bottom soon." Seeing that the monsters were about to catch up with the two of them, Lu Shaoxi suddenly kicked off the side wall, and his body went from falling rapidly to flying sideways.

Lu Shaoxi's whole body glowed with khaki-yellow light, his back was arched like a fish's back, and it turned into a cannonball and slammed into the wall on the other side.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, he knocked out a big hole in the solid wall made of alloy pouring!If there were martial arts masters present, they would definitely exclaim, because what Lu Shaoxi just used was the extremely rare seventh-rank martial arts "Tong Bei Hun Yuan Jin"!
The leading giant monsters and dozens of small monsters roared past the two of them and rushed down, but they were extremely capable of flying, and immediately jumped up from below, chasing after them.

Gravels flew, steel bars broke, and dust and smoke rose. Lu Shaoxi and Mu Mu had already broken through the wall and stepped on the white floor.

On the other side of the wall is a bright and tidy long passage!

Mu Mu looked at the surrounding environment in surprise, and found that there were dozens of offices and laboratories on both sides of the passage. Security personnel in black security uniforms and experimenters in white coats came in and out, busy and orderly.

The intrusion of Lu Shaoxi and Mu Mu was like throwing a boulder into the lake, and the researchers and security personnel in the passage were stunned.

But before they could react, Lu Shaoxi dragged Mu Mu across the passage tens of feet like a phantom. Several security personnel with guns were about to rush over to ask questions, when they suddenly heard a huge roar coming from the hole, A large number of hideous and terrifying winged monsters swarmed in and rushed towards Lu Shaoxi.

"Let go of me, I'll deal with them!" Mu Mu broke away from Lu Shaoxi's arms around her slender waist, with a wave of his hands, the sniper rifle was back on his back, and there were two more silver pistols in his hands.

She was about to shoot, but Lu Shaoxi held her down: "No hurry, I have a solution." He squeezed his lips and blew the whistle.

This whistle is urgent and sharp, and it is very similar to the one blown by Professor Fei's 3D phantom above!

In fact, this whistle is also a sound wave control technique. Lu Shaoxi has already copied Mr. Qu's list of exercises, and it is effortless to use it now.

The sharp whistle rang through the entire passage, and the monsters immediately seemed to be immobilized, but after a few seconds, they all raised their heads to the sky and hissed, and then began to attack the researchers and security personnel like crazy, leading the giant monsters to destroy The most terrifying force, they rampage around like prehistoric pterosaurs twice their size, leaving ruins wherever they go.

Several security personnel and researchers avoided them, and were swallowed whole by the monsters one by one. The blood and the rancid smell of the monsters spread, and the rest of the researchers screamed and ran away in fright.But most of them are ordinary people, how could they escape the attack of these extraordinary monsters, screams for help were everywhere, and the underground research institute was like a hell on earth.

Mu Mu was used to watching life and death, but the tragic situation in front of her made her turn her head away.

Lu Shaoxi's expression remained unchanged, and he said coldly: "Don't think that this is miserable, let's go, the crimes committed by these people, there is no redemption for a hundred deaths!" He walked quickly in front, Mu Mu was stunned, and followed him behind.

This underground research institute is like a large labyrinth, covering an area of ​​three to four kilometers.Lu Shaoxi took Mu Mu to kill several security personnel with guns, and kicked down the office doors everywhere.

Mu Mu soon discovered the darkness and horror of this underground research institute. There are many anatomy rooms and biochemical laboratories inside, not only dissecting beasts, but also cultivating human and biochemical living organisms!

All kinds of inhumane and cruel experiments in the office made people heinous. Mu Mu felt angry when he saw these scenes with his hard-hearted heart, and hated the staff of the research institute to the bone.

The staff in the entire underground research institute were afraid of no less than a thousand people. Monsters ravaged and outsiders invaded, and the alarm was quickly raised. A large number of security guards with live ammunition and dozens of super-powerful meridians who were obviously biochemical warriors arrived after hearing the news.

This kind of armed force is enough to deter one party outside, but it is a pity that the opponents they met today were Lu Shaoxi and Mu Mu.

Lu Shaoxi didn't talk nonsense with them at all, and he was merciless in his strikes, and the pulse-cutting hands attacked one after another, like a tiger joining a herd of sheep.Coupled with Mu Mu's double-gun fire, in less than 2 minutes, there was no one standing on the ground.

Lu Shaoxi used the whistle to continue to stimulate those monsters to wreak havoc, then turned to Mu Mu and said, "I'll look for the person in charge of this research institute, you stay?"

"The person in charge?" Mu Mu suddenly remembered: "You mean Professor Fei?"

"That's right. He's sort of the boss here."

Mu Mu also hated this man to the bone, clenched his pistol tightly and gritted his teeth: "Do you know where he is?"

"It's just below us." Lu Shaoxi pointed to the floor.

Before he finished speaking, suddenly the whole floor sank with a "crash", and a giant hairy hand grabbed towards the two of them.

This change was extremely sudden, and the giant hand was even more fast and powerful, hitting it like a pillar, the wind was fierce, no less than Mr. Qu's martial arts attack!
 Thanks to "lucifeacc" for the monthly pass!Thanks for the 2000 starting coins from "Damengze" and the 1000 starting coins from "Salted Fish Li Wanger"!
(End of this chapter)

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