i can eat tips

Chapter 465 Challenge the Chimpanzee

Chapter 465 Challenge the Chimpanzee

Seeing the giant hand slapping towards him, Lu Shaoxi didn't even think about it. The agile body of a dragon flying into the sky avoided it, and Mu Mu was even more of a supernatural being in terms of speed.

The giant hand slapped the floor fiercely, turning the floor more than ten feet into powder, and the stone chips and steel plates were scattered in all directions.

Mu Muren looked down in mid-air, and gasped suddenly.

I saw a huge black orangutan standing on the lower floor, at least five or six meters high, exactly the same as the "King Kong" in the movie.

The floor was completely destroyed, and Lu Shaoxi and Mu Mu could only fall to the next floor. Unexpectedly, the chimpanzee didn't attack again during their fall, allowing them to stand safely on the ground of the next floor.

"Welcome, welcome!" Amidst a burst of maniacal laughter, a narrow-eyed man in a white coat appeared beside the chimpanzee. He stared at Lu Shaoxi greedily, as if looking at the most precious treasure in the world.

It was Professor Fei who appeared on the ground with a 3D projection.

But until now, Mu Mu was still not sure whether the person in front of him was a 3D projection or a real person, so he couldn't help but look at Lu Shaoxi.It may be that Lu Shaoxi's performance from just now was so amazing that she didn't even realize that she was subconsciously relying on Lu Shaoxi's judgment.

Lu Shaoxi noticed her gaze, shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's still fake."

Mu Mu thought so too, Professor Fei didn't look like a martial artist, how could he appear at the battle scene?The gorilla is so big that a slight movement could crush him to death.

But Lu Shaoxi said indifferently: "Professor Fei, why hide your head and show your tail with your strength? Do you think this orangutan alone can deal with me?"

"How do you know it won't work? It's my favorite work!" Professor Fei still grinned wildly.

Strangely, the orangutan also grinned at them.

That's right, I'm really laughing!Mu Mu dare to use his personality to guarantee that this chimpanzee sneered like a human!
Mu Mu was surprised, and suddenly felt numb and tense all over, as if pinched by invisible hands, unable to move even his fingers.

Lu Shaoxi on the other side seemed to be the same, and became stiff as if being pressed on a acupuncture point.

"Well, how does it feel to be immobile?"

A hoarse voice sounded, but it was not Professor Fei who spoke, but the chimpanzee!The chimpanzee has a rich expression, and there is a sneer of conspiracy at the corner of his mouth!It's like watching prey in a trap!
Orangutans can speak human language?Moreover, what it uses is the superpower of the mind-binding system?

Mu Mu turned pale with shock. Originally, there were very few people in the world who had this kind of mind-based superpower. Who would have thought that an orangutan would have such a superpower?

She looked at the chimpanzee in front of her, and soon remembered the laboratory she had just seen everywhere, and a horrifying thought popped up, and Mu Mu couldn't help but blurted out: "You are... a human living experimental culture?"

The so-called living human experimental culture body refers to the use of biochemical cell technology to inject hormones and cells of one or more kinds of animals when human beings are babies, so that they gradually become half-human, half-animal monsters. This monster has the IQ of human beings. But it has the physique of a biochemical monster.It's just that the survival rate of this kind of experiment is extremely low. Basically, one out of [-] babies may not be able to breed successfully. Therefore, it is an inhumane experiment that is absolutely prohibited in Longxia or internationally, but this is only human. Mu Mu really didn't think of other possibilities besides the fact that the chimpanzee was cultivated in human living experiments.

In order to breed this chimpanzee with superpowers and human IQ, how many human babies did Professor Fei sacrifice?Moreover, did the top management of this underground institute, the Jingwu Alliance, know about it?If so, how many high-level officials are involved?
Thinking of this possibility, Mu Mu felt shuddering, and even the fingertips holding the silver gun felt cold.

Among other things, just the announcement of the existence of this chimpanzee will cause an uproar in the secular world!

As if seeing them as birds in a cage and fish in a net, Professor Fei yelled triumphantly: "Go, bring them back, be careful, don't hurt them."

"Of order." The chimpanzee grinned, and stretched out its big furry hands to grab Lu Shaoxi and Mu Mu.

Mu Mu clenched his teeth, desperately trying to activate his super speed, but the chimpanzee's mind-binding power is extremely strong, no less than the power of the ordinary Tongmai Nine Layers. Mu Mu's real strength is at most similar to Mo Yi and Mo Xin, How can I break free?

Seeing that she was about to be caught by the chimpanzee, Mu Mu was anxious and annoyed. When he was at his wit's end, a hand suddenly stretched out and pressed on the chimpanzee's pillar-like hand.

Then Lu Shaoxi's voice sounded in the chilly air.

"Professor Fei, shouldn't you invite people in person? Isn't it rude to let such a beast come?"

His hand was several times smaller than the chimpanzee's giant hand, but the chimpanzee's giant hand could no longer move half a point forward.

The pupils of the chimpanzee suddenly shrank into a line, and at the same time, they couldn't believe it and glared fiercely at Lu Shaoxi: "Can you move?"

"Why can't I move?" Lu Shaoxi's whole body glowed with crimson flames, and his physique was also a whole circle higher and stronger than before, obviously using strengthening.

His original strength was not inferior to that of Tongmai Nine Layers. Now that he entered the strengthened state, his strength increased by [-]% again. Coupled with the power bonus of martial arts, he was already completely above Tongmai Nine Layers. He wanted to break free from the bondage of the chimpanzee's mind and It's not difficult.

And he has long seen that this chimpanzee is not simple, so how could he not be on guard and countermeasures in advance?

Just now it seemed that he was just pressing lightly on the arm of the star gorilla, but in fact he was pressing down its Quchi acupoint with a very high and deep "Tianshan acupressure hand".

No matter how much the monster looks like a chimpanzee, it is still based on humans.Human beings naturally have acupoints. When the Quchi acupoint is blocked, the whole arm will feel numb and sore.

What's more, although the physical strength of this chimpanzee far surpasses that of humans, the mutation of the body and the development of superpowers have restricted its martial arts cultivation. When it comes to the thickness and penetrating power of the true energy, it is far inferior to Lu Shaoxi, and it cannot be used at all. Luck shook Lu Shaoxi's palm away.

The chimpanzee's eyes flashed fiercely, and he kicked up his knees and slammed into Lu Shaoxi fiercely.

Its knees are like huge stone mills, if it is hit, it will not be easy for Lu Shaoxi with his current strength.

Lu Shaoxi was affected by its mind restraint, and his body skills were not as good as usual, but he didn't rush, just waved his palm and slapped its knee.

His body was glowing with fire, only his palms were glowing with water blue, and his palms were soft and soft, as if they were boneless, hitting the chimpanzee's knees with such palms was like hitting a pebble with a rock!

Sure enough, the knee collided with the palm, and Lu Shaoxi was knocked flying, but the chimpanzee let out a terrible roar, couldn't stand upright, and knelt down on one knee.

Mu Mu and Professor Fei did not expect such a change. One of them was about to exclaim, and the other was about to shout out to stop the chimpanzee from killing Lu Shaoxi. How could they expect Lu Shaoxi to slap the chimpanzee down to its knees?
They didn't know that Lu Shaoxi's seemingly cotton-like palm just now was secretly learned from Black Panther's cotton palm kung fu. This cotton palm kung fu can be said to be invincible when practiced to the extreme. Although the bones of the chimpanzee are hard, Lu Shaoxi gave it all his strength All the palms were turned into powder.

The injury and pain of the bone injury is far greater than the injury of the flesh, so even with the endurance of the chimpanzee, I can't help screaming and kneeling!
Lu Shaoxi seemed to be knocked into the air, but in fact he just leaped backwards. The chimpanzee was injured and painful, and the power of the mind's restraint was greatly reduced. The target of the attack is the chimpanzee's head, the sky cap!
(End of this chapter)

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