i can eat tips

Chapter 474 Turning hands into clouds, covering hands into rain

Chapter 474 Turning hands into clouds, covering hands into rain

The editor-in-chief of "Huahai Martial Soul" was the first to speak out, and published a statement on the APP, publicly expressing his belief in Lu Shaoxi's character and supporting Dean Xie's investigation results, calling on fellow martial artists to jointly investigate the matter and find out the black sheep; ", "Long Xia Hero Altar" official media also made a similar statement. The discussion boards of several major martial arts apps almost all regard Lu Shaoxi as a righteous and framed object, while the Dongni people and the one with Dongni The man behind the ninja collusion was scolded bloody.

The students of Tianxia Academy and Leiting Academy became more and more powerful, and more and more martial arts people joined the condemning team.

"Tony is hateful enough, and this traitor is even more unforgivable!"

"That is, helping outsiders deal with our own people, traitor! Running dog!"

"Find out this traitorous villain, and support Tianxia Academy to clean up the sect!"

Just as everyone was gearing up to search for various clues to find out who was behind the scenes, "Long Xia Hero Altar" received another manuscript "Lu Shaoxi's First Lesson" from an "enthusiastic person", which recorded in detail It describes the ins and outs of Lu Shaoxi's first lecture at Tianxia College, including the conflict with Wu Daxiong, the only son of the vice president of Tianxia College, and the expulsion of foreign exchange students. Dean Wu Haijun's friendly relationship.

Once the article was published, it was quickly reposted everywhere, causing great repercussions. On the one hand, martial arts practitioners and students praised Lu Shaoxi's earnest words, and on the other hand, they also began to criticize and criticize the Wu family in various ways.The article did not mention the role of the Wu family in this incident, let alone express anything, but no one who followed the whole incident was a fool. After confirming it before and after, the figure of the vice president Wu Haijun surfaced.

For a moment, all the spearheads were directed at Wu Haijun!

The teachers and students of Tianxia Academy, Leiting Academy, and Yandu Wulin people demanded a thorough investigation of this matter. The alliance's Yuanzhou Branch and Huahai Provincial Department all sent request documents to Yandu headquarters.Hearing that the Yandu headquarters attached great importance to this matter, they sent an investigation team to Tianxia Academy overnight.Although the matter has not been finally confirmed, Wu Haijun's reputation has been completely stink, and even the Wu family is not welcome. The aristocratic families and sects that had a good relationship with the Wu family have cut off their contacts, and even business partners have heard the news. The family suffered heavy losses, and their status in Yandu declined sharply.

The Dongni warriors clamoring outside the Tianxia Academy collectively fell silent, and fled in shame amidst the ridicule and accusations of the teachers and students of the academy, leaving behind messy banners and banners all over the floor.This scene was photographed by a reporter from "Yandu Wulin Records" and included in a special report on the APP. The editor-in-chief commented at the end of the report: "People are doing their own thing and the sky is watching. If you do unrighteous deeds, you will die! It’s not shameful to lose in a contest, but it’s shameful to use such despicable means to treat fellow martial artists. Tony, it’s disgusting and disappointing!” This comment attracted countless applause…

After this incident, Lu Shaoxi's reputation skyrocketed, spreading throughout Yandu's martial arts, and even began to spread to the whole country, becoming a symbol of patriotism, integrity, and genius for young Longxia warriors. Throwing an olive branch, and even trying to win him over for the family's use through marriage, these are things for later, let's not mention them for now.

When the off-road armored vehicle carrying Lu Shaoxi and the old man approached the urban area, several low-key red flag cars greeted them. He sent a report to the old man, and respectfully said: "Old leader, this is the latest report." While talking, he secretly gave Lu Shaoxi a thumbs up.

The old man took it and looked at it, laughed loudly, and threw the report in front of Lu Shaoxi: "You kid, you play a good game of chess! It really made that girl worry for nothing."

Lu Shaoxi looked down and saw that the beginning of the report read: "The case of the murder of Tony's student has been solved. The original culprit was sent to Tianxia Academy by enthusiastic people. Lu Shaoxi was cleared of suspicion."

Lu Shaoxi smiled and said: "Old man, this is the credit of enthusiastic people, what does it have to do with me?"

The old man pointed at him and scolded with a smile: "Which enthusiastic person can catch Masaga Iga's first disciple and second disciple? You little cunning! This incident seems to be taken for granted. I'm afraid there is a kid like you who is fueling the flames and flipping your hands." Fengyun, right?"

Lu Shaoxi sighed innocently: "This is the retribution of the many unrighteous actions of the Dongni people. I have only been in Yan for ten days. How can I get so many network resources?"

Of course the old man didn't believe it, but he was also surprised that Lu Shaoxi seemed to be the victim in this incident, but now that the situation has reversed, he has become the biggest beneficiary.If it were said that Lu Shaoxi didn't do anything wrong with it, the old man would be the first to not believe it.

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi was pretending to be confused, the old man feigned anger and said, "You have a good relationship with Xia Mingshi and Xie Wuji. If you can't find contacts, can't they find them? Tell me quickly, did you find those online trolls yourself?" here?"

Lu Shaoxi quickly shook his head: "How can I have such a scheme, old man, you think highly of me. Well, I arranged for people to search and capture the real culprit, but I really don't know anything about the rest."

The more Lu Shaoxi refused to admit it, the more suspicious the old man felt. However, Lu Shaoxi was detained by the guards as soon as the incident happened, and was taken away by black clothes afterwards, so he didn't have time to make such a detailed layout.Could it be that this kid turned his hands into clouds and turned his hands into rain?

The red flag car drove all the way into a heavily guarded park, and stopped in front of a villa with a deep courtyard.

Immediately a guard came to open the car door, the old man got out of the car first, and said to the guard: "Leave this kid to you, you can ask my girl how the room is prepared, and settle him for me."

The guard was a 25-year-old young warrior with a handsome appearance. He saluted respectfully: "Yes! Old leader!"

The old man turned his head and said, "Lu Shaoxi, I can't stay up all night, so I won't entertain you anymore." After saying that, he entered the villa on his own.

Xu Yuanbing patted Lu Shaoxi on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Seize the opportunity, this is the first time that the old leader treats young people so well." Although he was a little jealous of Lu Shaoxi's treatment, he still wisely chose to build a good relationship with Lu Shaoxi.

Xu Yuanbing drove away, and the guard said to Lu Shaoxi, "Come with me." He had a gentle attitude, like a modest gentleman, but he didn't intend to introduce himself.

It was Lu Shaoxi who took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said, "Lu Shaoxi from Yuanzhou, Qianlong Zhongdian."

The guard patted his head suddenly: "Hey, I was only thinking about arranging a place for you, so I forgot to introduce myself. Hello Lu Zhongdian, I am the guard and disciple of the old leader, Yang Tingli, and also Zhongdian's rank."

He shook hands with Lu Shaoxi, and led Lu Shaoxi to the villa hall.

Lu Shaoxi looked with the eyes of the enemy, Yang Tingli had a yellow wooden face on his head, he was not welcoming and friendly to him, so he kept his eyes open.

Walking into the hall, Lu Shaoxi saw Shen Mengyao and Mo Yi at a glance.

Mo Yi snorted, and intentionally or unintentionally stood in front of Shen Mengyao. Shen Mengyao was sitting on the sofa reading a book. When she saw Lu Shaoxi walking in, she just nodded lightly and said to Yang Tingli, "Arrange him to go to the third room at the back."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the stairs as if he didn't know Lu Shaoxi.

 Thanks for the monthly pass of "Salted Fish Li Wang Er"!

(End of this chapter)

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