i can eat tips

Chapter 475 Digging a Pit

Chapter 475 Digging a Pit
Shen Mengyao's attitude was cold, even giving people a feeling of indifference, but Lu Shaoxi knew in her heart that this girl was always worried about herself, otherwise, for trivial matters like arranging accommodation, just order the servant casually, so there is no need to stay in the hall all night inside?
I haven't seen Shen Mengyao for more than ten days. Shen Mengyao doesn't seem to have changed, but she may be at home at this time. She is dressed more casually, wearing thick cotton pajamas, and her beautiful hair is simply tied into a ponytail. A feeling of laziness.

Lu Shaoxi looked at her back and couldn't help calling out, "Meng Yao!"

Shen Mengyao's delicate body trembled slightly, but she didn't look back and continued to walk forward.

On the other hand, Yang Tingli frowned unhappily, and shouted: "Lu Zhongdian, Miss Shen is the granddaughter of the old chief, please be careful with your words and deeds! Can you call her name?"

Yang Tingli is a direct descendant of the Yang family in Yandu, because the Yang family and the Shen family are old friends, Yang Tingli came to the Shen family under the guidance of his elders, and studied with Shen Jianfei, he is half a disciple and half a guard.Ever since he saw Shen Mengyao for the first time, he was astonished, and wanted to get closer to Shen Jianfei, so he focused on chasing Shen Mengyao, but Shen Mengyao had always treated people coldly, and his repeated subtle pursuits had no effect , You can't even call her "Mengyao". At this time, I heard Lu Shaoxi call Shen Mengyao's name directly without knowing the sky and the earth. Is it okay?In a rage, he shouted loudly.

Lu Shaoxi saw that the yellow wooden face on top of his head quickly turned into a red angry face, and even showed a very obvious hostility, and from the moment he entered the hall, his eyes often stayed on Shen Mengyao, how could he not understand that this guy is Shen Mengyao's admirer?Hearing Yang Tingli's bad tone at this time, Lu Shaoxi was also a little upset.

I called my prospective girlfriend, it's none of your business?

But before he could speak, Shen Mengyao turned around suddenly, and said coldly to Yang Tingli: "Brother Yang, this is a guest invited by my grandfather, pay attention to your words and deeds, don't let the guests think that my grandfather can't teach you well, and my disciple doesn't even know how to treat guests." Understand."

Yang Tingli blushed, clasped his fists and said, "Yes, Junior Sister Shen taught you the right thing." But his gaze towards Lu Shaoxi became more vicious and vigilant.

Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed, Shen Mengyao actually defended him, which really surprised and delighted him.

Shen Mengyao looked at him again, and said expressionlessly: "Mo Yi, go and get some new clothes for this guy. This guy is dirty and looks annoying." went upstairs.

It was only then that Lu Shaoxi noticed that his face was covered with dust, his hair was disheveled, and his clothes were wrinkled and damaged everywhere. He looked really embarrassed.

But it was worth it for Shen Mengyao's superficial disgust and substantive caring behavior in exchange for this embarrassed appearance.Lu Shaoxi chuckled, and said to Yang Tingli: "Then I will trouble Brother Yang to lead the way."

Yang Tingli took him to a guest room with a cold face: "Lu Zhongdian, you are staying here tonight, be careful not to run around, let alone go to the second floor of the main building in front of you."

Lu Shaoxi smiled all over his face: "Thank you, Brother Yang." Then he lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "If I'm not wrong, Brother Yang, you should like Shen Mengyao, right? To tell you the truth, I knew her before, and I know a lot about her likes. !"

"You knew Junior Sister Shen before?" Yang Tingli was dubious.

"Yes, Ms. Shen grew up in Yuanzhou before. I'm also from Yuanzhou. I'm from the same town, and I went to the same school in high school, so I naturally know her. How, do you want to know?"

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi's smile didn't seem fake, Yang Tingli couldn't help asking, "Why did you tell me?"

Lu Shaoxi sighed and said: "In fact, I also like Miss Shen very much, but I know that my background is too humble. It's not like Brother Yang. I can see that he comes from a martial arts family, which is very noble. I have no hope. Why don't I fulfill Brother Yang? Make friends with Big Brother Yang, and support my little brother a little bit later, then I will be grateful."

Since Lu Shaoxi took several Qianlong training classes, his acting level has risen sharply. At this time, his expression was sad at first, and then became flattering, without any flaws. Yang Tingli was a little emotional when he saw it.

His attitude took a 180-degree turn: "Oh, Brother Lu has something to say, but it's okay to say it. I will naturally not forget Brother Lu's benefits in the future."

Lu Shaoxi smiled more flatteringly: "Miss Shen has a strange hobby. In fact, she likes snakes the most. If you give her a golden python, she will definitely like it very much."

Yang Tingli hesitated: "Really? How can Miss Shen like snakes?"

Lu Shaoxi looked sincere: "It's absolutely true, how dare I lie to you?"

Yang Tingli hesitated for a while before saying: "Okay, I'll try, if I know you lied to me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The two muttered a few more words in a low voice before saying goodbye, and their attitude towards each other was much more intimate than before.

Just a few steps away from the guest room, Yang Tingli had a disdainful and sneer on his face, thinking: "This idiot, does he think he can fool me with such a trick? Would Shen Mengyao like snakes? Only fools would believe it!"

He rolled his eyes, took his thoughts into consideration, immediately took out his cell phone, made up a text message and sent it to Shen Mengyao: "Junior Sister Shen, just now Lu Zhongdian secretly grabbed me, said you like snakes, and urged me to stuff a snake in your room for you." Golden python, look..."

Done, send!
Watching the text message sent, Yang Tingli could even imagine Shen Mengyao's disgust and anger when she saw the text message, hey, boy, are you trying to lie to me?This time it's up to you!

Sure enough, after a while his phone vibrated and he received a text message from Shen Mengyao.

This is the first time Shen Mengyao replied to his text message!Yang Tingli was overjoyed, and hurriedly opened the text message, only to see that there was only one word replied: "Oh".

Just one word, not even punctuation!Not to mention the anger I imagined!
Yang Tingli was dumbfounded. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't understand what Shen Mengyao meant. A ridiculous thought even flashed in his mind. Could it be that Lu Shaoxi didn't lie to him, Shen Mengyao really likes playing with snakes?

Yang Tingli hesitated for a moment, finally gritted his teeth and sent another text message: "Junior Sister Shen, do you want me to teach him a lesson for you?"

Shen Mengyao replied quickly this time: "Tell me about grandpa".

Yang Tingli was stunned. Could it be that Shen Mengyao wanted to sue Mr. Shen for her?That's right, it must be, if Shen Mengyao directly asked herself to teach Lu Shaoxi a lesson, it would really not respect Mr. Shen enough.If I explain the situation to Mr. Shen first, judging from Mr. Shen's love for Shen Mengyao, Lu Shaoxi will have to shed his skin if he doesn't die!I can also please Shen Mengyao by the way!
The more Yang Tingli thought about it, the more excited he became, and he didn't care about the night, so he hurried towards Mr. Shen's study.

Lu Shaoxi was sitting on a chair drinking tea, smiling and seeing this scene with clairvoyant eyes, secretly amused in his heart.Shen Mengyao, a black-bellied girl, is even more capable than him in digging pits and burying people. This Yang Tingli thinks he is smart, but this time he was hit hard.

(End of this chapter)

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