Chapter 52
The breakthrough of the eighth level of body refining took longer. The painful expansion and compression of the muscles and muscles lasted for half an hour, and it may be that this time Lu Shaoxi had just swallowed the first-grade secret book, and the heat in his body was extraordinarily sufficient. During the whole breakthrough process, his dantian The scorching hot air thread as thick as a toothpick kept growing and enlarged, and turned into an air column the size of a bamboo stick. The most amazing thing is that this scorching air column began to spontaneously wander around, following its flow. All over the body, Lu Shaoxi's originally swollen muscles were compressed again, becoming firmer and tighter. After the breakthrough was over, Lu Shaoxi's body shape looked almost exactly the same as when he was in the seventh level of body training. Tightened, it becomes hard as a rock.

"The accumulated experience of the host reaches the upgrade limit of 1600 points, the realm level is raised to the eighth level of body training, the basic attack power is increased by +8, the basic defense power is increased by +8, the basic agility is increased by +8, the basic eyesight is increased by +1, and the basic ear power is increased by +1 .An additional 8 points of basic attribute points will be awarded, which the host can use to increase the value of the first three attributes."

Following the system's notification sound, a sword-shaped icon suddenly lit up on the top of the portrait on the interface, and then it turned into a little golden light, automatically flying into the "basic attack power".

Huh?Could it be that the golden light just now is the solidified "basic attack power +1"?
After Lu Shaoxi casually added all 8 bonus points to the basic agility, he immediately saw his personal attributes refreshed again.

Host name: Lu Shaoxi (22 years old)
Realm Level: Eightfold Body Refining

Base attack power: 42
Base Defense: 40
Base Dexterity: 75
Base eyesight: 8
Basic ear power: 8
Martial Arts Evolution Points: 264
Additional attributes: basic attack power +1 (cured)
Experience required for the next level: 3200
Host skills: ① devouring secrets, you can improve your strength by devouring secrets;

② Cheats radar, which can detect the existence of nearby Cheats, and the current detectable radius is 11 meters;
③Cheats evolution, you can use martial arts evolution points to improve the grade and characteristics of the secrets.

The basic agility of 75 points is already far superior to the tenth level of ordinary body training, but it pales in comparison to the basic agility of more than 100 points in the first level of Qi Gathering.Lu Shaoxi calmed down after a short period of joy. According to this speed of strength improvement, he must have at least the tenth level of strength in body training before he has the confidence to challenge the first level of energy gathering.

Still have to keep working hard!

"Come on, Falcon, continue to fight again!" Lu Shaoxi jumped up, and in mid-air, he used the thirteenth force of the phantom eagle's claws with his right hand, and charged towards Falcon. It was impeccable, but when his thirteen strengths were superimposed, the hot air column as thick as a bamboo stick in his dantian turned into a spiral air flow, flowing into his right arm and five fingers.

When the spiral air flow arrived, an indescribable force completely filled Lu Shaoxi's entire right arm and right hand, which actually made his right arm and right hand swell, and he could even feel a faint energy in the surrounding air Vaguely gathered towards his right arm, but the degree of gathering was very limited.

Lu Shaoxi's heart was shocked, this...could it be the vitality between heaven and earth?

Yuan Qi is the energy that can only be perceived and condensed in the Qi Gathering Realm. When Yuan Qi enters the body, it will form true Qi, but he is only at the eighth level of body training now. How could he perceive Yuan Qi and begin to vaguely gather it on his arm?
Lu Shaoxi was puzzled, but feeling the surging power of his right arm, he almost subconsciously continued to blast the thirteenth force towards Falcon.

The thirteenth force of the Phantom Eagle Claw actually brought up a frightening whirlwind, more than double the power than before!
Falcon didn't dodge or dodge, and punched recklessly with the strength of Qi Gathering.

"Bang!" Amidst the loud sound of gold and iron colliding, air waves dispersed, Lu Shaoxi swayed, but Falcon stepped back three steps in a row.

"Master, your blow is so powerful, it's not inferior to Qi Gathering Level [-]!" Falcon said while shaking his arms humanely.

Lu Shaoxi was also taken aback by the power of this blow.His current attack power is only 42 points, plus the 26 points bonus of Eagle Claw Martial Skill Thirteen Strength, the actual attack power is only 68 points, how can he beat back the Falcon at the first level of energy gathering?You must know that Falcon's punch just now had at least 100 points of attack power!

When Lu Shaoxi was shocked, he felt the spiral air flow in his arm dissipate like a tide, and his arm returned to its original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the power of Penghu also disappeared.

Lu Shaoxi looked anxiously at the scorching air column in his dantian, and saw that it had turned back into an embroidery needle-sized air thread, continuously absorbing the heat in his body as if his energy had been exhausted.

Could it be that the spiral airflow formed by the scorching air is poured into the arm to produce such amazing power?
Lu Shaoxi once again used the thirteenth force of the eagle claw hand, but this time there was no response to the scorching air, and it was still growing in the dantian at a very slow speed, and Lu Shaoxi never felt the surging power again And the vitality between heaven and earth.

It seems that it is indeed the cause of the scorching air!
However, now the energy of the scorching air is obviously insufficient, and Lu Shaoxi can no longer test, so he has to continue to practice with the Falcon normally.

At this time, he broke through to the eighth level of body training, his strength has improved a lot, and his movements are more light and fast. With the eagle claw martial arts, dragon capture fist, soft body technique, as well as the strange moves learned from Sun Lihen, the incomplete chop and hang Waiting for the martial arts of the Wang family, he could barely hold on for about 3 minutes, especially the strange moves that he secretly learned from Sun Lihen. He had already learned nine out of ten of them. It is also becoming more and more handy, and even complemented and created one or two new moves, making it his third offensive martial art besides Eagle Claw Hand and Dragon Fist.

By the time Lu Shaoxi was so tired that he fell to the ground again, more than two hours had passed.Looking at the scorching air in the dantian, it has only returned to the size of a toothpick. It is estimated that it will take at least 20 hours to return to the size of a bamboo stick.

Lu Shaoxi knew that he couldn't be in a hurry. While eating the secret book to recover his physical fitness and heal his injuries, he looked at the martial arts evolution tree in his mind. The leaves representing Dragon Fist had grown a lot, obviously because his proficiency had improved. .

Name: Dragon Fist
Grade: Second grade, first grade

Acquisition: fivefold/ninefold
Power: Soft Strength +20, Sticky Strength +10, Eyesight +10
In addition to softness, the fifth level actually adds stickiness!Lu Shaoxi recalled that when he fought with Falcon just now, he used his Dragon Catch Fist to stick to its iron arm several times, and then used softness to undo the strength, and barely let go of Falcon's fierce fist.

Well, it's still four times away from practicing Qinlongquan to the limit!At that time, you will be able to "return the other body with the power of the other", and use the power of the enemy to subdue the enemy in turn. Come on!Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

He turned his gaze, and accidentally found a small leaf on the martial arts evolution tree.

Name: Tiger Shaped Lore
Grade: the first grade of ordinary grade and the fifth grade

Acquisition: [-]st level/[-]th level
Power: Basic Attack Power +2, Shot Speed ​​+2%
Explanation: This martial art is a perfect evolution of the host based on the incomplete tiger-shaped boxing. It takes the shape of a tiger, and its movements are weird and difficult to defend. It combines pouncing, clawing, strangling, killing, and kicking. , can burst into a tiger-shaped full strength, one punch, two claws, three twist kicks, and a series of rushing attacks. The basic attack power bonus can reach 36, and the shooting speed bonus can reach 18%.

36 points of attack power bonus, completely above the thirteen strengths of Eagle Claw Hands!Alright, this tiger-shaped lore also works hard to reach the ninth level!
Lu Shaoxi swallowed more than a dozen new books in one go, and was about to continue training when the mobile phone in the corner of the martial arts hall rang.

(End of this chapter)

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