i can eat tips

Chapter 53 Anonymous note

Chapter 53 Anonymous note
"Is it Lu Shaoxi from Tianyangshu Martial Arts Academy?"

The male voice on the other end of the phone was a bit unfriendly, Lu Shaoxi frowned, but still said politely: "Yes, who are you?"

The other party said coldly: "I am a staff member of the Yuanzhou Branch of the Yinxiu Martial Arts Management Association. You passed the one-star assessment yesterday, and you can change your master certificate. Please bring your Qiyuan master certificate, ID card, and two Come to the Yuanzhou branch to get a new certificate with the real information of [-] disciples."

"Why do you need the real information of the two disciples? And I have to go to change the certificate myself?" Lu Shaoxi was surprised. Didn't the staff send it directly to the door before?And I haven't heard anything about the need for discipleship materials?

The staff said with a business-like attitude: "This is a new rule. A one-star martial art school must have two disciples who are actually attached to your name before you can renew your certificate. If you are not in a hurry to renew your certificate, then Send the information, we will complete the review within ten working days, and we will send you a new certificate at that time!"

ten working days?Isn't it long past the registration time for the elite competition?

Just as Lu Shaoxi was about to ask again, the other party had already hung up the phone with a rude "snap".

Lu Shaoxi was stunned, is this really a staff member of the Management Association?How come you have such an attitude?Even when his book martial arts school was included in the red alert list that may be removed at any time, the staff's attitude was very kind and gentle.

After thinking about it, he called Cai Qun and asked him if he had heard of the new regulations.

Cai Xun seemed to be attending a class at the Thunder Academy, and said in a low voice, "Shaoxi, I have also heard this regulation, but it is only for the martial arts school that has passed the one-star assessment. By the way, you should not know, right? Management Association Yuanzhou The president of the branch is the son-in-law of the Wang family, and he is afraid that he made this new regulation deliberately against you, you'd better find two people to sign up as soon as possible and then go to change the certificate, don't miss the registration for the elite competition."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help frowning.If this is the case, the purpose of the Wang family is obvious, that is, they don't want to sign up for the elite competition smoothly.Strange, they sent killers yesterday, why did they change their tactics this time, and use various seemingly legitimate means to hinder themselves?

"Two disciples..." If it was normal, it would not be difficult for Lu Shaoxi to find two disciples, not to mention Li Nianjie, a loyal fan who has always been in touch with him, just go to the "True! Martial Arts Lovers" forum and yell The voice, I am afraid that there will be many applicants, but the situation is different now, Lu Shaoxi offended the Wang family, no matter who worships Lu Shaoxi as a teacher, they will be listed as targets by the Wang family, Lu Shaoxi really does not want to involve outsiders.

The more Lu Shaoxi thought about it, the tighter he clenched his fist.

Good you royal family, one day, I will definitely trample you under my feet!
The more the Wang family used their power to oppress, the more Lu Shaoxi refused to give in, and instead was aroused with infinite fighting spirit.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lu Shaoxi didn't think of a way for a while, so he decided to go out to have a meal and relax.If he continues to train with his current mood, the effect will not be very good.

He had just opened the iron door of the book martial arts hall, but saw a piece of white paper the size of a palm floating down, which seemed to have been caught in the crack of the door.

Lu Shaoxi was startled, picked it up and looked, and saw a line written on it:

"Beware of the Hidden Cultivation Martial Arts Management Association!!"

The handwriting is beautiful and slightly scribbled, as if it was written hastily with an eyebrow pencil, and the white paper is half a page torn from a notebook, and it is torn in a hurry, the edges of the paper are full of jagged and wrinkled.

Looking at the somewhat familiar handwriting, Lu Shaoxi's heart jumped suddenly, and the blood in his whole body also boiled, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

A pretty figure that he had buried deep in his heart for nearly two months and hadn't thought about it at all, surfaced in his heart without any warning.

Is it her?She is coming?
Lu Shaoxi looked around hastily, there were not many pedestrians in the alley, but there was obviously no slender figure that made him unforgettable.

Lu Shaoxi stood there blankly, countless memories that he tried his best to bury seemed to come out again, and there was an indescribable pain in his heart.

He took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down.Looking carefully at the handwriting on the note, it seems to be a little different from the impression.And most importantly, she was no longer in Yuanzhou, and she didn't know anything about Yin Xiu Wulin. How could she suddenly appear and remind herself to be careful of Yin Xiu Wulin Management Association?Taking a ten thousand step back, even if I inadvertently knew that the Yinxiu Martial Arts Management Association was going to deal with me, that calm, indifferent, even somewhat indifferent black-bellied woman had no reason to come here to remind me.

After all, wasn't she the one who ruthlessly rejected herself a year ago, and then went far away to become a star?

Lu Shaoxi held the note and stayed at the door, and he didn't know how long it took before he sighed softly, folded the note and put it in his pocket.

He walked silently for more than ten minutes, and walked into a noodle restaurant that he usually frequented most, and ordered his favorite tomato egg noodles, but the taste was bitter and he couldn't taste it.

That night, Lu Shaoxi had a rare insomnia, and then he just got up and practiced the Dragon Fist and the Tiger-shaped lore.

So the next day, when Lu Shaoxi stood at the gate of Thunder Academy, he couldn't help yawning. He only squinted for about two hours when it was almost dawn, and even eating dozens of new books couldn't make up for his mental sleepiness. .Fortunately, the Falcon can drive automatically, which made him squint for a while on the way to Thunder Academy, and now he is finally awake.

It's all because of that indifferent black-bellied girl.

Lu Shaoxi glared fiercely at the pretty figure in his heart, and then buried her deeply in his heart again, then cheered up and walked towards Thunder Academy.

The tall and thin guard who took him to the strength test last time happened to be on duty today. He recognized Lu Shaoxi at a glance, greeted him immediately, and saluted Lu Shaoxi very politely: "Mr. Lu, Zheng Zheng The director has ordered that you can enter the academy without any interrogation. The A1 teaching building is just a few tens of meters to the right of the last trial site, and the tallest and largest building with a golden exterior wall is it."

oh?Director Zheng really looked at him differently.Lu Shaoxi couldn't help being a little surprised, but also somewhat grateful.

In fact, this is exactly Zheng Hai's small calculation. Some small favors can have good results as long as the timing is right. For example, giving Lu Shaoxi some convenience this time allows him to freely enter the academy, which is enough to increase Lu Shaoxi's goodwill. .Of course, he never expected that this convenience would bring Lu Shaoxi a lot of trouble.

Lu Shaoxi looked at his phone, it was only 8:35, and there were still 25 minutes before class. He wanted to find Cai Xun, but he was afraid of disturbing his class, so he should go to him after class.

Lu Shaoxi walked into Thunder Academy quickly, and saw many students in the school road talking and laughing as they walked to various teaching buildings.

Looking at these young students, Lu Shaoxi felt envious, but then remembered that if he returned to Yuanzhou University now, he might be in the same situation.Speaking of which, the time limit for my suspension of school is approaching. Should I continue to suspend my studies or get a diploma with credits?
He was looking left and right when suddenly several boys in school uniforms came up to him, looked him up vigilantly and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing in the academy?"

 Here, Lao Mo would like to say that the heroine’s first love in this chapter did not reject the heroine because of dreams. There are many stories about her in the future. The outline alone is nearly [-] words. It is the heroine that Lao Mo carefully portrayed. One, I believe that after seeing the back, everyone will like her.Lao Mo urges everyone to continue to read patiently, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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