i can eat tips

Chapter 65 Goodbye Qin Ruxuan

Chapter 65 Goodbye Qin Ruxuan

More than a day passed in the blink of an eye.

In the Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall, on the clean floor, two figures intersected and separated like phantoms, and the sound of loud iron and stone collisions and the whistling wind could be heard endlessly.

"Master, you're improving so fast, it's hard for a falcon to hit you." The two-meter-high, raptor-like robot made a clear voice like a young female singer.

"Falcon, you've been changing the sound library quite frequently recently!" Lu Shaoxi's hands were like weaving nets, and the invisible trajectory seemed to carry a sticky, soft and round air flow, which could relieve Falcon's fierce fist.

The difference in strength between the two sides is almost doubled. It is still not easy for Lu Shaoxi to get rid of the Falcon's attack with Lu Shaoxi's six-layer Qinlong Fist at this time, but now the speed gap between the two sides is very close. The speed bonus is barely equal to that of the Falcon in terms of speed.

"Different voices have their own characteristics, and they sound very interesting. But Falcon still likes the original voice the most, and asked MASTER to allow Falcon to use this voice library for a long time." Falcon changed three voice libraries in two or three sentences, Speaking of the last sentence, it changed back to the girl's electronic voice at the beginning.

Is this guy getting more and more human?
Lu Shaoxi said helplessly: "Okay, but when outsiders are around, you are not allowed to use this sound library."

"Thank you MASTER!"

While speaking, the Falcon punched two consecutive punches. Lu Shaoxi's Dragon Catch Fist had been gathering momentum for a long time. His hands were as soft as silk, and turned into two strong air currents. Had to stagger forward.

Lu Shaoxi finally seized the upper hand for the first time in these days, immediately seized the opportunity, kicked his legs, and attacked the Falcon with all his strength like a tiger pouncing on his prey.

Falcon punched to block his tiger claws, Lu Shaoxi pressed his claws on its fists, and then jumped up, his legs flung out like tiger whips, performing a serial strangulation stunt, this is a two-claw three-strangle attack The tiger-shaped lore martial art has reached his current peak regardless of spirit, energy and spirit. The scorching air in the dantian turns into a spiral air flow and pours directly into his feet. A faint white light shines, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the power is overwhelming Roaring tiger!
Falcon quickly returned to defense, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and forced his strangling legs with all his strength, "Bang!" Falcon's huge body was kicked more than ten meters away before he barely stopped.

"Master, this blow is very powerful, it has surpassed the Falcon's attack power."

Lu Shaoxi landed lightly, with a smile on his lips.You must know that the strength of the Falcon was originally slightly higher than the ordinary Qi Gathering Level [-], but Lu Shaoxi was able to knock it into the air with the strength of the [-]th Level of Body Refining, even if it was only once, it was enough to be proud of.

"Let's take a break first." Lu Shaoxi wiped off the sweat on his body with a towel, and ate a few new books before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the evolution tree of martial arts in his mind, besides the Dragon Fist that has been practiced to the sixth level, the biggest change is the addition of a leaf with a rainbow——Tiger-shaped lore he has finally practiced to the highest level of the ninth level, Not only does the attack speed increase by 18%, but the basic attack power increase reaches 36!

As a tiger-shaped lore has replaced the Phantom Eagle Claw Hand, it has become his most important attack-style martial art.

In addition, another newly added leaf has also grown a lot.

Name: split palm
Grade: the first grade of ordinary grade and the ninth grade

Acquisition: Triple/Thirteen

Power: Basic attack power +9
Explanation: Martial arts developed from ancient martial arts can be used like a broken bamboo. It can be used vertically to break horizontally, and straight to make music. Translucent, it is as powerful as a bomb when it falls, and the basic attack power bonus can reach 48.

If he can practice Chopping and Hanging Palm to the limit, Lu Shaoxi's attack power can undoubtedly be raised to a higher level.

Lu Shaoxi looked at the scorching air strands in his dantian again. During this period of practice, he had a deeper understanding of these scorching air strands. He found that the power bonus of this scorching air column can only be used once a day. It will shrink into a gas filament state, and it needs to slowly accumulate heat to recover.

The scorching gas column increases the basic attack power by about 50%, and the trigger condition is to attack with a high degree of concentration.Taking his attack just now as an example, 52 points of his own attack power plus 36 points of martial skill power, and then increased by 50%, the actual attack power reached 132, so he was able to repel the falcon with an attack power of around 120.

After the scorching air column turns back into an air thread, one can still improve one's thinking ability through extreme concentration, but the effect will be weakened to about half.

It seems that this scorching air thread can only be used for emergencies, and the only thing I can really rely on is my own strength!

Lu Shaoxi's eyes moved to the progress bar of the experience value again, and saw that he was only one third away from the tenth level of body training, and estimated that he would be able to break through to the tenth level of body training after working hard for about two days.

OK, work harder!

Lu Shaoxi jumped up and was about to continue practicing when the doorbell rang.

Hey, it's already evening, who will come to visit me?Could it be that kid Cai Ke?
Lu Shaoxi hurriedly wiped off the sweat on his body, put on a set of clean clothes, and ran out of the martial arts dojo, to open the door of the store in front.

The person who rang the doorbell had been very regular and unhurried, pressing it every minute, as if he knew that Lu Shaoxi was inside.

Lu Shaoxi was secretly surprised. When he opened the fireproof wooden door of the bookstore, he saw a tall girl standing in front of the iron gate.

The girl was wearing a white school uniform shirt and a blue knee-length skirt, revealing her long legs with graceful lines, smooth and delicate like white jade.The long hair was loosely scattered on the shoulders, not hiding the girl's beautiful face at all.

Seeing Lu Shaoxi coming out, the girl took off the earphones hanging from her ears, waved and said hello: "Hi~"

Lu Shaoxi was stunned, looking at Qin Ruxuan, who was covered with the rays of the setting sun and looked as beautiful as a goddess, and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Qin Ruxuan smiled: "The college is on vacation today, and I went out to go shopping. I thought you were nearby, so I stopped by to see you."

"How do you know I live here?"

Qin Ruxuan turned her head sideways, and said strangely: "Huh? Why didn't I know you live here? By the way, I sent you a text message, why didn't you reply to me?"

"Did you send me a text message?" Lu Shaoxi quickly took out his phone, and sure enough, he saw a text message from a stranger at noon, which said: "Lu Shaoxi, let's go out and play." Today he was only focused on practicing, and never looked at his phone .

Lu Shaoxi was surprised: "You even know my mobile phone number?"

Qin Ruxuan blinked and said with a smile: "What's so difficult to know about your number? Few people know my number, okay? Except my parents, sister, and Uncle Shen, only you know now."

Lu Shaoxi didn't believe it, and asked suspiciously: "Your friends and classmates don't know?"

"Huh? Why tell them?"

"Then...then how do you contact them, and how do they contact you?"

Qin Ruxuan smiled and narrowed her big beautiful eyes: "Why should I contact them? Why should I let them contact me again?"

Lu Shaoxi was a little dumbfounded, he had never met such a maverick girl, although the black-bellied girl in the past was withdrawn, she was not to this extent, right?

"But friends are meant to connect with each other..."

"I don't like anyone interfering in my life. I can go wherever I want, and do what I want. I don't need to tell my so-called friends, let alone they know. I only care about the people I care about, and the rest In my eyes, it is the background, passers-by, and extras." Qin Ruxuan raised her head like a proud white swan, and she smiled sweetly after speaking: "Just like I like you, I don't need to care whether others know it or not. I know, and I don’t need anyone to support or oppose it.”

Lu Shaoxi stroked his forehead and said, "Did you say that your temper is like a princess?"

"Huh? In the past, I was indeed a princess."

Lu Shaoxi didn't believe it at all, he shook his head and said, "What do you want from me?"

Qin Ruxuan tilted her head and thought for a while: "Originally, I just wanted to meet you. Now that I do, you can have dinner with me."

Lu Shaoxi looked at the T-shirt he was wearing casually, compared with the beautiful girl in front of him, he looked like an ugly duckling, and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Princess, do I have the right to refuse?"

"Of course not. If you refuse, I'll let the Imperial Forest Army destroy your house." Qin Ruxuan laughed happily when she heard Lu Shaoxi call her princess.

Looking at her pure eyes, it was really difficult for Lu Shaoxi to associate her with any conspiracy.Does she really just like herself?

(There is one more, the exciting plot will be presented later.)
(End of this chapter)

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