i can eat tips

Chapter 66 Assassination

Chapter 66 Assassination
The night in late autumn fell very quickly, but around seven o'clock, the sky was already completely dark, and the night wind whizzed past with a piercing chill. Except for the young men and women who were rushing home after shopping, there were really no pedestrians on the road. That's a lot.

However, everyone who passed by Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan couldn't help but look back at this strange pair with curiosity and surprise.

Lu Shaoxi was very handsome, but he was in a hurry when he went out. He just put on an old T-shirt with a simple pattern, and his hair had not been combed after exercising. It was even more disheveled by the night wind. In addition to his slender and thin figure, He looks a bit like a down-to-earth literati and scholar.

But Qin Ruxuan next to her seemed to have a goddess aura. Although the street lights were dim, she would always have a bright feeling wherever she went. She had a flawless pretty face without any makeup, long flowing hair, and was tall and slender. The figure is so beautiful that it is like a dream, especially the high-cold temperament she exudes all over her body. Putting on ancient costumes, she can definitely play the role of a princess in the ancient court in her true colors.

The two walked side by side, feeling like a beautiful and noble princess leading a handsome scholar.

Lu Shaoxi smiled wryly: "Student Qin, do you think other people look at me a bit strangely, like a leisurely scholar who is favored by a princess?"

Qin Ruxuan covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "But you are indeed a poor boy."

Lu Shaoxi was speechless, wouldn't you take my fragile self-esteem into consideration?He said with a bit of anger: "That's why I don't understand. You keep saying you like me, but I'm a poor boy, what do you like?"

Qin Ruxuan flicked her hair from her sideburns, and her movements were indescribably beautiful: "Like is a feeling, there is nothing worth it or not. Shouldn't you be very clear about it?"

"Sounds like you know me well."

Qin Ruxuan smiled but didn't answer. She sized Lu Shaoxi a few times, then suddenly took his hand, walked to a high-end clothing store next to her, and said with a smile: "If you don't want to be a poor boy, I will turn you into a poor boy." Your noble son is well."

Regardless of Lu Shaoxi's objections and protests, she quickly picked out Lu Shaoxi's brand new sweatshirt from head to toe.I have to say that her eyesight is quite accurate. Lu Shaoxi was already handsome, but when he put on a well-fitting sportswear, he immediately looked energetic and handsome, and the female shop assistants next to him became star-eyed.

Looking at the completely new Lu Shaoxi, Qin Ruxuan nodded in satisfaction, without asking the price at all, just took out a black gold card and handed it to the clerk: "Check out, there is no password."

When the clerk saw the word "Qin" printed on the black gold card, his whole body was shocked, and his attitude immediately became respectful. Even the store manager came out to receive him very quickly. The store manager almost completed the process of swiping the card with trembling hands, and then continued The two dared not leave until they were at the door.

Lu Shaoxi's reaction to the store manager and clerks was inexplicable: "Why do the store manager and clerks seem to be afraid of you?"

Qin Ruxuan said with an innocent face: "How do I know? Probably because the subjects will have a natural sense of fear when they see the princess."

Isn't this girl still obsessed with role-playing as a princess?Lu Shaoxi stroked his forehead and said, "Yes, my lord princess, please add my online banking account, and I will transfer the money for the clothes back to you later."

Qin Ruxuan said indifferently: "No, anyway, money means nothing to me, it's just a bunch of numbers."

As she was speaking, suddenly the night wind howled past, Qin Ruxuan immediately held down the flying skirt.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't stand it anymore, he stopped and suggested: "Student Qin, why don't I buy you a suit as a gift in return, isn't it cool for you to wear short skirts on such a cold day?"

Qin Ruxuan turned her head, stroked her flying hair with one hand, and smiled very charmingly.

"Lu Shaoxi, are you caring about me?"

Looking at her cute and mischievous smile, Lu Shaoxi felt her heart beating sharply, and quickly looked away.

"Just advice and advice."

"No, I want you to love me." The girl giggled, trotted a few steps in the wind, and turned her head with her hands behind her back: "Hey, didn't you say you want to eat with me? Hurry up and leave."

At this moment, the noble, elegant, pure and lively temperament was fully displayed on her body.Lu Shaoxi was stunned unconsciously.This girl is too pretty, right?She is even more beautiful than the black-bellied girl who has become a star.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help being startled when she found that she had unknowingly compared Qin Ruxuan with the black-bellied woman whom she had valued the most in her heart.

Be sober, Lu Shaoxi, this little devil still doesn't know where he came from, don't be easily seduced by her!
Lu Shaoxi quickly patted his face to calm himself down.

"Here we come." He caught up with Qin Ruxuan a few steps, and was about to speak, when suddenly a chilling feeling surged in his heart, as if he was being targeted by something terrible.

This sense of crisis was almost intuitive, and Lu Shaoxi immediately became alert. At this moment, a very slight sound of metal impact came along the night wind.

"Sniper rifle!" Lu Shaoxi's hair stood on end, subconsciously hugging Qin Ruxuan and rushing forward.

"Whoosh!" A bullet almost touched Lu Shaoxi's back and passed right into the place where the two were standing just now, splashing a large amount of mud.

"Go!" Qin Ruxuan's reaction was no slower than Lu Shaoxi's. She quickly stabilized her figure, grabbed Lu Shaoxi with her backhand, and walked forward with wonderful footwork, almost like a phantom.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Two bullets narrowly passed by the two of them, and the rear one even shot through Qin Ruxuan's skirt.

Qin Ruxuan didn't change her face, she watched all directions, and pulled Lu Shaoxi to hide in a corner and squat down.

Several bullets shot into the wall in a row, sending stone chips flying.

However, the hiding place Qin Ruxuan chose was obviously a blind spot, and the sniper shot two more shots in a row and then fell silent, as if waiting for a good opportunity.

It wasn't until the gunshots stopped that Lu Shaoxi wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. He only felt his back was cold and drenched in cold sweat. This sniper rifle is no joke, let alone he is only at the ninth level of body training. Even Qi Gathering Ninefold couldn't handle the bullets from the sniper rifle!
Who is going to kill himself?Could it be that the Wang family finally made a move?

Lu Shaoxi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Qin Ruxuan next to him in a low voice: "Student Qin, are you not injured?"

"It's okay." Qin Ruxuan was actually able to laugh: "Thank you for saving me once, but I saved you twice later, and you owe me your life instead. I will write down this account first."

Lu Shaoxi was surprised and said, "Are you not nervous at all?"

Qin Ruxuan said as if nothing had happened: "Nervous, but I have encountered such a thing once when I was a child, and now I am familiar with it?"

"You were hunted down when you were a child?"

"Well, there was once. After that, no one dared to chase me down. Ah, it's been a long time since I've seen this feeling." Qin Ruxuan even stretched herself.

Lu Shaoxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he saw a small brick at his feet, and he threw it out quietly, "Crack!" The brick was immediately smashed to pieces by the bullets from the sniper rifle.

"It seems that it is very difficult for us to escape from here, and it will be troublesome if the sniper changes positions." Seeing that Qin Ruxuan was still calm, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help complaining: "My lord princess, where is your guard? Get them to kill the snipers."

Qin Ruxuan smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I have always hated being followed by people, and they were all thrown away by me, so they are probably still looking for me now."

"You are an unreliable princess." Lu Shaoxi complained, took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Master, Falcon is waiting for orders." Immediately, Falcon's cute girl electronic voice came from the phone.

"Falcon, I was ambushed by a sniper in the Seventh Lane of Shishu Road. The opponent's strength is unknown. Come over and kill him immediately, and allow the complete lifting of the strength restriction."

"Yes, MASTER."

Lu Shaoxi put down the phone, Qin Ruxuan asked curiously, "Who are you contacting?"

"My partner." Before Lu Shaoxi could finish his sentence, another creepy feeling rose in his heart. Without even thinking about it, he immediately pulled Qin Ruxuan into a deeper corner.

"Whoosh!" A bullet hit exactly where the two of them were before!The angle is almost ninety degrees from before.

Lu Shaoxi's face suddenly changed: "There is another sniper!"

It seemed that they couldn't wait for the Falcon. When the sniper adjusted his angle, the two of them would definitely die!

(End of this chapter)

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