Chapter 67
Lu Shaoxi didn't know the exact positions of the two snipers, but judging from the trajectory of the bullets and common sense, the opponents were definitely on the roof. Although it was inconvenient to move, they had an absolute advantage, and could even be said to control the audience .

Lu Shaoxi gritted his teeth, and said decisively: "The target of these snipers should be me. I will go out to lure them away, and you run away quickly."

With his current strength, he is not sure that he can escape from the two sniper rifles, but it is better to exchange himself for Qin Ruxuan's life if the two of them die together. The speed is much faster than his own, maybe he can really escape.

Qin Ruxuan grabbed him with one hand, the light in her beautiful eyes flickered, and she said with a smile: "Lu Shaoxi, are you planning to be a hero to save the beauty?"

Lu Shaoxi knew that now was the time when every second counted, and if he waited for another sniper to pull the trigger, the two of them would be killed.He straightened his face and shouted: "Again, they are here for me, and you will be affected. I just don't want you to be implicated by me. Besides, I am a man and you are a woman. It is only natural for a man to protect a woman!"

"You are obviously a good person, but you have to pretend to be fierce. You don't want me to be sad, do you? That's why you boys are really strange." Qin Ruxuan was still laughing, she stared at Lu Shaoxi, and said softly: "However, this Leave it to me to divert their firepower this time, and you take the opportunity to sneak over and deal with them."

"Are you going to divert their firepower?"

Lu Shaoxi really can't see through this girl, doesn't she know that the result of rushing out is almost a dead end?She is not related to him, so why would she even risk her life for her own sake?Unreasonable, unreasonable.

"I didn't say I was going to die." Qin Ruxuan seemed to have read his mind, and quickly took out two cards from the small satchel.

The cards were not big, similar to ordinary playing cards, but half a centimeter thick, one was ice blue and the other was crimson red.

"This is?"

"This? Nano weapon." Qin Ruxuan held the card with both hands and flicked it lightly. The two cards immediately turned into countless light particles, which converged into two strangely shaped short knives respectively.

The short knife is no more than a foot long, and the blade is extremely wide, not much thicker than paper. The left knife is red and the right knife is ice blue. It fits perfectly in Qin Ruxuan's slender hands, as if it was tailor-made.

"This is a nano weapon?" Lu Shaoxi gasped.He once heard from Cai Qun that Long Xiaguo had developed a nano-weapon that could be reduced to a card to carry it, but it was expensive. He heard that the cost of an ordinary nano-weapon was at least 2000 million or more.

Now Qin Ruxuan's pair of short knives are very unique in shape, the blades are translucent and crystal clear, showing extraordinary things, and the estimated price is even more astronomical.

"Yes, this is based on the fragmented double knives used by my ancestors. Alright, I'm going. When I divert the fire, you take the opportunity to kill the two snipers."

"It's too dangerous, you give me the dagger, I'll go!"

Qin Ruxuan smiled, with a beautiful curve on her mouth: "I'll go. When you are stronger than me, I will give you this chance. Remember, I can only last for about a minute. My life and death are in my hands." It's in your hands!"

She giggled and jumped out from the corner.Almost at the same time, Qin Ruxuan's hands and arms glowed with a faint white light, even faintly with thunderous lightning!

With true energy reaching shoulders, Qin Ruxuan really has triple energy gathering!
The sniper had obviously been preparing for a long time, Qin Ruxuan just jumped out, "Swoosh!" A bullet shot at Qin Ruxuan like a meteor.

Lu Shaoxi's heart almost jumped to the throat, but seeing the red light flashed away, "Kang!" Sparks flew everywhere, and Qin Ruxuan blocked the bullet with the red left knife when there was no time.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

Fierce sparks splashing in all directions, bullets flying horizontally, the girl's flowing long hair and skirt, her calm and piercing eyes, constituted a breathtakingly beautiful picture.It's like a Valkyrie descending to earth, mighty and beautiful.

What attracted Lu Shaoxi's attention the most was Qin Ruxuan's ingenious movements, from her jumping out to swinging her knife to meet the bullets, the whole movement was done in one go, with a clear rhythm, as if there was a mysterious tacit understanding with the heaven and the earth.

My God, so there is such a powerful martial arts in the world?Lu Shaoxi was stunned.

"哐!" Another bullet hit, Qin Ruxuan swung out his lightning-shiny right arm, and the ice-blue light collided with the bullet accurately, causing a series of sparks to explode again!

Every time a bullet was blocked, Qin Ruxuan took two steps forward, but within the time of swinging two knives, she was almost two meters away from the corner of the wall.

Lu Shaoxi didn't dare to be negligent, taking advantage of the third bullet, he immediately used his soft body technique, touched the ground with his toes, swept up against the wall like an arrow, clasped the window sill with his backhand, and jumped up again with his strength.

In just two or three vertical jumps, he had already climbed to the roof of the fifth floor. Looking through the moonlight, he could see flames spewing out from the southeast and the north. It was obviously where two snipers were ambushing and shooting.

Lu Shaoxi picked up two tiles at random, and flew over the roofs of the houses like a nighthawk, and rushed towards the nearest sniper in the southeast.

Listening to the sound of "哐!" and "哐!" at the corner, it was obvious that Qin Ruxuan was still trying her best to resist the enemy's sniper rifles. When it arrived, the masked sniper lying on the roof in the southeast had spotted him. He threw down the sniper rifle, turned over and sat up, and took out a pistol from his waist to aim at Lu Shaoxi.

This action is clean and neat, obviously a professional killer.

Murderous intent appeared in Lu Shaoxi's eyes, he raised his right hand, and threw the tiles towards the masked sniper with a frightening wind.

The masked sniper's pistol didn't have time to fire, but he reacted extremely quickly, and he turned sideways to avoid the tiles, and his speed was no less than that of ordinary body training!
But Lu Shaoxi had seized this short time to rush over, and he was in mid-air, like a tiger pounced down, attacking in a row with two claws and three strangulations!Lu Shaoxi has no intention of showing mercy to these killers, and the first shot is the strongest tiger-shaped lore!

The masked sniper obviously didn't expect that Lu Shaoxi's speed was not inferior to that of Qi Gathering Level 88, and he had no time to dodge. He was kicked on the chest and abdomen by the tiger-shaped lore, and the attack power of up to 50 points easily broke through more than [-] points of him. The masked sniper screamed, his breastbone was shattered, and he vomited blood and died.

Lu Shaoxi killed someone for the first time, but he didn't feel anything. Nearly 40 seconds had passed, and he heard the collision sound of the blocking bullets below was much weaker. It seemed that Qin Ruxuan's strength had run out.

Lu Shaoxi was so anxious that he immediately flew towards another sniper in the north with all his strength.

The sniper sensed that something was wrong, he quickly drew his gun, and shot at Lu Shaoxi. After all, ordinary bullets were several times slower than sniper bullets. Lu Shaoxi concentrated and reached the slowing world in an instant. He narrowly avoided it by twisting his waist with a contortion technique, turned around and rushed forward, without stopping at all, and rushed forward a few meters.

Only 30 meters away from this tall and thin sniper!
The sniper shot several times in a row, but Lu Shaoxi dodged all of them, and the two quickly approached.

Lu Shaoxi yelled, and threw another tile in his hand. The sniper didn't dodge or dodge, allowing the tile to penetrate his lower abdomen. He glared at Lu Shaoxi, suddenly smirked, and pulled out the A grenade, reached out and pulled out the fuse.

"嗤——" The flames jumped, and the grenade would explode within two or three seconds.The snipers planned to die together!
At this time, Lu Shaoxi was only two meters away from the sniper, within the killing radius of the grenade.If he turned over and backed up, it would be too late. If he continued to charge forward and kicked the sniper away, the sniper's weight of more than [-] jin would not fly far away, and he still couldn't escape the killing radius. The most important thing was that Qin Ruxuan was right next to this building If the sniper falls, the grenade explosion will most likely affect Qin Ruxuan.

retreat!Lu Shaoxi gritted his teeth and was about to back away.

At this moment of life and death, a slender figure suddenly arrived like a meteor, the red and blue swords flashed out, and the sniper's arms left the body immediately.

It was Qin Ruxuan!
"Hey! Are you dying?" Lu Shaoxi was so frightened that he flew out of his wits, kicking the severed arm holding the grenade far away.

After all, the broken arm was much lighter than the human body, and it flew tens of meters within two seconds. "Boom!" The grenade exploded high in the sky, like a bright firework.

(End of this chapter)

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