i can eat tips

Chapter 68 For You

Chapter 68 For You

The bright light disappeared in mid-air, leaving only a bright moon hanging high above the head.

When the night wind blew, Qin Ruxuan waved her hands, and the red and blue swords immediately turned into countless particles of light, and changed back to the form of two cards. Qin Ruxuan casually put the cards back into the satchel. Seeing Lu Shaoxi's livid face, She couldn't help but blink her big beautiful eyes: "What? Didn't you get angry when you got rid of the bad guy in the end? It's okay, this guy is still alive, you can get rid of him now."

"You know I'm not talking about that." Lu Shaoxi kicked the sniper unconscious, but he didn't intend to stop the bleeding at all. He is not a bad person, and he has no sympathy for these killers who came to kill him. If it weren't for this killer No more threats, Lu Shaoxi kicked his head directly with this kick.

Lu Shaoxi raised his head, glared at Qin Ruxuan and said angrily, "Hey, do you know that it is dangerous to charge like this just now?"

Qin Ruxuan still had a bright smile: "I know. But if I don't rush over, you will definitely choose to retreat, right? Then you will be injured."

"Why should I back off?"

"Because if you kick this killer off the roof, he will probably fall near me, and when the grenade explodes, I will be injured. With your character, you would rather get yourself injured than me. I Are you guessing right?"

This girl is really too smart, Lu Shaoxi was guessed by her, and snorted: "It doesn't matter what I think, the important thing is that you shouldn't take such a risk, if I react slowly, don't you come with me Injured by the blast?"

"No, even if you react too slowly to kick the killer's severed arm, I will kick it away in time, and I should be able to kick it farther than you."

Can we still have a pleasant conversation?Lu Shaoxi was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He decided to have a talk with Professor Shen. What Qin Ruxuan needs to learn is not martial arts theory, but how to speak without making people angry!
But Qin Ruxuan's next words, like a spell with incomparable magic power, easily blow away all of Lu Shaoxi's dissatisfaction.

Qin Ruxuan stared at him, and said softly: "Besides, as long as it's for you, what's the point of taking some risks?"

After the intense and fierce battle, the girl's forehead had seen tiny beads of sweat, and her pretty face was slightly flushed, but not only did it not affect her beauty in the slightest, but on the contrary, it added a bit of incense, like falling into the A mortal fairy is more likely to impress a man's heart than the previous image of aloof goddess.

Especially when she said such lethal words bluntly, there might not be any man in the world who would not be tempted.

Naturally, Lu Shaoxi was no exception, his heart skipped a beat, and he could no longer be ashamed: "Don't do this next time."

Qin Ruxuan smiled sweetly: "Can I take it as you taking the initiative to invite me out to play next time?"

Seeing Lu Shaoxi's speechless expression, Qin Ruxuan giggled, leaned closer to him, and exhaled like blue: "Okay, don't be angry, I will treat you to dinner at most."

"It's agreed that I'll invite you, no matter how poor I am, I will invite you." Lu Shaoxi felt that standing with this girl, he was often confused by her, but he couldn't help being happy.

Qin Ruxuan took his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's go, I'm hungry."

"Just leave like this? Let the two killers leave it alone?"

"The explosion just now has alarmed the surrounding people. It is estimated that my people will find it soon, and they will naturally deal with it then."

"You really have someone following?"

"Huh? Don't you think I've been joking?"

"No... Speaking of which, I have to inform my late partner."


Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan had just left for 5 minutes when several figures leaped towards them in the night and landed on the roof where they were standing before.

The leader was a woman in Hanfu with a ponytail. She was about 27 or [-] years old, with slender eyes as sharp as knives, and an ancient sword with a sheath hanging on her waist. It was like a cosplay, but she The murderous aura emanating from the whole body is something that no cosplayer can play out.

Behind her were several women in sunglasses, each with a pistol on their waist.

One of the women in sunglasses leaned over to look at the unconscious sniper on the roof, and said, "Captain, Second Miss has been here before, and this man's arm was cut off by Second Miss with two broken knives."

Soon someone found another sniper who was killed by Lu Shaoxi in the distance: "Captain, there is another sniper here, who should have died after being kicked to crush the internal organs of the sternum. Judging by the strength and footprints, it seems that it is not the second lady, it should be a sniper." male."

male?There is actually a man with the second lady?
A hint of surprise flashed in the slender eyes of the woman in Hanfu, and she said coldly: "I'll go to Miss Er, you guys handle the scene well, and take this undead person back, no matter what method you use, you have to ask the people behind the scenes who is it!"

"Yes, Captain."

The woman in Hanfu was like a phantom, and soon disappeared into the night.


After eating at a remote but delicious restaurant, Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan walked out together.

"I didn't expect you to know such a good place." Qin Ruxuan brushed her hair, very satisfied.

"How can I say that I have lived in Yuanzhou City for almost 20 years. Do I need to send you back to the academy?" Lu Shaoxi said while waving to the dark place in the alley: "Falcon!"

"Falcon is here, MASTER." A tall black figure strode over, it was Lu Shaoxi's partner Falcon.Wrapped in a black hooded coat, the Falcon looks like a burly man at a glance.

"This is your partner?" Qin Ruxuan looked at Falcon curiously. She didn't know if it was because of the lights. A small flame seemed to flicker in her beautiful eyes. Your partner. If it was there just now, we wouldn’t have to do it.”

Lu Shaoxi was taken aback, could it be that Qin Ruxuan could see through Falcon's strength?At this time, Falcon has been on standby according to Lu Shaoxi's order to remove all strength restrictions, but the strength of this robot cannot be seen from the appearance at all.

"Master, is this beautiful woman you've never seen before your friend?" Falcon tilted his head and said in a cute girly electronic voice.

"Beautiful? Are you talking about me?" Qin Ruxuan asked Falcon interestingly.

"Yes, according to the graphic data analysis that Falcon has searched on the Internet, your beauty is undoubtedly the best among human beings."

Qin Ruxuan laughed, then turned to Lu Shaoxi and said, "You robot is really interesting, you can talk more than you."

Damn, when did you, Falcon, learn how to flirt with girls!Lu Shaoxi kicked Falcon: "Falcon, did you forget what I said? Change back to the normal sound bank, and this is Qin, a student of Thunder Academy."

Falcon stroked the back of his head in a very humane way, and switched back to a deep male voice: "I'm sorry, MASTER, Falcon came out too hastily, and forgot your order for a while." Its eyes fell on Qin Ruxuan, and asked again: " MASTER, will you marry Classmate Qin in the future?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lu Shaoxi's face was full of black lines, Qin Ruxuan blinked curiously and asked, "Falcon, why are you asking that?"

"Because you come out of the restaurant with MASTER, in human society, going to the restaurant together has several meanings, but a young woman and a young man go to a restaurant alone, this behavior is called a date, and there is a high probability that the two are couples, and couples are the most likely to marry."

Qin Ruxuan laughed so hard that she could hardly straighten her back, she poked Lu Shaoxi with her little finger: "Lu Shaoxi, your robot asked you a question, why didn't you answer?"

Lu Shaoxi kicked Falcon again angrily: "Falcon, have you talked more nonsense lately? I was in danger before and I didn't see you. Come quickly!"

Qin Ruxuan stopped laughing, straightened the strap of the small satchel on her shoulder: "Okay, I'm leaving."

"I send you?"

"No, the person who picked me up is here, you go first." Qin Ruxuan gently pushed Lu Shaoxi, and then said to Falcon: "Falcon, when I'm not here, protect Lu Shaoxi well."


Seeing Lu Shaoxi and Falcon disappear into the night, the smile on Qin Ruxuan's face disappeared suddenly.She said calmly, "Come out, I know you're here."

A ponytailed woman in Hanfu with a sword on her waist came out of the night, bowed slightly and said, "Second Miss."

(End of this chapter)

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