i can eat tips

Chapter 677

Chapter 677
Sandbags, wire mesh and other emergency defensive belts have already been piled up at the entrance of the alliance's branch in Tony. A large number of guards with live ammunition are tensely guarding the defensive belt. Dozens of experts who are at least in the condensate state hold weapons in their hands. Sweep array.The riot in Keihan City and the subsequent two huge explosions put the stationed branch into a state of first-level alert.

As soon as Lu Shaoxi appeared with all the martial artists, he immediately attracted the attention of the guards. Countless black muzzles were aimed at them. The people in front of them seemed to be compatriots, but the Dongni people and the Longxia people looked seven or eight points similar. The situation is tense, how dare the guards relax their vigilance?
Lu Shaoxi saw it, and sneered in his heart, a group of guys who are obviously stern and inwardly, it is true that the people of the Huairou faction are not upright and crooked, they are all virtuous!
He raised his hand to signal the martial artists to stop, and walked forward slowly.

Lu Shaoxi's steps are not big, but with every step, it seems that there is an invisible awe-inspiring momentum stepping on the hearts of everyone, and he exudes an indescribable sense of majesty and vigor that looks down on the world.

What a terrifying momentum!

All the alliance guards and masters at the scene changed their complexions, and felt cold all over their bodies - this man is very strong, unbelievably strong, even if everyone here goes together, he is by no means his opponent!
Lu Shaoxi only took ten or so short steps, and hundreds of people on the side of the alliance were drenched in cold sweat.

Lu Shaoxi finally stopped, and said coldly: "Put down the gun! Is this how the Jingwu Alliance uses guns against compatriots?"

His voice was not loud, but his righteous words were stern, and his true energy was surging. Combined with the terrifying aura just now, it was like a bell in the evening to the ears of the gun-wielding guards and masters. It made the eardrums hurt, and he shot The mouths immediately drooped.

But this scene fell in the eyes of the two or three hundred martial artists behind Lu Shaoxi, and it was another scene.Originally, in their eyes, those who could join the Jingwu Alliance were regarded as superior existences and their backers, so when the demonstrations were besieged by the Tony warriors, they imagined that the Tony branch of the Alliance would send people to rescue them, but the Alliance Not sending anyone here made them very dissatisfied. At this time, seeing these alliance fighters turn pale and tremble after Lu Shaoxi drank it, a feeling of "outside strong, but inside out" rose in their hearts. Disappointment and contempt.

In stark contrast, the young grandmaster who saved them all by himself, and now stood in front of them, holding up a sky for them, was so majestic and generous!Instead of counting on a weak alliance, it is better to follow Lu Shaoxia and make a breakthrough!
Lu Shaoxi saw all the changes through his clairvoyant eyes, and knew that he had succeeded in the first step, and the second step was to force Tony's branch to come forward and send these martial artists and their families back to Long Xia!
But this time, I will take advantage of the situation!

He held up the certificate of his alliance Shangdian and the gold medal of Qianlong instructor, and said loudly: "Qianlong deputy chief instructor, Shangdian Lu Shaoxi is here, please come out and meet Zheng Cong, the governor of the Dongni branch!"

Seeing the gold medal, certificate, and the name "Lu Shaoxi", all the guards and masters were shocked, and they all stood at attention and saluted, not daring to be rude.

The rank of Shangdian is not considered prominent, but the title of deputy chief instructor of Qianlong is not a joke. "Qianlong" is known as the cradle of "Flying Dragon" and rank envoys. How many big figures in the alliance, including Yan Tianbei, were born in "Qianlong".What's more, this person in front of me is Lu Shaoxi!The youngest grandmaster of Long Xia Kingdom!Coupled with the aura and strength that Lu Shaoxi showed just now, how can the people present have half a doubt?Immediately, someone rushed to report to Lieutenant Governor Zheng Cong.

Lieutenant Governor Zheng Cong is over fifty years old. He is not weak and has enough qualifications, but he is meek and indecisive, and he is not doing very well in the alliance headquarters.However, he is the younger brother of the head of the Zheng family of the Yandu family, and he can be regarded as a member of the Huairou faction, so he was sent to be the leader of this Dongni station for ten years.

Zheng Cong strictly follows the policy of "maintaining the friendly relationship with Dongni Wulin and gaining the support of the international Wulin" to handle affairs. The misery of the overseas martial artist in Tony has a lot to do with his inaction. It is because of his step-by-step retreat that the overseas martial artist bullying Long Xia became more and more unscrupulous...

After Yan Tianbei came to Tony, he directly forwarded all the announcements from the branch to the headquarters' instructions verbatim, and he simply shrank in the branch and hardly went out.

He received news of the riots and two big explosions in Keihan City today, and immediately reported to the higher authorities for instructions. At the same time, he ordered his subordinates to guard the door and not to go out and get involved in disputes. At this time, he was anxiously waiting in the office. Following the instructions of the deputy leader Shi Lingxiao, someone suddenly reported that Lu Shaoxi brought two or three hundred foreign martial artists to invite him to meet outside the door, and he was shocked.

Lu Shaoxi's identity is very sensitive now. He acted together with Yan Tianbei, the traitor of the alliance, which made the deputy leader Shi Lingxiao furious. However, Xu Boyun, the other deputy leader, protected him. He even called Yuanyang himself last night, asking Zheng Cong to rescue Lu Shaoxi as much as possible, which made Zheng Cong, who was indecisive and did not want to offend the two big bosses, feel a headache. Neither sleep well.

Now that he hasn't made up his mind what to do, Lu Shaoxi unexpectedly came to his door!Could it be that he was asked to send a ship to escort him back home?Isn't this blatantly hostile to Toni Wumeng?That would cause a big dispute!

Zheng Cong was thinking about finding a reason to avoid seeing him when the office phone rang. Zheng Cong thought it was the call from the deputy leader Shi Lingxiao, and immediately picked it up as if he had found a savior. Thinking of an old and majestic voice coming from inside: "Zheng Zhongdu, I am Shen Jianfei."

Zheng Cong was shocked, Shen Jianfei?Shen Jianfei, the leader of Qianlong at the veteran level?
"Old leader, hello!" Zheng Cong had also been in Qianlong before. Shen Jianfei was the chief instructor himself, and Zheng Cong was his student.At this time, his thoughts changed sharply. It is well known that Mr. Shen and Xu Boyun have a good friendship, so why did you call this time?Could it be Lu Shaoxi again?
"Zheng Zhongdu, I heard that the expatriate martial arts masters in Keihan City cherish their homeland and want to return to Longxia. If it is convenient for you, arrange a boat to take them to Yuanzhou."

Zheng Cong was greatly surprised. Shen Jianfei shouldn't have intervened in this matter, but the old leader opened his mouth. This matter is not too difficult. Zheng Cong hesitated for a while, but agreed: "Yes, don't worry, old leader. I will arrange this as soon as possible."

After finishing the call, Zheng Cong suddenly thought of Lu Shaoxi outside. Could it be that Lu Shaoxi wanted to get mixed up with these martial artists and escape back to Longxia?If so, then this matter cannot be done lightly!

(End of this chapter)

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