i can eat tips

Chapter 678 Farewell

Chapter 678 Farewell
After thinking about it, Zheng Cong finally walked out of the door of Tony's branch.

He saw the young man standing in front of everyone at the first sight. He had a heroic appearance, and his eyes were extremely bright. He looked like an ordinary college student, but he exuded a palpitating aura that made people dare not look directly at him.

Zheng Cong has been in the alliance headquarters for many years, and has had many contacts with the God Transformation Realm. He is quite familiar with this kind of master's demeanor, and immediately made a judgment.

This Lu Shaoxi has really stepped into the grand master realm!

As the so-called shadow of a famous tree, Lu Shaoxi has been on the road for more than a year, and his fame and strength have shot up like a rocket. Now he has stepped up to the realm of becoming a god, and he has not lost a single defeat in all public records. It can be called a prestigious reputation. Hehe, how dare Zheng Cong underestimate him?
While looking at the hundreds of Longxia overseas Chinese martial artists behind Lu Shaoxi, speculating on Lu Shaoxi's intentions, he clasped his fists according to Longxia Wulin's rules, and said politely: "I am Chen Cong, the governor of the alliance's branch in Dongni. Mr. Grandmaster Lu? I have long admired your name!"

This is the first time Lu Shaoxi has heard someone call him "Grand Master Lu", but he also knows that Zheng Cong is a typical old fritter who doesn't want to offend anyone and doesn't want to be responsible for anything. negotiations will go smoothly.

Lu Shaoxi clasped his fists in return and said, "They are all colleagues, Zheng Zhongdu is being polite. Today Lu came here to ask for the lives of thousands of foreign martial artists living in Dongni!"

For this old fritter, it's useless to pretend to be a snake, so he just cut straight to the point in front of everyone.

"Oh, I don't know what Grandmaster Lu is referring to? Mr. Zheng is hanging alone overseas, so I'm afraid he may not be able to help you." Zheng Cong was still polite, but he left an excuse as soon as he opened his mouth, obviously because he was afraid that Lu Shaoxi would bring it up. To escort him back home.

Lu Shaoxi was furious in his heart, what's the use of such a dead vegetarian?

Although he needs Zheng Cong to help send these overseas Chinese back to China, it doesn't mean he has to humbly beg Zheng Cong!

No matter how the Huairou faction dislikes him now, as long as he hasn't publicly issued a document to expel him from Qianlong and the alliance, he will still be the leader of the alliance and the deputy chief instructor of Qianlong!With this status, there is no need to worry about Zheng Cong's status as the lieutenant governor.

Lu Shaoxi took a step forward, his eyes revealing an invisible pressure: "Does Zheng Zhongdu know that there was a riot in the expatriate area half an hour ago, and countless Longxia expatriates encountered catastrophe?"

Zheng Cong only felt the invisible momentum rushing towards his face, making him almost bend down, and he couldn't help being surprised, this Lu Shaoxi's strength is so strong, it doesn't look like he has just stepped into the realm of transforming gods!The most terrifying thing was Lu Shaoxi's intentional or unintentional murderous aura, which sent a chill down Zheng Cong's spine.

This kid was killed so much blood in Dongni, and I heard that he piled up Jingguan, so don't mess with him!
Zheng Cong settled down, and seeing the indignant expressions of the hundreds of Long Xia martial artists, he knew that this matter must not be admitted, so he said with a blank face: "Is there such a thing? Zheng has been in a remote meeting with the headquarters just now. I don’t know about it.” This reason is high-sounding, and no one can blame him.

"There was a riot in the expatriate area just now, and many civilians were injured. Among them, our fellow martial artists suffered the most casualties. Their families were destroyed and their bodies were wounded. They hoped to return to the motherland, but now all the routes from Dongni to Longxia Kingdom are blocked. The blockade, Lu has important matters to do, and he cannot leave Tony for the time being, so I hope Zheng Zhongdu will help arrange the boat and escort them and their families back to the country!"

Lu Shaoxi just saw the phone call between Zheng Cong and Mr. Shen through his clairvoyant eyes, and knew Zheng Cong's bottom line better, so he simply said here that he would continue to stay in Tony.

Zheng Cong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.It's fine if Lu Shaoxi doesn't go with the boat!

This matter is not too difficult, originally Zheng Cong also agreed to the old man Shen Jianfei, but now seeing Lu Shaoxi's amazing strength and murderous aura, it is better to be a favor and quickly send this fierce god away.As for whether Lu Shaoxi is dead or alive in Tony, and what troubles he gets into, Zheng Cong can't care about it.

"Oh, this matter is a bit difficult, but Master Lu has opened his mouth, so Zheng will try his best to coordinate."

"So, thank you Zheng Zhongdu." Lu Shaoxi smiled lightly, turned around and said to the martial artists: "Don't worry, everyone, there will be ships returning home soon." The martial artists cheered thunderously and thanked Lu Shaoxi one after another.Although Zheng Cong was the person in charge, he was left alone.

Zheng Cong was upset, but seeing Lu Shaoxi turn around again, he said calmly, "Master Zheng, I guess it will take a few days for you to prepare the ship, then I will rest at the Tony branch for the time being and wait to see these overseas Chinese off, no problem." Bar?"

There is a problem, of course there is a problem!Zheng Cong was very anxious. Now that Tony and Lu Shaoxi were in conflict, wouldn't it be a big deal if they were mistaken for the fact that Tony's branch was backing Lu Shaoxi and affecting Vice President Shi's strategy?But Lu Shaoxi's identity as the deputy chief instructor of Qianlong is here, and no one can prevent him from entering the branch!
Zheng Cong was sweating profusely in anxiety, and hurriedly said: "I'll arrange the boat right now, and ask Grandmaster Lu to take all the overseas Chinese back to prepare, and wait for us at the port, and the boat will set off in the evening." When the relationship was involved, Zheng Cong gritted his teeth, he would have to beg his grandpa to sue his grandma to find a relationship with the high-level officials of the Dongni Wumeng. No matter what, he had to send these martial artists away as soon as possible.

Lu Shaoxi smiled coldly in his heart, but this was just what he wanted, the sooner the recruits left, the better, and it was time for him to return home with Qin Ruxuan.


The wind was blowing at night, and a large ship of the Jingwu Alliance was preparing to set sail on the port of Keihan City.

"Lu Shaoxia, you and Qin Nvxia really don't want to go back with us?" The old martial artist of Xingyimen was the last one to board the boat, he asked reluctantly.

Lu Shaoxi smiled, and Zheng Cong who was beside him swallowed nervously, fearing that Lu Shaoxi would just get on the boat like this, and that would be a disaster.He repeatedly assured Tony that Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan would not leave Tony, so Tony reluctantly agreed to let him go.

Lu Shaoxi knew that not only were there more than a dozen Tony warships staring at the port in the distance, but there were also countless eyes staring at it around the port. If he and Qin Ruxuan dared to board this ship, it would have been less than two hours after leaving the port. will be sunk.

He said gently: "Ruxuan and I will stay here for a few more days, you go back first, and when you get there, someone will pick you up and go to the Yuanzhou Committee to make arrangements."

The old martial artist thought that the two really had other important matters, after all Yan Tianbei was not there, maybe Lu Shaoxia and Qin Nvxia were going to meet Yan Daxia.So the old martial artist just bowed respectfully and said: "We will never forget the great kindness of Lu Shaoxia and Qin Nvxia!"

The two or three thousand Dragon Xia warriors and their families on the boat also bowed down gratefully and saluted, saying in unison: "We will never forget the great kindness of Lu Shaoxia and Qin Nuxia!"

The voices of thousands of people gathered together, with sincere affection, which made both Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan feel hot in their hearts, and they all returned the gift.

The big ship set sail and gradually moved away, but thousands of people were still standing at the bow, waving their hands here and there.

These can be regarded as the power of Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan's direct lineage, plus the power that Lu Shaoxi originally held in the hands of the people in Yuanzhou and Qin Ruxuan's sisters, it can be regarded as a force that cannot be ignored by anyone.

If the elite of the southwest border branch were integrated, the strength of the two would be even higher!

It wasn't until the big ship disappeared on the sea level that Lu Shaoxi said calmly to Zheng Cong: "Zheng Zhongdu, I'm sorry this time. Let's leave it alone." He was too lazy to be courteous to this old fried dough stick with a vegetarian meal, and pulled Qin Ruxuan to perform light kung fu , disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

He and Qin Ruxuan were going back to Longxia, of course they did not take this route, but another route arranged by the Qin family alone.


"Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan have left the port and are missing."

The news quickly spread throughout the recovered Keihan City, and countless pairs of eyes full of vision began to search for the traces of the two of them again.

 I have been working overtime for the past two nights, and the update is slow.All debts owed by Lao Mo will be made up as soon as possible, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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